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Last active August 3, 2024 08:19
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Create a Data Collection rule with embedded Ingestion DCRs
#requires -module Az.Monitor
using namespace Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Monitor.DataCollection.Models
$Workspace = '/subscriptions/xxxx/resourceGroups/SOC-Sentinel-Syslog/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/SOC-Sentinel-TestWorkspace',
$ResourceGroupName = 'SOC-Sentinel-Syslog',
$Location = 'westus3',
$StreamName = 'Custom-Test',
$Table = 'Custom-merakitest_CL' #This table must already exist
#Building the DCR definition in this way is type safe and will give you intellisense/validation in VSCode/CLI, but you can also build a JSON if you prefer.
$Definition = [DataCollectionRule]@{
StreamDeclaration = @{
$StreamName = [StreamDeclaration]@{
Column = @(
Name = 'TimeGenerated'
Type = 'datetime'
DestinationLogAnalytic = [LogAnalyticsDestination]@{
WorkspaceResourceId = $Workspace
Name = 'workspace'
DataFlow = [DataFlow]@{
Stream = $StreamName
Destination = 'workspace'
OutputStream = $Table
$testDcrParams = @{
Location = $Location
ResourceGroupName = $ResourceGroupName
Definition = $Definition
$newRule = New-JAzDataCollectionRule @testDcrParams -Name 'TestRule2023Linux'
Write-Output $newRule
#This will return the endpoints needed for the log ingestion API
Invoke-AzRestMethod -path "$($" |% Content | ConvertFrom-JSon |% properties |% endpoints
#Alternatively you can go to the Azure Portal, go to the DCR, and go to JSON view AND BE SURE TO TOGGLE API VERSION TO 2023-03-11
using namespace Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Monitor.DataCollection.Models
using namespace System.Management.Automation
function New-JAzDataCollectionRule {
Create a new Data Collection Rule in Azure Monitor. Uses 2023 API for direct DCRs
The MS Documentation on this sucks but the reference has a good example which is how I figured it out:
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'DataCollectionRule')]
[ValidateSet('Direct', 'Linux', 'Windows','WorkspaceTransforms', 'AgentDirectToStore', 'AgentSettings', 'PlatformTelemetry')]
[string]$Kind = 'Direct',
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'DataCollectionRule', Mandatory)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AsJsonString', Mandatory)]
#Provide a JSON definition of a DCR. Unlike the other examples, this should just be the properties section without the header.
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'FromJsonPath', Mandatory)]
#Provide a path to a JSON definition of a DCR. Unlike the other examples, this should just be the properties section without the header.
[string]$ApiVersion = '2023-03-11'
if ($JsonFilePath) {
$Json = Get-Content -Path $JsonFilePath -Raw
if ($Definition) {
$Json = [DataCollectionRule]::FromJsonString($Definition)
[string]$payload = @"
"location": "$Location",
'kind': "$Kind",
"properties": $Json
$iarmParams = @{
ApiVersion = $ApiVersion
Method = 'PUT'
SubscriptionId = (Get-AzContext).Subscription.Id
ResourceGroupName = $ResourceGroupName
ResourceProviderName = 'Microsoft.Insights'
ResourceType = 'dataCollectionRules'
Name = $Name
Payload = $payload
$response = Invoke-AzRestMethod @iarmParams
$result = $response.content | ConvertFrom-Json
if ($result.error) {
$message = "$($result.error.code): $($result.error.message)."
if ($result.error.details) {
foreach ($detail in $result.error.details) {
$message += [Environment]::NewLine + ' ' + "[$($] " + $detail.code + ": " + $detail.message
Write-Output $result
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