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Last active August 17, 2016 14:54
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Spinning words in the console
require "io/console"
text = ARGV.join(" ").split(/\b/).flat_map.with_index(0) do |word, index| { |char| "\e[9#{index%7+1}m#{char}" }
end + (" "*10).chars
include Math
print "\e[H\e[2J\e[?25l"
at_exit { print "\e[#{$stdout.winsize[0]-2}H\e[A\e[?25h" }
radius = text.length / 2 / PI
ø = 2 * PI / text.length
loop.with_index do |*, cursor|
text.each.with_index -cursor do |c, i|
y = sin(ø*i - PI/2)*radius + radius + 1
x = cos(ø*i - PI/2)*radius*2 + radius*2 + 1
print "\e[#{y.floor};#{x.floor}H#{c}"
sleep 0.1
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