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Last active February 11, 2021 19:01
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Marble.js 3.0 - microservice example
// 📄 publisher - fib.effect.ts
const fib$ = r.pipe(
r.useEffect((req$, ctx) => {
const client = useContext(ClientToken)(ctx.ask);
return req$.pipe(
map(req => req.params.number),
mergeMap(number => forkJoin(
client.send({ type: 'FIB', payload: number + 0 }),
client.send({ type: 'FIB', payload: number + 1 }),
client.send({ type: 'FIB', payload: number + 2 }),
map(body => ({ body })),
// 📄 consumer - fib.effect.ts
const microservice = createMicroservice({
transport: Transport.AMQP,
options: {
host: 'amqp://localhost:5672',
queue: 'fib_queue',
listener: messagingListener({
effects: [fib$],
const fib$: MsgEffect = event$ =>
act(event => of(event).pipe(
map(event => fib(event.payload)),
map(payload => reply(event)({ payload })),
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