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Created September 12, 2024 02:48
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How to set up Clojure on M1 using Homebrew: A thread

How to set up Clojure on M1 using Homebrew: A thread

I’m upgrading from a Mid 2014 MacBook Pro, so this isn’t a fair comparison to recent Intel machines, but if you’re like me and were waiting for a MacBook with a decent keyboard, you’ll see a big speed boost.

Non-scientific comparison - time to compile my ClojureScript project

  • Mid 2014 MacBook Pro - 14s
  • M1 Pro MacBook Pro (under Rosetta) - 17s
  • M1 Pro MacBook Pro (native) - 6s

Setting up Homebrew

First, make sure your architecture is reported correctly:

/usr/bin/uname -m should return arm64

If this doesn’t work, it’s because you’re running this command from a shell (or tmux) that is running under Rosetta. Change your shell for the following steps.

Install Homebrew as per the instructions here . It's fine to install again even if you have Homebrew already.

It should ask to install in /opt/homebrew. If it doesn’t, see the previous step.

Going forward, you’ll be using /opt/homebrew/bin/brew to install M1 binaries, and /usr/local/bin/brew to uninstall the old Intel ones.

which brew should return /opt/homebrew/bin/brew .

Installing Clojure, Leiningen, and Java via Homebrew

Now you can install all your tools, including Zulu, which is a M1 native version of the JVM

arch -arm64 brew install zulu clojure/tools/clojure leiningen

Setting up jenv

Optional, but I find it handy to isntall jenv to manage JVM versions. If you skip this step, you’ll just need to set JAVA_HOME yourself

arch -arm64 brew install jenv
ls -al /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/  # find the dir for zulu
jenv add /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/zulu-17.jdk/Contents/Home
jenv versions # check that zulu is set up
jenv global zulu64-17.0.1

Confirming the installation

To confirm this all worked, run clojure or lein repl and check Activity Monitor. You should see a java process where the “Kind” is “Apple”, not “Intel”. Enjoy the performance boost!

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