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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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dict to xml and xml to dict
from xml.dom import minidom
from collections import Mapping
from import RowContainer
from lxml import etree
def fromxml(source, rowmatch, *args, **kwargs):
return XmlView(source, rowmatch, *args, **kwargs)
class XmlView(RowContainer):
def __init__(self, source, rowmatch, *args, **kwargs):
self.source = source
self.args = args
self.rmatch = rowmatch
def __iter__(self):
context = etree.iterparse(self.source, events=('start','end'))
_stack = []
_data = ''
for event, elem in context:
tag = elem.tag
if event == "start":
#_data = elem.text
elif event == "end":
_data = elem.text
last_tag = _stack.pop()
if len(last_tag) == 1: #leaf
data = _data
if tag not in self.rmatch:
# build a dict, repeating pairs get pushed into lists
data = {}
for k, v in last_tag[1:]:
if k not in data:
data[k] = v
el = data[k]
if type(el) is not list:
data[k] = [el, v]
else: #force into a list
res = dict(last_tag[1:])
#res = {k:v for k, v in last_tag[1:]}
#res = [{k:v} for k, v in last_tag[1:]]
yield res
#yield {tag:res}
data = ''
if _stack:
_stack[-1].append((tag, data))
result = {tag:data}
_data = ''
def dict2xml(structure, tostring=False):
structure: dict, 字典
tostring: boolean, 是否输出未string, 或者doc
impl = minidom.getDOMImplementation()
doc = impl.createDocument(None, 'shop', None)
dict2element(doc.documentElement, structure, doc)
return doc.documentElement.toxml() if tostring else doc
def dict2element(root, structure, doc):
Gets a dictionary like structure and converts its
content into xml elements. After that appends
resulted elements to root element. If root element
is a string object creates a new elements with the
given string and use that element as root.
This function returns a xml element object.
assert isinstance(structure, Mapping), 'Structure must be a mapping object such as dict'
# if root is a string make it a element
if isinstance(root, str):
root = doc.createElement(root)
for key, value in structure.iteritems():
if isinstance(value, Mapping):
el = doc.createElement(str(key))
dict2element(el, value, doc)
elif isinstance(value, list):
for l in value:
el = doc.createElement(str(key))
dict2element(el, l, doc)
el = doc.createElement(str(key))
if not value:
txt = ''
elif isinstance(value, unicode):
txt = value.encode('utf8')
txt = value
return root
if __name__ == "__mian__":
print dict2xml({"hell": 3, "world": "nimei"}, True)
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