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Created April 8, 2022 10:00
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Script to delete GitHub Actions worfklow runs for cleanup (only way to get rid of an unused workflow, is to delete all the runs)
# 1. list workflows
gh api -X GET /repos/$OWNER/$REPO/actions/workflows | jq '.workflows[] | .name,.id'
# 2. copy the ID of the workflow you want to clear and set it
# 3. list runs as safe check before deting
# gh api --field per_page=100 -X GET /repos/$OWNER/$REPO/actions/workflows/$WORKFLOW_ID/runs | jq '.workflow_runs[] | .id'
# 4. delete runs (you'll have to run this multiple times if there's many because of pagination)
# gh api --paginate -X GET /repos/$OWNER/$REPO/actions/workflows/$WORKFLOW_ID/runs | jq '.workflow_runs[] | .id' | xargs -I{} gh api -X DELETE /repos/$OWNER/$REPO/actions/runs/{}
# # repeat command X times, 100 results at a time
# for i in {1..200}; do gh api --field per_page=100 -X GET /repos/$OWNER/$REPO/actions/workflows/$WORKFLOW_ID/runs | jq '.workflow_runs[] | .id' | xargs -I{} gh api -X DELETE /repos/$OWNER/$REPO/actions/runs/{}; done
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