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Created September 9, 2014 17:40
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define object properties in coffeescript
with_defaults = (object, defaults) ->
f = (previous, current) ->
unless Object.hasOwnProperty(previous, current)
previous[current] = object[current]
Object.keys(object).reduce f, defaults
# "Fancy" version of Object.defineProperty that stores and applies a given
# default value
define_uncurried = (object, name, descriptor) ->
# A default value for accessors might be added, however it has to be removed
# from the descriptor before calling Object.defineProperty.
# According to the Mozilla documentation of defineProperty, accessor
# descriptors may not have a default value.
if descriptor.is_accessor?
value = descriptor.value
delete descriptor.value
Object.defineProperty object, name, descriptor
# Apply default value
object[name] = value if descriptor.is_accessor?
module.exports =
define: (object, name, descriptor) ->
# Return a partially applied function when only the object is given
# This enables usage as such:
# P = require './define'
# {ReadOnly, Data, Descriptor} = P
# o = {}
# define = P.define o
# define 'readonly', ReadOnly Data Descriptor value: 10
# define 'writable', Data Descriptor value: 20
return (n, d) -> define_uncurried object, n, d if 1 == arguments.length
return define_uncurried object, name, descriptor if 3 == arguments.length
throw new Error 'Wrong number of arguments given. Only one or three arguments allowed.'
# Returns a descriptor holding the given getter and/or setter functions, as
# well as a boolean property `is_accessor` set to true.
# Descriptor -> Descriptor
# Function -> Descriptor
# Descriptor, Function -> Descriptor
# Descriptor, Function, Function -> Descriptor
# undefined, null -> Descriptor
Accessor: (args...) ->
options = { is_accessor: true }
return options unless args.length
options = with_defaults args[0], options if T.is_object args[0]
options.get = do args.shift if T.is_function args[0]
options.set = do args.shift if T.is_function args[0]
Descriptor: (options = {}) ->
with_defaults options,
configurable: true
enumerable: false
Data: (options = {}) ->
with_defaults options,
writable: true
is_data: true
ReadOnly: (options = {}) ->
if options.is_accessor?
console.log 'WARNING: ReadOnly is only applicable to data descriptors, given: ', options
with_defaults options,
writable: false
value: null
is_data: true
Enumerable: (options = {}) ->
with_defaults options, enumerable: true
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