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Created May 9, 2022 13:55
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* Type guard for cases where one field of a structure determines
* the nullability of a selection of other fields.
* In the best case this will only check the `discriminator` field
* against the given `discriminant`, but you will also get a runtime error
* if any of the given `entailed` fields are `null`-ish when you don't
* expect them to be.
export function checkAndEntail<T, I extends keyof T, J extends keyof T>(
t: T,
discriminator: I,
discriminant: T[I],
entailed: [J],
): t is T & {
[K in keyof T]-?: NonNullable<T[K]>;
} {
if (t[discriminator] !== discriminant) {
return false;
return entailed.every(k => t[k] != null) || unreachable();
// Where `unreachable` is something like
const unreachable = (msg?: string): never => {
throw new Error("unreachable");
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