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Forked from mschauer/Kalman.jl
Created December 9, 2019 01:28
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Kalman filter, Rauch-Tung-Striebel smoother and parameter estimation with EM procedure for the state space model (Shumway, Stoffer)
module Kalman
using Distributions
export LinearDS, generate, kalmanfilter, kalmanfilter!, kalmanrts, kalmanrts!, kalmanEM, randmvn
Sampling singular semidefinite multivariate normal distributions
x = randmvn(S)
S = cholfact(A, :L, Val{true})
x ~ N(0, A)
randmvn(S) = ipermute!(S[:L]*permute!(randn(size(S,1)),S[:p]), S[:p])
function randmvn(S::Base.LinAlg.CholeskyPivoted, n)
d = size(S,1)
Z = zeros(d, n)
for i in 1:n
Z[:,i] = randmvn(S)
Linear dynamical model with linear observation scheme
type LinearDS
# Initial x1 ~ N(x0, P0)
x0 # d
P0 # dxd
# Evolution x -> Phi x + b + w, w ~ N(0, Q)
Phi # dxd
b # d
Q # dxd
# Observational model y = H*x + v, v ~ N(0, R)
H # d2xd
R # d2xd2
Generate observations
Y, X = generate(n, m, M::LinearDS)
n -- number of observations per simulation
m -- number of independent simulations
M -- linear dynamic system and observation model
Y -- observations (d2xnxm array)
X -- simulated processes (dxnxm array)
function generate(n, m, M::LinearDS)
H, Phi, b = M.H, M.Phi, M.b
d2, d = size(M.H)
X = zeros(d, n, m)
Y = zeros(d2, n, m)
Nv = MvNormal(zeros(d2), M.R)
S = cholfact(M.Q, :L, Val{true}) # allow singular Q
Sx0 = cholfact(M.P0, :L, Val{true}) #
#Nw = MvNormal(zeros(d), M.Q)
#Nx0 = MvNormal(M.x0, M.P0)
for j in 1:m
x = M.x0 + randmvn(Sx0)
V = rand(Nv,n)
W = randmvn(S,n)
X[:, 1, j] = Phi*x + b + W[:, 1]
Y[:, 1, j] = H*x + V[:, 1]
for i in 2:n
x[:] = Phi*x + b + W[:, i]
X[:, i, j] = x
Y[:, i, j] = H*x + V[:, i]
return Y,X
# single Kalman filter step
function kalman_kernel(x, y, P, H, Phi, b, Q, R)
# prediction
x = Phi*x + b
Ppred = Phi*P*Phi' + Q
yres = y - H*x # innovation residual
S = H*Ppred*H' + R # innovation covariance
S = (S+S')/2 # symmetrize
K = Ppred*H'/S # Kalman gain
x = x + K*yres
P = (I - K*H)*Ppred # Ppred - Ppred*H' * inv(H*Ppred*H' + R) * H* Ppred
Sl = chol(S, :L)
ll = -((norm(Sl\yres))^2 + 2sum(log(diag(Sl))))/2 # constant messes up convergence test
#ll = -((norm(Sl\yres))^2 + 2sum(log(diag(Sl))) + length(y)*log(2pi))/2
x, P, Ppred, ll, K
Kalman filter
ll, xxf = kalmanfilter(yy::Matrix, M::LinearDS)
yy -- d2xn array
M -- linear model
ll -- marginal likelihood
xxf -- filtered process
