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Last active September 15, 2024 18:23
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Selects the default TMDB poster for movies in a Plex library if the current poster is from Gracenote.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Description: Selects the default TMDB poster if no poster is selected
or the current poster is from Gracenote.
Author: /u/SwiftPanda16
Requires: plexapi
* Change the posters for an entire library:
python --library "Movies"
* Change the poster for a specific item:
python --rating_key 1234
* By default locked posters are skipped. To update locked posters:
python --library "Movies" --include_locked
Tautulli script trigger:
* Notify on recently added
Tautulli script conditions:
* Filter which media to select the poster. Examples:
[ Media Type | is | movie ]
Tautulli script arguments:
* Recently Added:
--rating_key {rating_key}
import argparse
import os
import plexapi.base
from plexapi.server import PlexServer
# Environmental Variables
def select_tmdb_poster_library(library, include_locked=False):
for item in library.all(includeGuids=False):
# Only reload for fields
item.reload(**{k: 0 for k, v in item._INCLUDES.items()})
select_tmdb_poster_item(item, include_locked=include_locked)
def select_tmdb_poster_item(item, include_locked=False):
# if item.isLocked('thumb') and not include_locked: # PlexAPI 4.5.10
if next((f.locked for f in item.fields if == 'thumb'), False) and not include_locked:
print(f"Locked poster for {item.title}. Skipping.")
posters = item.posters()
selected_poster = next((p for p in posters if p.selected), None)
if selected_poster is None:
print(f"WARNING: No poster selected for {item.title}.")
skipping = ' Skipping.' if selected_poster.provider != 'gracenote' else ''
print(f"Poster provider is '{selected_poster.provider}' for {item.title}.{skipping}")
if posters and (selected_poster is None or selected_poster.provider == 'gracenote'):
# Fallback to first poster if no TMDB posters are available
tmdb_poster = next((p for p in posters if p.provider == 'tmdb'), posters[0])
# Selecting the poster automatically locks it
print(f"Selected {tmdb_poster.provider} poster for {item.title}.")
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--rating_key', type=int)
parser.add_argument('--include_locked', action='store_true')
opts = parser.parse_args()
plex = PlexServer(PLEX_URL, PLEX_TOKEN)
if opts.rating_key:
item = plex.fetchItem(opts.rating_key)
select_tmdb_poster_item(item, opts.include_locked)
elif opts.library:
library = plex.library.section(opts.library)
select_tmdb_poster_library(library, opts.include_locked)
print("No --rating_key or --library specified. Exiting.")
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I love the idea behind this script, but I'm getting the following error. Any ideas?

Tautulli Notifiers :: Script error:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/opt/Tautulli/scripts/", line 106, in <module>
            select_tmdb_poster_item(item, opts.include_locked)
        File "/opt/Tautulli/scripts/", line 74, in select_tmdb_poster_item
            if item.isLocked('thumb') and not include_locked:
        File "/opt/Tautulli/lib/plexapi/", line 516, in __getattribute__
            value = super(PlexPartialObject, self).__getattribute__(attr)
    AttributeError: 'Movie' object has no attribute 'isLocked'

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Hey, awesome code! Thanks!

I tried running it and was successful with a single movie, like this:

(plex-env) joe@sauron:~/utils/plex-scripts$ python --rating_key 111171
Poster provider is 'gracenote' for The Card Counter.
Selected tmdb poster for The Card Counter.

I verified the poster was changed.

When I tried to run it on my library I get this error:

(plex-env) joe@sauron:~/utils/plex-scripts$ python --library "Movies"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/joe/utils/plex-scripts/", line 86, in <module>
    select_tmdb_poster_library(library, opts.include_locked)
  File "/home/joe/utils/plex-scripts/", line 46, in select_tmdb_poster_library
    item.reload(**{k: 0 for k, v in movie._INDLUCES.items()})
NameError: name 'movie' is not defined

Any ideas?


  • Python 3.11.8
  • plexapi 4.15.10
  • PMS

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Typo. Fixed.

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Looks like that fixed that particular error. I am now getting this error:

(plex-env) joe@sauron:~/utils/plex-scripts$ python --library "Movies"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/joe/utils/plex-scripts/", line 86, in <module>
    select_tmdb_poster_library(library, opts.include_locked)
  File "/home/joe/utils/plex-scripts/", line 46, in select_tmdb_poster_library
    item.reload(**{k: 0 for k, v in item._INDLUCES.items()})
  File "/home/joe/.pyenv/versions/plex-env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/plexapi/", line 517, in __getattribute__
    value = super(PlexPartialObject, self).__getattribute__(attr)
AttributeError: 'Movie' object has no attribute '_INDLUCES'. Did you mean: '_INCLUDES'?

