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Created November 18, 2015 22:40
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use v6;
use Net::MQTT::MyPack;
unit class Net::MQTT;
has Int $.keepalive-interval is rw = 60;
has Int $.maximum-length is rw = 2097152; # 2 MB
has Str $.client-identifier is rw = "perl6-$*PID";
has Str $.server is rw;
has Int $.port is rw = 1883;
has Supply $.messages;
has Supply $!packets;
has Buf $!buf;
has IO::Socket::Async $.connection;
submethod BUILD {
say $!server;
say $!port;
$!messages .= new;
$!packets .= new;
$!buf .= new;
$!packets.tap: {
if (.<type> == 3) { # published message
my $topic-length = .<data>.unpack("n");
my $topic = .<data>.subbuf(2, $topic-length).decode("utf8-c8");
my $message = .<data>.subbuf(2 + $topic-length);
my $retain = .<retain>;
$!messages.emit({ :$topic, :$message, :$retain });
$!connection .= connect($!server, $!port).then( -> $p {
return if not $p.status;
my $socket := $p.result;
react {
my $bs := $socket.bytes-supply;
whenever $bs -> $received {
$!buf ~= $received;
$socket.write: mypack "C m/(n/a* C C n n/a*)", 0x10,
"MQIsdp", 3, 2, $!keepalive-interval, $!client-identifier;
$socket.write: mypack "C m/(n/a* a*)", 0x30,
"hello-world", "Hi there!";
$socket.write: mypack "C m/(C C n/a* C)", 0x82,
0, 0, "", 0;
$socket.write: mypack "C m/(C C n/a* C)", 0x82,
0, 0, "revspace/#", 0;
my $ping := Supply.interval($!keepalive-interval);
$ping.tap: {
say "Sending keepalive";
$socket.write: pack "C x", 0xc0;
method _parse {
my $offset = 1;
my $multiplier = 1;
my $length = 0;
my $d;
return if $offset >= $!buf.elems;
$d = $!buf[$offset++];
$length += ($d +& 0x7f) * $multiplier;
$multiplier *= 128;
redo if $d +& 0x80;
return if $length > $!buf.elems + $offset;
my $first_byte = $!buf[0];
my $packet := hash {
type => ($first_byte +& 0xf0) +> 4,
dup => ($first_byte +& 0x08) +> 3,
qos => ($first_byte +& 0x06) +> 1,
retain => ($first_byte +& 0x01),
data => $!buf.subbuf($offset, $length);
$!buf .= subbuf($offset + $length);
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