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Last active May 12, 2018 07:13
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Chapter Sections Algorithms Progress
1. Core Searches 1.1 Breath First Search
1.2 Depth First Search
1.3 Undirected Depth First Search
2. Other Core Algorithms 2.1 Topological Sort
2.2 Transitive Closure
2.3 Lengauer-Tarjan Dominator Tree
3. Shortest Path 3.1 Dijkstra Shortest Paths
3.2 Dijkstar Shortest Paths(not using Color Map)
3.3 Bellman-Ford Shortest Paths
3.4 Weighted DAG Shortest Paths
3.5 Johnson's All Pairs Shortest Paths
3.6 Floyd-Warshall All Pairs Shortest Paths
3.7 Resource-constrainted Shortest Paths
3.8 A* Search Algorithm
4. Minimum Spanning Tree 4.1 Kruskal's Algorithm
4.2 Prim's Algorithm
5. Random Spanning Tree 5.1 Random Spanning Tree
6. Common Spanning Tree 6.1 Minty-Read-Tarjan's Algorithm
7. Connected Components Algorithm 7.1 Connected Components
7.2 Strongly Connected Components of Directed Graph
7.3 Biconnected Components, Articulation Points
7.4 Incremental Connected Components
8. Maximum Flow and Matching Algorithms 8.1 Edmonds–Karp algorithm
8.2 Push–relabel maximum flow algorithm
8.3 Boykov-Kolmogorov algorithm
8.4 Maximum Cardinality Matching
9. Minimum Cost Maximum Flow Algorithms 9.1 Cycle Cancelling Algorithm
9.2 Successive Shortest Paths
9.3 Find Flow Cost
10. Minimum Cut 10.1 Stoer–Wagner algorithm
11. Sparse Matrix Ordering Algorithms 11.1 Cuthill–McKee algorithm
11.2 King Ordering Algorithm
11.3 Minimum Degree Ordering Algorithm
11.4 Sloan Ordering algorithm
12. Graph Metrics 12.1 Wavefront
12.2 Bandwidth
12.3 Brandes's Betweenness Algorithm
13. Graph Structure Comparisons 13.1 Isomorphism
13.2 VF2 Graph-subgraph Isomorphism
13.3 McGregor's algorithm
14. Layout Algorithms 14.1 Topologies
14.2 Random Graph Layout
14.3 Circle Layout
14.4 Kamada-Kawaii Spring Layout
14.5 Force-directed graph drawing
14.6 Uniform Layout
15. Clustering algorithms 15.1 Betweenness Centrality Clustering
16. Planar Graph Algorithms 16.1 Boyer-Myrvold Planarity Testing
16.2 Planar Face Traversal
16.3 Planar Canonical Ordering
16.4 Chrobak-Payne Straight Line Drawing
16.5 Straight-line Drawing
16.6 Kuratowski Subgraph
16.7 Make Connected
16.8 Make Biconnected Planar
16.9 Make Maximal Planar
17. Miscellaneous Algorithms 17.1 Travelling Salesman Problem
17.2 Vertex Coloring
17.3 Edge Coloring
17.4 Bipartiteness Testing
17.5 Bipartiteness Testing
17.6 Maximum Adjacency Search
17.7 Elementary Circuits Enumeration
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