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More typos.

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TheChrisK commented Mar 6, 2024

I'm working on getting this up and running and I am also getting

Tautulli Notifiers :: Script error:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/config/scripts/", line 86, in <module>
            select_tmdb_poster_item(item, opts.include_locked)
        File "/config/scripts/", line 54, in select_tmdb_poster_item
            if item.isLocked('thumb') and not include_locked:
        File "/app/tautulli/lib/plexapi/", line 516, in __getattribute__
            value = super(PlexPartialObject, self).__getattribute__(attr)
    AttributeError: 'Movie' object has no attribute 'isLocked' 

Running it both in Tautulli and locally, same results. Latest version. The film I am running it on has not been touched since importing.

Adding the below to line 74 also throws an error:

if 'thumb' in [ for f in item.fields] and not include_locked:

Python version: 3.11.8
PlexAPI version: 4.15.10
Plex version:

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Your PlexAPI version is out-of-date.

Tautulli issue already answered above.

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TheChrisK commented Mar 6, 2024

I updated to 4.15.10 realizing it was out of date (erroneously ran the update thinking it was good). It works now locally but not in Tautulli.

I saw the plexapi version wasn't yet updated in Tautulli, is that still the case?

Switched to the nightly branch and it works great! Thank you so much. This Gracenote change is just terrible.

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is it possible to do it for tv shows and season posters?

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Change line 47 to:

    for item in library.all(libtype='season', includeGuids=False):

But why? There are no Gracenote posters for seasons so the script will just skip them anyways.

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So one problem I have is that Plex continues to change more and more posters as time passes. This is because I have my library set to periodically refresh metadata. One solution would be to turn that off, but I actually do want metadata to be periodically refreshed, just not my posters.

Is there a way to lock the posters that this script already detects as tmdb, instead of just skipping them. Otherwise I will have to periodically run this script to fix those posters that got changed in the metadata refresh.

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Insert at line 67:

        if skipping:

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ghost commented Apr 2, 2024

Change line 47 to:

    for item in library.all(libtype='season', includeGuids=False):

But why? There are no Gracenote posters for seasons so the script will just skip them anyways.

Does Gracenote do Backdrops (or Backgrounds, depending on if you're on TMDB or in Plex) as well, or is it just the Poster part of the movies?

EDIT 1: Asking because Plex-Meta-Manager has options to either "mass_poster_update - Updates the poster of every item in the library." or "mass_background_update - Updates the background of every item in the library."¹ and some of my movie posters, E.g. Aftersun (2022) has a background that is far down the list of selectable backgrounds and looks just like the poster that is selected from Gracenote.


You also have a script called "" and here ( someone asks how you can download backgrounds with it as well and you respond to them by saying they can "Ctrl+F replace poster with art." I tried it with this script to, just for fun. but it doesn't work.

Is there any way to modify this script so that it also picks the first option for a background and not one far down the list?


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JonnyWong16 commented Apr 3, 2024

Yes, Gracenote also supplies movie artwork.

Replacing poster with art should work (posters plural should be arts plural).

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ghost commented Apr 4, 2024

Yes, Gracenote also supplies movie artwork.

Replacing poster with art should work (posters plural should be arts plural).

Thank you so much, I just tested in command prompt and it worked perfectly! I tried it yesterday myself by replacing "poster" with "art" and "posters" with "arts", but it didn't work. When you typed what I should change I looked over the script again and someplaces were "artss" instead of "arts", so I had to fix my typos, but now everything works perfectly. :)

I have also bookmarked this, but not yet implemented in script:

Change line 47 to:

    for item in library.all(libtype='season', includeGuids=False):

But why? There are no Gracenote posters for seasons so the script will just skip them anyways.

As Plex will shift to Gracenote for TV Shows as well sometime in the future, but no specific date has been set yet:

Will that part of the script also change season posters, e.g. Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, etc, of a show or just the main poster?

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is there a walkthrough anywhere for how to get this working for noobs?

