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Last active September 21, 2022 21:05
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"Await" one or more tasks in PowerShell in a cancellable manner (e.g. ctrl-c still works)
using namespace System.Threading.Tasks
using namespace System.Collections.Generic
filter Receive-Task {
#Wait on one or more tasks in a cancellable manner
[parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)][Task]$Task,
#How long to wait before checking for a cancellation in milliseconds
[int]$WaitInterval = 500
begin {
[List[Task]]$Tasks = @()
process {
end {
while ($Tasks.count -gt 0) {
$completedTaskIndex = [Task]::WaitAny($Tasks, $WaitInterval)
if ($completedTaskIndex -eq -1) {
#Timeout occured, this provides an opportunity to cancel before waiting again
$completedTask = $Tasks[$completedTaskIndex]
#We use this instead of .Result so we get a proper exception if one was thrown instead of AggregateException
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