function kalmanfilter(yy::Matrix, M::LinearDS)
d = size(M.Phi,1)
n = size(yy,2)
kalmanfilter!(yy, zeros(d,n), zeros(d, d, n), zeros(d, d, n), M)
function kalmanfilter!(yy, xxf, PP, PPpred, M::LinearDS)
H, Phi, b, Q, R = M.H, M.Phi, M.b, M.Q, M.R
d2, d = size(M.H)
assert(ndims(yy) == 2)
n = size(yy,2)
xf = M.x0
P = M.P0
ll = 0.0
for i in 1:n
xf, P, Ppred, l, _ = kalman_kernel(xf, yy[:, i], P, H, Phi, b, Q, R)
xxf[:, i], PP[:, :, i], PPpred[:, :, i] = xf, P, Ppred
ll += l
xxf, PP, PPpred, ll
function smoother_kernel(xs, Ps, xf, Pf, Ppred, Phi, b)
# xs -- previous
# Ps -- previous
# xf -- xxf[:, i]
# Pf -- PPf[:, :, i]
# Ppred -- PPpred[:, :, i+1]
J = Pf*Phi'/Ppred
xs = xf + J*(xs - (Phi*xf + b))
Ps = Pf + J*(Ps - Ppred)*J'
xs, Ps, J
Rauch-Tung-Striebel smoother
xxs, PP, PPpred, ll = kalmanrts(yy, xxs, M::LinearDS)
yy -- d2xn array or
xxs -- empty dxn array or view
M -- linear dynamic system and observation model
xxs -- smoothed process
PP -- smoother variance
PPpred -- smoother prediction
ll -- filter likelihood
function kalmanrts(yy::Matrix, M::LinearDS)
d = size(M.Phi,1)
n = size(yy,2)
kalmanrts!(yy, zeros(d,n), zeros(d, d, n), zeros(d, d, n), M)
function kalmanrts!(yy, xx, PP, PPpred, M::LinearDS) # using Rauch-Tung-Striebel
# forward pass
# in place! xx = xxf = xxs
# PP = PPf = PPs
xx, PP, PPpred, ll = kalmanfilter!(yy, xx, PP, PPpred, M::LinearDS)
# backwards pass
H, Phi, b = M.H, M.Phi, M.b
d2, d = size(M.H)
assert(ndims(yy) == 2)
n = size(yy,2)
#start with xf, P from forward pass
xs = xx[:, n]
Ps = PP[:, :, n]
for i in n-1:-1:1
xs, Ps, J = smoother_kernel(xs, Ps, xx[:, i], PP[:, :, i], PPpred[:, :, i+1], Phi, b)
xx[:, i] = xs
PP[:, :, i] = Ps
xx, PP, PPpred, ll
Stack Kalman filter
ll, X = kalmanfilter{T}(Y::Array{T,3}, M::LinearDS)
Y -- array of m independent processes (dxnxm array)
X -- filtered processes (dxnxm array)
ll -- product marginal log likelihood
function kalmanfilter{T}(Y::Array{T,3}, M::LinearDS)
d2, n, m= size(Y)
d = length(M.x0)
X = zeros(d,n,m)
PP = zeros(d, d, n)
PPpred = zeros(d, d, n)
ll = 0.
for j in 1:m
ll += kalmanfilter!(sub(Y, :, :, j), sub(X, :, :, j), PP, PPpred, M)[4]
ll, X
Stack Rauch-Tung-Striebel smoother
X = kalmanrts{T}(Y::Array{T,3}, M::LinearDS)
Y -- m independent processes (d2xnxm array)
X -- smoothed processes (dxnxm array)
function kalmanrts{T}(Y::Array{T,3}, M::LinearDS)
d2, n, m= size(Y)
d = length(M.x0)
X = zeros(d,n,m)
PP = zeros(d, d, n)
PPpred = zeros(d, d, n)
ll = 0.
