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Created August 8, 2011 14:20
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Vim formula for HomeBrew
# Vim formula for HomeBrew
# Written by Joseph Ku <>
# All right reserved.
require 'formula'
class Vim < Formula
url '', :tag => 'v7-3-509'
#url 'ftp://ftp.vim.rog/pub/vim/unix/vim-7.3.tar.bz2'
#md5 '5b9510a17074e2b37d8bb38ae09edbf2'
version '7.3.509'
head '', :using => :hg
homepage ''
def install
args = [ "--prefix=#{prefix}",
"--with-features=huge" ]
system "./configure", *args
system "make install"
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JosephKu commented Aug 8, 2011

To install this formula, right-click 'raw' at the top-right corner of the text area, copy URL, and run the following command:

$ brew install <paste-URL-here>

If you want to download this formula to /usr/local/Library/Formula/, and install it locally, please install it with the option --force, since the latest HomeBrew had the "blacklist" check:

$ curl <paste-URL-here> -o /usr/local/Library/Formula/vim.rb
$ brew install vim --force

To get the sources of Vim, please install Mercurial first:

$ sudo easy_install pip && sudo pip install mercurial

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JosephKu commented Aug 8, 2011

If you are using RVM, please remember to use system Ruby before you install this formula:

$ rvm use system

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Update to v7-3-346

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Update to v7-3-509

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