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Created July 26, 2022 16:56
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Roam Research PWA & Hook
return "hook://file/6ZVuhkgqj?p=QXBwbGljYXRpb25zL0Nocm9tZSBBcHBzLmxvY2FsaXplZA==&n=Roam%20Research%2Eapp"
return "Roam Research"
set refURL to "[$encoded_title]($user_link)#/quick-capture"
tell application "Safari" to set the URL of the front document to refURL
tell application "Safari"
end tell
get "hook://link-to-new-callback"
on replace_chars(this_text, search_string, replacement_string)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the search_string
set the item_list to every text item of this_text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the replacement_string
set this_text to the item_list as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
return this_text
end replace_chars
set targetURL to replace_chars("$0", "//", "/")
set windowIndex to 1
set tabindex to 0
set searchString to ""
set allWindowsTabURLList to ""
set allWindowsTabTitlesList to ""
set allWindowsList to ""
set windowIndex to 1
set found to false
set tabindex to 1
set windowsSearched to 0
set foundWindow to ""
set foundtab to 0
set browsername to "Google Chrome"
on goToChromePage(w, u, t)
log "Setting url of chrome"
using terms from application "Google Chrome"
tell application "Google Chrome"
if t is not -1 then
tell w to set active tab index to t
end if
set index of w to 1
if URL of active tab of w is not u then
tell w to set URL of active tab to u
end if
end tell
end using terms from
delay 0.1
tell application "System Events"
tell application process "Google Chrome"
tell window 1
perform action "AXRaise"
end tell
end tell
end tell
end goToChromePage
using terms from application "Google Chrome"
tell application browsername
set activeURL to URL of active tab of first window
if ((activeURL as text) contains searchString) then
set found to true
set foundWindow to first window
set foundtab to active tab of first window
#indicate not to switch tabs
set tabindex to -1
end if
end tell
end using terms from
if found is not true then
using terms from application "Google Chrome"
tell application browsername
set allWindowsList to windows
set allWindowsTabURLList to URL of tabs of every window
set allWindowsTabTitlesList to title of tabs of every window
set allWindowsTabs to tabs of every window
end tell
end using terms from
repeat while windowIndex length of allWindowsTabURLList and windowIndex > 0
set thisWindowsTabsURLs to item windowIndex of allWindowsTabURLList
set thisWindowsTabsTitles to item windowIndex of allWindowsTabTitlesList
set thisWindowsTabs to item windowIndex of allWindowsTabs
repeat while tabindex length of thisWindowsTabsURLs and tabindex > 0
set TabURL to item tabindex of thisWindowsTabsURLs
if ((TabURL as text) contains searchString) then
log "tabindex " & (tabindex as string)
using terms from application "Google Chrome"
tell application browsername
set foundtab to item tabindex of thisWindowsTabs
set foundWindow to item windowIndex of allWindowsList
end tell
end using terms from
set found to true
exit repeat
end if
set tabindex to tabindex + 1
end repeat
if found then exit repeat
set tabindex to 1
set windowIndex to windowIndex + 1
if windowIndex > length of allWindowsTabURLList then
set windowIndex to 1
end if
set windowsSearched to windowsSearched + 1
if windowsSearched > length of allWindowsList then
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end if
if not found then
display dialog "请先在 google chrome 中打开一个 roam research 网站."
end if
goToChromePage(foundWindow, targetURL, tabindex)
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