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Last active April 4, 2017 05:35
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  • Save JorgeGT/1da63221e99265d26dfda4ec23bf312b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save JorgeGT/1da63221e99265d26dfda4ec23bf312b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
%% Init
clear all
close all
%!cp -v ~/place/*.png ~/place
%% Import data and sum
files = dir('1*.png');
image = imread(files(1).name);
chnum = zeros(1e3,1e3);
for i = 2:length(files)
if mod(i,5) == 0
disp([num2str(round(i/length(files)*100,2)) '% completed'])
imori = int16(image);
image = int16(imread(files(i).name));
difference = abs(double(logical(image-imori)));
if sum(sum(difference)) < 1000 % delete frames with colormap changes
chnum = chnum + difference;
%% Plot
figure('Position',[0 0 1000,1000],'Visible','off')
axis equal
axis off
colormap(inferno(700)) % needs
caxis([0 20]) % rounded up from prctile(chnum(:),[2 98])
c = colorbar('southoutside');
c.FontSize = 6;
c.Label.String = '\bfActivity (recorded color changes)';
c.Position = c.Position .* [0.9 0.9 0.3 0.3];
export_fig ~/Dropbox/out_3 -png -r300 % needs
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