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Use Az Module and Microsoft Graph to Grant an Application Role to a User Assigned Managed Identity
#requires -module Az.Resources
#requires -module Az.ManagedServiceIdentity
function Assert-SingleResult ([Object[]]$inputObject, [String]$Description) {
Helper function to ensure one and only one item.
if ($inputObject.count -lt 1) {
Write-Error [InvalidOperationException]"$Description was not found."
return $false
} elseif ($inputObject.count -eq 1) {
return $true
} else {
Write-Error [InvalidOperationException]"$Description is ambiguous and refers to $($inputObject.count) objects."
return $false
function Grant-ApplicationRoleToUserAssignedManagedIdentityById {
#No Az Cmdlet for this yet I don't think, Mg command is New-MgServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignedTo
#Graph Reference:
$GrantAppRoleParams = @{
Uri = "$ResourceId/appRoleAssignedTo"
Method = 'POST'
Payload = @{
principalId = $PrincipalId
resourceId = $ResourceId
appRoleId = $AppRoleId
} | ConvertTo-Json
$result = Invoke-AzRestMethod @GrantAppRoleParams
if ($result.StatusCode -ne 201) {
$errResult = ($result.content | ConvertFrom-Json).error
Write-Error ('{0}: {1}' -f $errResult.code, $errResult.message)
[hashtable]$resultHashTable = $result.content | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashTable
function Grant-ApplicationRoleToUserAssignedManagedIdentity {
Assigns a service principal role to a user assigned managed identity
Grant-ApplicationRoleToUserAssignedManagedIdentity -appname TestGraphApp -RoleName TestAppRole -UserAssignedManagedIdentityName TestUAManagedIdentity -ResourceGroupName MyTestAppRG
param (
#The display name of the application
#The name of the role you wish to grant
#The managed identity name to grant to
#The resource group in which the managed identity resides
$app = Get-AzADServicePrincipal -ConsistencyLevel eventual -Search "displayName:$AppName"
if (-not (Assert-SingleResult $app $appName)) { return }
$role = $app.AppRole | Where-Object DisplayName -EQ $RoleName
if (-not (Assert-SingleResult $role $roleName)) { return }
$identity = Get-AzUserAssignedIdentity -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $UserAssignedManagedIdentityName
if (-not (Assert-SingleResult $identity "$ResourceGroupName\$UserAssignedManagedIdentityName")) { return }
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($App.DisplayName, "Grant $($role.DisplayName) to $($identity.Name)")) {
Grant-ApplicationRoleToUserAssignedManagedIdentityById -ResourceId $app.Id -PrincipalId $identity.PrincipalId -AppRoleId $
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