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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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module DefArgs
( Vec4 (..)
, ToVec4
, toVec4
) where
data Vec4 = Vec4 Number Number Number Number
instance showVec4 :: Show Vec4 where
show (Vec4 x y z t) =
"(Vec4 " ++
show x ++ " " ++
show y ++ " " ++
show z ++ " " ++
show t ++ ")"
class ToVec4 a where
toVec4 :: a -> Vec4
instance toVec4AllArgs :: ToVec4 Vec4 where
toVec4 = id
instance toVec4With3Args :: ToVec4 (Number -> Vec4) where
toVec4 f = f 1
instance toVec4With2Args :: ToVec4 (Number -> Number -> Vec4) where
toVec4 f = f 0 1
toVec4 $ Vec4 3 2 1 5
=> (Vec4 3 2 1 5)
toVec4 $ Vec4 3 2
=> (Vec4 3 2 0 1)
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