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Thanks, but I don’t understand how to set the parameters under the “usage” section. Do I edit the script or does it need to passed through from tortelli ? Thanks for your help

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this is all on a Mac but hopefully it helps someone:

gave up tortelli as I couldn't get it to run a python script without failing for some reason. in the end I got this script working using the 'python' command on my Mac. Macs don't come with python as its deprecated now so you're supposed to use 'python3' but that kept failing so I had to follow this to make the 'python' command work:

then I edited this bit of your script:


PLEX_URL = '' had to use this I'm not sure why it wasn't the local ip for the server
PLEX_TOKEN = 'my token' (

then I could run it with one of the python commands:

  • Change the posters for an entire library:
    python --library "Movies"
    • Change the poster for a specific item:
      python --rating_key 1234
    • By default locked posters are skipped. To update locked posters:
      python --library "Movies" --include_locked

thanks. and now I know some small amount of python

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KronK0321 commented Jun 7, 2024

Hey, I ran into the following issue when trying to set this up to be triggered from Tautulli

Tautulli Notifiers :: Script error:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/home/jordan/", line 90, in <module>
            select_tmdb_poster_library(library, opts.include_locked)
        File "/home/jordan/", line 50, in select_tmdb_poster_library
            select_tmdb_poster_item(item, include_locked=include_locked)
        File "/home/jordan/", line 72, in select_tmdb_poster_item
        File "/opt/Tautulli/lib/plexapi/", line 1026, in select
            self._server.query(data, method=self._server._session.put)
        File "/opt/Tautulli/lib/plexapi/", line 770, in query
            data = response.text.encode('utf8')
        File "/opt/Tautulli/lib/requests/", line 928, in text
            encoding = self.apparent_encoding
        File "/opt/Tautulli/lib/requests/", line 793, in apparent_encoding
            return chardet.detect(self.content)["encoding"]
    AttributeError: module 'chardet' has no attribute 'detect' 

I tracked it down to /opt/Tautulli/lib/requests/ which substitutes 'charset_normalizer as chardet' if a try fails.

In my test that only contains one line


Tautulli logs show

Tautulli Notifiers :: Script returned:
    ['__name__', '__doc__', '__package__', '__loader__', '__spec__', '__file__', '__path__'] 

If I rename /opt/Tautulli/lib/charset_normalizer, the output is:

Tautulli Notifiers :: Script returned:
    ['__name__', '__doc__', '__package__', '__loader__', '__spec__', '__path__', '__file__', '__cached__', '__builtins__', 'List', 'Union', 'enums', 'charsetprober', 'charsetgroupprober', 'CharSetGroupProber', 'CharSetProber', 'InputState', 'resultdict', 'ResultDict', 'codingstatemachinedict', 'codingstatemachine', 'escsm', 'escprober', 'latin1prober', 'macromanprober', 'big5freq', 'euckrfreq', 'euctwfreq', 'gb2312freq', 'jisfreq', 'johabfreq', 'chardistribution', 'mbcharsetprober', 'mbcssm', 'big5prober', 'cp949prober', 'jpcntx', 'eucjpprober', 'euckrprober', 'euctwprober', 'gb2312prober', 'johabprober', 'sjisprober', 'utf8prober', 'mbcsgroupprober', 'sbcharsetprober', 'hebrewprober', 'langbulgarianmodel', 'langgreekmodel', 'langhebrewmodel', 'langrussianmodel', 'langthaimodel', 'langturkishmodel', 'sbcsgroupprober', 'utf1632prober', 'universaldetector', 'UniversalDetector', 'version', 'VERSION', '__version__', '__all__', 'detect', 'detect_all'] 

I'm running Python 3.10.12 and Tautulli v2.14.2

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Hello, I'm having trouble with the script notifier if you can help. It tries to start, but gives this error after playing
Tautulli Notifiers :: Script returned:     
No --rating_key or --library specified. Exiting.

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Thanks for sharing just an awesome script! Has saved me a world of headache.
One thing I have noticed however is when I do a --library "Movies" within Tautulli everything works great, see it processing content however; not sure exactly when but the script will stop running leaving the later half of my collection unchanged.

Wondering if there is away to make sure the script continues to run until everything has been touched or maybe I'm just overlooking something simple. Thanks again


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Hi, this tool has been fantastic for me! thanks a lot!

Is there anything like this for shows?

thank you!

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I just wanna say how much I appreciate this. Thank you. The homemade posters that plex is adding by default now are truly awful.

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Thank you for providing this script. It's very useful.

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Thank you for very useful script, using it for a while now.
I notices that posters for movies in tmdb website change, not constantly but now and then.
Now script is skipping poster if its already tmdb.
Is it possible to change the script for it to update already selected tmdb poster for the new one that is default at tmdb website?

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Hi, this tool has been fantastic for me! thanks a lot!

Is there anything like this for shows?

thank you!

@shorshiii There is nothing in this script unique to movies, it also works for tv shows.

Thank you for very useful script, using it for a while now. I notices that posters for movies in tmdb website change, not constantly but now and then. Now script is skipping poster if its already tmdb. Is it possible to change the script for it to update already selected tmdb poster for the new one that is default at tmdb website?

@SSauliusB You can remove the check for Gracenote in the script.

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