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Last active December 14, 2015 20:18
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  • Save JessyCatterwaul/cf7afb4819fe1a542712 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save JessyCatterwaul/cf7afb4819fe1a542712 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
infix operator {precedence 255}
/// Used when you'd normally use the dot operator to get a property,
/// but you have to store that operation as a closure for whatever reason.
///- Parameter instance: instance on which you'd normally use a dot
///- Parameter property: returns a Property when supplied with an instance
///- Returns: the property
///- Remark: Hold option, press 8
///- Note: Swift's "instance methods" are a lot like this.
/// They're really static methods that take an instance as their first parameter.
func <Any, Property>(
instance: Any,
@noescape property: (of: Any) -> Property
) -> Property {
return property(of: instance)
public extension Dictionary {
// Splats init(dictionaryLiteral elements: (Key, Value)...)
public init<KeyValueSequence: SequenceType
where KeyValueSequence.Generator.Element == (Key, Value)
>(_ elements: KeyValueSequence) {
for element in elements {self[element.0] = element.1}
public init<Sequence: SequenceType>(
_ sequence: Sequence,
_ key🔗value: Sequence.Generator.Element -> (Key, Value)
) {
extension SequenceType {
func Dictionary<Key, Value>(
key🔗value: Generator.Element -> (Key, Value)
) -> Swift.Dictionary<Key, Value> {
return Swift.Dictionary(self, key🔗value)
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