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Created June 24, 2024 19:32
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  • Save JonasDoesThings/717f23c727e877f01b7be1ffd9ecd029 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save JonasDoesThings/717f23c727e877f01b7be1ffd9ecd029 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
fixed version of for bulma 1.0+
@charset "utf-8";
* based on
* made compatible with bulma 1.0+ by replacing the used variables with up-to-date imports
@use "node_modules/bulma/sass/utilities";
$divider-background-color: utilities.$border !default;
$divider-font-size: utilities.$size-7 !default;
$divider-margin-inner-size: 10px !default;
$divider-margin-size: 25px !default;
.divider {
position: relative;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
text-transform: uppercase;
color: utilities.$grey;
font-size: $divider-font-size;
font-weight: utilities.$weight-semibold;
letter-spacing: .5px;
margin: $divider-margin-size 0;
&::before {
content: '';
display: block;
flex: 1;
height: 1px;
background-color: $divider-background-color;
&:not(.is-right) {
&::after {
margin-left: $divider-margin-inner-size;
&:not(.is-left) {
&::before {
margin-right: $divider-margin-inner-size;
&.is-left {
&::before {
display: none;
&.is-right {
&::after {
display: none;
&.is-vertical {
flex-direction: column;
margin: 0 $divider-margin-size;
&::before {
height: auto;
width: 1px;
&::after {
margin-left: 0;
margin-top: $divider-margin-inner-size;
&::before {
margin-right: 0;
margin-bottom: $divider-margin-inner-size;
@each $name, $pair in utilities.$colors {
$color: nth($pair, 1);
&.is-#{$name} {
&::before {
background-color: $color;
// If light and dark colors are provided
@if length($pair) >= 4 {
$color-light: nth($pair, 3);
&.is-light {
&::before {
background-color: $color-light;
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