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Automatically create an IMDB Top 250 collection in Plex using an existing movie library
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Automated IMDB Top 250 Plex collection script by /u/SwiftPanda16
# *** Use at your own risk! ***
# *** I am not responsible for damages to your Plex server or libraries. ***
import json
import requests
import time
from lxml import html
from plexapi.server import PlexServer
### Plex server details ###
PLEX_URL = 'http://localhost:32400'
PLEX_TOKEN = 'xxxxxxxxxx'
### Existing movie library details ###
MOVIE_LIBRARIES = ['Movies', 'Kids Movies']
### New IMDB Top 250 library details ###
### The Movie Database details ###
# Enter your TMDb API key if your movie library is using "The Movie Database" agent.
# This will be used to convert the TMDb IDs to IMDB IDs.
# You can leave this blank '' if your movie library is using the "Plex Movie" agent.
##### CODE BELOW #####
def add_collection(library_key, rating_key):
headers = {"X-Plex-Token": PLEX_TOKEN}
params = {"type": 1,
"id": rating_key,
"collection[0].tag.tag": IMDB_COLLECTION_NAME,
"collection.locked": 1
url = "{base_url}/library/sections/{library}/all".format(base_url=PLEX_URL, library=library_key)
r = requests.put(url, headers=headers, params=params)
def remove_collection(library_key, rating_key):
headers = {"X-Plex-Token": PLEX_TOKEN}
params = {"type": 1,
"id": rating_key,
"collection[].tag.tag-": IMDB_COLLECTION_NAME
url = "{base_url}/library/sections/{library}/all".format(base_url=PLEX_URL, library=library_key)
r = requests.put(url, headers=headers, params=params)
def get_imdb_id_from_tmdb(tmdb_id):
if not TMDB_API_KEY:
return None
# Wait 10 seconds for the TMDb rate limit
params = {"api_key": TMDB_API_KEY}
url = "{tmdb_id}".format(tmdb_id=tmdb_id)
r = requests.get(url, params=params)
if r.status_code == 200:
movie = json.loads(r.text)
return movie['imdb_id']
return None
def run_imdb_top_250():
plex = PlexServer(PLEX_URL, PLEX_TOKEN)
print("No Plex server found at: {base_url}".format(base_url=PLEX_URL))
print("Exiting script.")
return [], 0
# Get list of movies from the Plex server
all_movies = []
for movie_lib in MOVIE_LIBRARIES:
print("Retrieving a list of movies from the '{library}' library in Plex...".format(library=movie_lib))
movie_library = plex.library.section(movie_lib)
library_language = movie_library.language # IMDB will use language from last library in list
print("The '{library}' library does not exist in Plex.".format(library=movie_lib))
print("Exiting script.")
return [], 0
# Get the IMDB Top 250 list
print("Retrieving the IMDB Top 250 list...")
r = requests.get(IMDB_CHART_URL, headers={'Accept-Language': library_language})
tree = html.fromstring(r.content)
top_250_titles = tree.xpath("//table[contains(@class, 'chart')]//td[@class='titleColumn']/a/text()")
top_250_years = tree.xpath("//table[contains(@class, 'chart')]//td[@class='titleColumn']/span/text()")
top_250_ids = tree.xpath("//table[contains(@class, 'chart')]//td[@class='ratingColumn']/div//@data-titleid")
# Create a dictionary of {imdb_id: movie}
imdb_map = {}
for m in all_movies:
if 'imdb://' in m.guid:
imdb_id = m.guid.split('imdb://')[1].split('?')[0]
elif 'themoviedb://' in m.guid:
tmdb_id = m.guid.split('themoviedb://')[1].split('?')[0]
imdb_id = get_imdb_id_from_tmdb(tmdb_id)
imdb_id = None
if imdb_id and imdb_id in top_250_ids:
imdb_map[imdb_id] = m
imdb_map[m.ratingKey] = m
# Add movies to the IMDB Top 250 collection
print("Adding the collection '{}' to movies on the IMDB Top 250 list...".format(IMDB_COLLECTION_NAME))
in_library_idx = []
for i, imdb_id in enumerate(top_250_ids):
movie = imdb_map.pop(imdb_id, None)
if movie:
add_collection(movie.librarySectionID, movie.ratingKey)
# Remove movies from collection with are no longer on the IMDB Top 250 list
print("Removing the collection '{}' from movies not on the IMDB Top 250 list...".format(IMDB_COLLECTION_NAME))
count = 0
for movie in imdb_map.values():
remove_collection(movie.librarySectionID, movie.ratingKey)
# Get list of missing IMDB Top 250 movies
missing_imdb_250 = [(idx, imdb) for idx, imdb in enumerate(zip(top_250_ids, top_250_titles, top_250_years))
if idx not in in_library_idx]
return missing_imdb_250, len(top_250_ids)
if __name__ == "__main__":
print(" Automated IMDB Top 250 Plex collection script by /u/SwiftPanda16 ")
missing_imdb_250, list_count = run_imdb_top_250()
print("Number of IMDB Top 250 movies in the library: {count}".format(count=list_count-len(missing_imdb_250)))
print("Number of missing IMDB Top 250 movies: {count}".format(count=len(missing_imdb_250)))
print("\nList of missing IMDB Top 250 movies:\n")
for idx, (imdb_id, title, year) in missing_imdb_250:
print("{idx}\t{imdb_id}\t{title} {year}".format(idx=idx+1, imdb_id=imdb_id, title=title.encode('UTF-8'), year=year))
print(" Done! ")
raw_input("Press Enter to finish...")
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riemers commented Apr 16, 2017

Don't know if the reddit is checked often, usually github automails. But here is a link to a issue i described on reddit

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jalarab commented Dec 14, 2017

hello: i would like to use your script to import IMDB lists to collections, do you think it is easy to adapt? I really don't know python

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jalarab commented May 31, 2018

still working? I am asking because I adapted to import every IMDB list to a Plex Collection and my script stop working, I don't know why, It seems to be some change on IMDB site.

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seanap commented Sep 23, 2018

It is working, I had leave it for a really long time but it did finish. Thank you!

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Simpuhl commented Jul 16, 2019

It added 43 movies and reports a bunch of missing, however I have many of those movies its reported as missing. How can I fix this?

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is it possible to modify the code in order to get a collection of the top 250 movies from metacritic? or from rotten tomatoes?

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I tried this code but it didn't work. While there are about 1500 movies in my library.
Here's what I get in the output:

Automated IMDB Top 250 Plex collection script by /u/SwiftPanda16

Retrieving a list of movies from the 'Movies' library in Plex...
Retrieving the IMDB Top 250 list...
Adding the collection 'IMDB Top 250' to movies on the IMDB Top 250 list...
Removing the collection 'IMDB Top 250' from movies not on the IMDB Top 250 list...


Number of IMDB Top 250 movies in the library: 0
Number of missing IMDB Top 250 movies: 0

List of missing IMDB Top 250 movies:


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I had to update the headers to mimic a browser,
its seems top_250_titles = tree.xpath("//table[contains(@class, 'chart')]//td[@class='titleColumn']/a/text()") is not longer working as it returns an empty list on my end unless I am doing something incorrect

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Seems IMDB have changed the site from a table to a list

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