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Last active October 12, 2015 07:17
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Save JorgenHookham/3990573 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// Merge Conflicts //
(?s)<<<<<<< HEAD(.*?)=======(.*?)>>>>>>> [a-z_0-9\-]+
// HTML Analysis //
// Find a class name in HTML
// Make sure to update SASS extensions at the same time as your HTML! (@extend .SEEK_THIS_CLASS)
class=.*[" ]SEEK_THIS_CLASS.*"
// Find a tag with a class name in HTML
div.*class=.*[" ]SEEK_THIS_CLASS.*"
// Media Query Analysis //
// Find @media queries containing main breakpoints
// Find @media queries that do not contain main breakpoints
// Find Front End TODOs //
// sublime text find in files include/exlude paths (not a regex)
// exclude TODOs by subject. ex: TODO(?!\[ajax\-csrf\]) excludes TODO[ajax-csrf]
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