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Last active September 29, 2017 20:17
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Steps for Robot Masters Demo
  • You may wanna do a npm install before the talk starts. It's a lot of dead time...and you know WIFI issues.

  • Remove everything inside `render()


constructor() {
    this.state = {
        robots: ['Proto Man', 'Mega Man']

Inside render():

render() {
  • Display the list
  render() {    
    return (
        How many I got: {this.state.robots.length}
      <ul>{, i) =>(
  • Show js deconstrution
  render() {
    const { robots } = this.state;   
    return (
        How many I got: {robots.length}

        {, i) =>{
          return (<li>{robot}</li>);

Get real data

Create new method getData()

getData() {    
  const url = 'http://localhost:5000/api/robot/'

    .then(response => response.json())
    .then(json => {
      this.setState({robots: json});

call it from componentDidMount

componentDidMount() {    

Change to

{, i) =>{
    return (
    <li key={}>
        <img height="40" width="40" src={robot.avatar} alt={} />
        {} - {robot.weakness}

Create first stateless component

  • Create folder components
  • Create new file called RobotMaster.js

Use shortcut rsc to create stateless component and name it RobotMaster.

Add props as a parameter

const RobotMaster = (props) => {
    return (

export default RobotMaster;

Copy the jsx from the function

<li key={}>
    <img height="40" width="40" src={robot.avatar} alt={} />
    {} - {robot.weakness}

Before return(), add

const { id, name, avatar, weakness } = props;

Example of deconstruction in JS.

Clean up the JSX. Remove robot.

Complete component should look like this:

import React from 'react';

const RobotMaster = (props) => {
    const { id, name, avatar, weakness } = props;
    return (
          <img height="40" width="40" src={avatar} alt={name} />
          {name} - {weapon}

export default RobotMaster;

Using component

Back in App.js. Import component

import RobotMaster from './components/RobotMaster'

Replace code inside with new component.

Finished Render() shoud look like this:

render() {    
    const { robots } = this.state;
    return (
        How many I got: {robots.length}

        {, i) => {
          return (
            <RobotMaster key={} {...robot} />



Let's kick up a notch! Import base.css and remove app.css

+ import './stylesheets/base.css';
- ./stylesheets/base.css;

In the return (...) method, add id='shuffle' to the first div:

return (
+     <div id="shuffle">
        How many do I have? 
        {, i) => {
          return (
            <RobotMaster key={} {...robot}/>


Update RobotMaster.js

Add the following code:

<li className='list-item card list'>

Add a new div tag to include the avatar, name and id:

<div className='robot-mug'>
    <img src={avatar} alt={name}/>
    <div className='robot-name'>{name}</div>
    <div className='robot-serial'>Serial: {id}</div>

Add the weakness and image sprite sections

<div className="robot-info">  
    <h3 className="robot-weakness">Weakness</h3>
<div className="robot-other">
    <img className="img-sprite" alt={name} src={sprite1} />

Note: You probably need sprite1 to the deconstruction section:

const { id, name, avatar, weapon, sprite1 } = props;

Note: If your results look odd, don't forget to zoom to 100% in the browser!!

Final result:

<li className={listClass}>
    <div className="robot-mug">
        <img src={avatar} alt={name}/>
        <div className='robot-name'>{name}</div>
        <div className='robot-serial'>Serial: {id}</div>
    <div className="robot-info">  
        <h3 className="robot-weapon">Weapon</h3>
    <div className="robot-other">
        <img className="img-sprite" alt={name} src={sprite1} />

Creating Toggle button

Example of a component class

Add a new file in the Components folder. Name it Toggle.js.

Use the shor-cut: rcc. Set the spaces:2, if you have to.

Add the following code inside the render() method.

const { text, icon, active, clickHandler } = this.props;

Change the return to:

<button onClick={clickHandler}>

Let's use it!

Import Toggle.js in App.js

import Toggle from './Components/Toggle';

Use it!

Add new divs right beneath <div id='shuffle'>

<div style={{padding: 15}}/>

<div className='abs-left'>
        clickHandler = {this.selectSeries}
        clickHandler = {this.selectSeries}
        clickHandler = {this.selectSeries}

<div style={{padding: 15}}/>

Add a new method called selectSeries

selectSeries(e) {
    if (this.state.selectedSeries === return;


Add a new variable to the state in the constructor:

this.state = {
    robots: [],
+   selectedSeries: 'All'

Edit the getData() method to handle the selected series

+const {selectedSeries} = this.state;

let url = 'http://localhost:5000/api/robot/';

+ if (selectedSeries !== 'All') {
+    url = url + `series/${selectedSeries}`;

Do not forget to hook up the event in the constructor!!

constructor() {
    this.state = {
      selectedSeries: 'All'

+    this.selectSeries = this.selectSeries.bind(this);

Also add the componentDidUpdate event. Add it under componentDidMount()

Even fires whenever the component updates. So we are using this as a way to get data with the proper selectedSeries

  componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
    if (this.state.selectedSeries !== prevState.selectedSeries) {

Back to Toggle for a face lift

Import classnames library

import classNames from 'classnames';

Add following code before return() method

const buttonClass = classNames ({
    'button-toggle': true,
    'no-icon': !icon,

Add a className to button:

<button className={buttonClass} onClick={clickHandler}>

Final render should look like:

render() {
    const { text, icon, active, clickHandler } = this.props;
    const buttonClass = classNames ({
      'button-toggle': true,
      'no-icon': !icon,

    return (
      <button className={buttonClass} 

Still the toggling of color is not working :(

Let's fix that easily!

Fixing toggle color

Add active = {selectedSeries === 'All'} to each Toggle button to toggle their active state.

<div className='abs-left'>
+   active = {selectedSeries === 'All'}
    clickHandler = {this.selectSeries}
+   active = {selectedSeries === '2'}
    clickHandler = {this.selectSeries}
+   active = {selectedSeries === '3'}
    clickHandler = {this.selectSeries}

Note: Do not forget to include selectedSeries in the desconstruction

const {robots, selectedSeries} = this.state;

Add the rest of the series. Copy/Paste the last Toggle syntax.


In App.js, import library at the top

import FlipMove from 'react-flip-move';

Change the return section.

Replace <RobotMaster key={} {...robot}/>


  <div key={}>
    <RobotMaster Robot={robot}/>


Add font-awesome icon in Toggle.js

const iconClass=`fa fa-fw fa-${icon}`;

and add a section <i className={iconClass} />

render() {
    const { text, icon, active, clickHandler } = this.props;
    const buttonClass = classNames ({
      'button-toggle': true,
      'no-icon': !icon,
    const iconClass=`fa fa-fw fa-${icon}`;

    return (
      <button className={buttonClass} onClick={clickHandler}>
        <i className={iconClass} />

Add a shuffle button!

import lodash

import { shuffle } from 'lodash';

Add new method:

sortShuffle() {    
    this.setState({robots: shuffle(this.state.robots)});

Don't forget to bind it in the constructor:

constructor() {
    this.state = {
      selectedSeries: 'All'

    this.selectSeries = this.selectSeries.bind(this);
+   this.sortShuffle  = this.sortShuffle.bind(this);

Add a new button right before the <div style ={{padding: 15}} />

<div className="abs-right" style={{ height: 10}}>
        clickHandler = {this.sortShuffle}

Demo it!

Shows off the font-awesome!

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