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Last active September 11, 2024 21:11
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This is the Countdown class used for the episode 22 of the JEP Café series
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Function;
* This is the code used for the episode 22 of the JEP Café series, on Data Oriented Programming.
* You can watch this episode here:
* The full JEP Café series is here:
public record Countdown(List<Integer> ints, int target) {
public enum Operator {
public Countdown {
Elements.allElements = HashSet.newHashSet(600_000);
private static final
Function<Element, Gatherer<Element, ?, Element>> insertPreservingOrder =
element -> Gatherer.ofSequential(
() -> new Object() {
Element previous;
this.previous = element;
(state, e, downstream) -> {
if (e.compareTo(state.previous) < 0) {
return downstream.push(e);
} else {
var previous = state.previous;
state.previous = e;
return downstream.push(previous);
(state, downstream) -> {
sealed interface Element
extends Comparable<Element>
permits Number, Operation {
default int compareTo(Element other) {
return compareElement(this, other);
record Target(int value) {
public boolean matches(Element element) {
return switch (element) {
case Number(int n) -> n == value;
case Add(_, _, int result) -> result == value;
case Sub(_, _, int result) -> result == value;
case Mult(_, _, int result) -> result == value;
case Div(_, _, int result) -> result == value;
public boolean doesntMatch(Element element) {
return !matches(element);
sealed interface Operation extends Element permits Add, Sub, Mult, Div {
static Operation of(Operator operator, Element left, Element right) {
return switch (operator) {
case ADD -> new Add(left, right);
case SUB -> new Sub(left, right);
case MULT -> new Mult(left, right);
case DIV -> new Div(left, right);
record Add(Element e1, Element e2, int result) implements Operation {
public Add(Element e1, Element e2) {
this(e1, e2, resolve(e1) + resolve(e2));
record Sub(Element e1, Element e2, int result) implements Operation {
public Sub(Element e1, Element e2) {
this(e1, e2, resolve(e1) - resolve(e2));
record Mult(Element e1, Element e2, int result) implements Operation {
public Mult(Element e1, Element e2) {
this(e1, e2, resolve(e1) * resolve(e2));
record Div(Element e1, Element e2, int result) implements Operation {
public Div(Element e1, Element e2) {
this(e1, e2, resolve(e1) / resolve(e2));
record Number(int value) implements Element {
record Elements(List<Element> elements) implements Iterable<Element> {
private static Set<Elements> allElements;
public Iterator<Element> iterator() {
return elements.iterator();
public int size() {
return this.elements.size();
public Stream<Element> stream() {
public List<Elements> mergeElements(int leftIndex, int rightIndex) {
var left = this.get(leftIndex);
var right = this.get(rightIndex);
Elements elements = remove(rightIndex).remove(leftIndex);
.<Element>mapMulti((op, downstream) -> {
switch (op) {
case ADD -> downstream.accept(Operation.of(op, left, right));
case SUB -> {
if (resolve(left) > resolve(right)) {
downstream.accept(Operation.of(op, left, right));
case MULT -> {
if (resolve(left) > 1 && resolve(right) > 1) {
downstream.accept(Operation.of(op, left, right));
case DIV -> {
if (resolve(right) > 1 && resolve(left) % resolve(right) == 0) {
downstream.accept(Operation.of(op, left, right));
private Elements add(Element element) {
return new Elements(
private Elements remove(int removedIndex) {
return new Elements(IntStream.range(0, elements.size())
.filter(index -> index != removedIndex)
private Element get(int index) {
return this.elements.get(index);
record Solution(Stream<Element> elements) {
public Solution(Stream<Element> solutions, Stream<Element> moreSolutions) {
this(Stream.of(solutions, moreSolutions).flatMap(Function.identity()));
record CountdownSolver(Elements elements, Target target) {
public Solution solve() {
var solutions =;
var nextElements =;
if (nextElements.isEmpty()) {
return new Solution(;
} else {
var moreSolutions =
.map(elements -> new CountdownSolver(elements, target))
return new Solution(,;
private static int compareElement(Element e1, Element e2) {
return, resolve(e1));
private static int resolve(Element element) {
return switch (element) {
case Number number -> number.value();
case Add(_, _, int result) -> result;
case Mult(_, _, int result) -> result;
case Sub(_, _, int result) -> result;
case Div(_, _, int result) -> result;
private static List<Elements> reduce(List<Element> elements) {
return reduce(new Elements(elements));
private static List<Elements> reduce(Elements elements) {
return IntStream.range(0, elements.size())
.flatMap(leftIndex ->
IntStream.range(leftIndex + 1, elements.size())
.flatMap(rightIndex -> elements.mergeElements(leftIndex, rightIndex).stream())
private static String composeElement(Element element) {
return switch (element) {
case Number(int value) -> Integer.toString(value);
case Add(Element left, Element right, _) -> "(" + composeElement(left) + "+" + composeElement(right) + ")";
case Mult(Element left, Element right, _) -> "(" + composeElement(left) + "*" + composeElement(right) + ")";
case Sub(Element left, Element right, _) -> "(" + composeElement(left) + "-" + composeElement(right) + ")";
case Div(Element left, Element right, _) -> "(" + composeElement(left) + "/" + composeElement(right) + ")";
private static Collection<String> composeResult(Solution solutions) {
return solutions.elements()
public Collection<String> solve() {
var intsAsElements =
var elements = new Elements(intsAsElements);
var target = new Target(;
var solver = new CountdownSolver(elements, target);
var solutions = solver.solve();
Collection<String> composedSolutions = composeResult(solutions);
return composedSolutions;
public static void main(String... args) {
// var numbers = List.of(25, 50, 75, 100, 1, 10);
// var target = 813;
// var numbers = List.of(75, 25, 50, 100, 8, 2);
// var target = 431;
// var numbers = List.of(25, 100, 75, 50, 6, 4);
// var target = 821;
// var numbers = List.of(1, 3, 5, 10, 25, 50);
// var target = 999;
var numbers = List.of(3, 1, 7, 8, 1, 4);
var target = 246;
var start =;
var solutions = new Countdown(numbers, target).solve();
var end =;
System.out.println(STR."Time taken: \{Duration.between(start, end).toMillis()}ms");
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A small issue in this example. It's missing the Operator enum.

  enum Operator {

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Ooops... Thanks for reporting! It should be fixed now.

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pdeneve commented Feb 14, 2024

There seems to be a typo in the println on line 290: Duration.between(start, end).toString() will print the difference in seconds rather than ms; the S is already added.

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Thank you for the report! I fixed the code, using a nice preview feature.

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pdeneve commented Feb 14, 2024

Yes, a String template, very nice!

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muescha commented Feb 19, 2024

note for Gatherer and STR: you need to use JDK 22

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Absolutely, and activate the preview features.
Thank you for pointing this out.

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pdeneve commented Apr 30, 2024

Maybe one other slight improvement: I don't think that the Elements record has to implement Iterable?

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I was a bit confused at first when reading the integrator of the gatherer: Element.compareTo() returns the opposite of what compareTo() returns conventionally.

Hence a small suggestion to make the code easier to understand (at first reading):

  • Line 205: Change the natural ordering of Element by swapping e1 and e2 so that, resolve(e1)) becomes, resolve(e2)).
  • Line 34: Replace < with > do adjust the gatherer.
  • Line 256: Replace .sorted() with .sorted(Comparator.reverseOrder()) to adjust the initial sorting.

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