for j in 1:m
ll += kalmanrts!(sub(Y, :, :, j), sub(X, :, :, j), PP, PPpred, M)[4]
ll, X
EM procedure for the state space model (Shumway, Stoffer)
xxhat, Mhat = kalmanEM(yy, M1::LinearDS, maxit = 500, tol = 0.001)
yy -- data
M1 -- initial model
maxit -- maximum number of iterations
tol -- rel. tolerance for test for convergence of marginal likelihood
xxhat, Mhat -- smoothed process with estimated model
function kalmanEM(yy, M::LinearDS, maxit = 500, tol = 0.001)
H, Phi, b, Q, R = M.H, M.Phi, M.b, M.Q, M.R
d2, d = size(M.H)
assert(ndims(yy) == 2)
assert(norm(b) == 0)
n = size(yy,2)
x0 = M.x0
P0 = M.P0
xxs = xxf = zeros(d, n) # #x(f/s)[k] predited and corrected (and smoothed)
PPf = zeros(d, d, n) #P[k,k]
PPpred = zeros(d, d, n) #P[k, k-1]
PPs = zeros(d, d, n) #P[k,k]
PPcs = zeros(d, d, n) #P[k-1,k]
K = zeros(d, d)
cvg = 1.+tol
nll = NaN
for k in 1:maxit
xf = x0
Pf = P0
# E step, forward pass
nllold = nll
nll = 0.
for i in 1:n
xf, Pf, Ppred, l, K = kalman_kernel(xf, yy[:, i], Pf, H, Phi, b, Q, R)
xxf[:, i], PPf[:, :, i], PPpred[:, :, i] = xf, Pf, Ppred
nll -= l
if k > 1
cvg = (nllold-nll)/abs(nllold)
cvg < 0 && warn("Likelihood decreasing")
if abs(cvg) < tol
# println([nll, cvg])
# E step, backwards pass including PPcs
#start with xf, Pf from forward pass
xs = xf
Ps = Pf
PPcs[:, :, n] = (I - K*H)*Phi*PPf[:, :, n-1]
J = PPf[:, :, n]*Phi'/(Phi*Ps*Phi' + Q)
PPs[:, :, n] = Ps
for i in n-1:-1:1
Jprev = J
xs, Ps, J = smoother_kernel(xs, Ps, xxf[:, i], PPf[:, :, i], PPpred[:, :, i+1], Phi, b)
xxs[:, i], PPs[:, :, i] = xs, Ps
j = i + 2 #i = j - 2 as J = J(i)
if 2 < j <= n
Jjm2 = J
Jjm1 = Jprev
PPcs[:, :, j-1] = PPf[:, :, j-1]*Jjm2' + Jjm1*(PPcs[:, :, j] - Phi*PPf[:, :, j-1])*Jjm2'
#Pcs[,,j-1]=Pf[,,j-1]%*%t(J[,,j-2])+ J[,,j-1]%*%(Pcs[,,j]-Phi%*%Pf[,,j-1])%*%t(J[,,j-2])}
x0, P0, J0 = smoother_kernel(xs, Ps, x0, P0, PPpred[:, :, 1], Phi, b)
PPcs[:, :, 1] = PPf[:, :, 1]*J0' + J*(PPcs[:, :, 2] - Phi*PPf[:, :, 1])*J0'
# M step
A11 = xxs[:, 1]*xxs[:, 1]' + PPs[:, :, 1]
A10 = xxs[:, 1]*x0' + PPcs[:, :, 1]
A00 = x0*x0' + P0
u = yy[:,1]-H*xxs[:,1]
R = u*u' + H*PPs[:, :, 1]*H'
for i in 1:n-1
A11 = A11 + xxs[:, i+1]*xxs[:, i+1]' + PPs[:, :, i+1]
A10 = A10 + xxs[:, i+1]*xxs[:, i]' + PPcs[:, :, i+1]
A00 = A00 + xxs[:, i]*xxs[:, i]' + PPs[:, :, i]
u = yy[:,i+1]-H*xxs[:,i+1]
R = R + u * u' + H*PPs[:, :, i+1]*H'
Phi = A10/A00
Q = (A11 - Phi*A10')/n
Q = (Q+Q')/2
R = R/n
# println("PARAM $k: nll", [nll, cvg], "\n x0 $x0\n P0 $P0\n R $R\n Phi $Phi\n Q $Q")
xxs, LinearDS(x0, P0, Phi, b, Q, H, R)
end #module
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