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Translate Android strings.xml files to iOS Localizable.strings files
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# gist:
# This script can be called from an Xcode 'Run Script' build phase at the
# beginning of the build process, like this:
# ${PROJECT_DIR}/LocalizeStringsFromAndroid.rb ${PROJECT_NAME}
# This script should be placed in the same directory as your .xcodeproj
# project.
# By default, copy the res/values* dir tree from your Android project into
# your iOS project, and rename the res dir to android_res.
# Create the localizations in Xcode for your iOS project that you want this
# script to translate from the Android files.
require 'fileutils'
require 'pathname'
require 'rexml/document'
require 'iconv'
# Replace positional variable placeholders for strings with @'s.
def translate_placeholders(str)
str.scan(/%\d\$s/i) { |p|
str = str.gsub(/%\d\$s/i, p.gsub(/s/i, "@"))
def set_value_for_key_in_hash(value, key, hash)
if hash.has_value?(value)
# Start new keys array so we can sort them.
keys = []
keys_to_remove = []
# Find existing keys for the values (should be only one) { |k, v|
if v == value
k.split(',').each { |sk|
keys << sk.to_s
# Queue key to be removed
keys_to_remove << k
# Remove queued keys.
keys_to_remove.each { |k|
hash.delete k
# Add caller's key.
keys << key
# Concat and add key/value to hash
key = ''
keys.sort.each { |k|
key += ',' unless key.length < 1
key += k
hash[key] = value
hash[key] = value
# The project path we are running in. Should be the project root directory.
project_path = Pathname.pwd
project_name = ARGV.first
# The path to Android's res directory, where the values-?? folders live.
res_path = project_path + "android_res"
unless res_path.exist?
puts "Error! android_res directory not found: #{res_path}"
# Stuff base strings in here
base_strings = {}
# Loop thru the values-?? dirs in the res_path.
res_path.each_entry { |values_dir|
next unless values_dir.fnmatch? 'values*'
values_path = res_path + values_dir
next unless (values_path + 'arrays.xml').exist? || (values_path + 'constants.xml').exist? || (values_path + 'strings.xml').exist?
# Example values_dir paths:
# android_res/values
# android_res/values-cn
# android_res/values-en-rCA
# android_res/values-es-rMX
# Set the base language to use.
base_language = 'en.lproj'
# Calculate the dest dir name.
if values_dir.fnmatch? 'values'
dest_dir = base_language
dest_dir = values_dir.to_s.gsub(/values-/, '').gsub(/-r/, '-') + '.lproj'
# Build the destination path.
dest_path = project_path + project_name + dest_dir
# If the dest dir does not exist, warn and continue.
unless dest_path.exist?
puts "Warning! iOS localization not set up for '#{dest_dir}'. Skipping."
puts "Expected destination path: '#{dest_path.to_s}'"
# Stuff the strings in here.
strings = {}
# Process the arrays.xml, constants.xml, and strings.xml files.
%w[arrays.xml constants.xml strings.xml].each { |src_file|
src_path = values_path + src_file
next unless src_path.exist?
xml = src_path.to_s
doc =
# Process array string elements.
doc.elements.each('resources/string-array') { |arr|
key = arr.attributes['name']
if arr.has_elements?
arr_index = 0
arr.elements.each { |e|
if = 'item'
value = translate_placeholders(e.text)
item_key = "#{key}-#{arr_index}"
set_value_for_key_in_hash(value, item_key, base_strings) if dest_dir == base_language
set_value_for_key_in_hash(value, item_key, strings)
arr_index += 1
# Process non-array string elements.
doc.elements.each('resources/string') { |str|
key = str.attributes['name']
# Look for <a><u>Value</u></a> sub elements
until str.has_elements? == false
str.each_element { |astr|
str = astr
value = translate_placeholders(str.text)
set_value_for_key_in_hash(value, key, base_strings) if dest_dir == base_language
set_value_for_key_in_hash(value, key, strings)
# If Localizable.strings exists, remove it.
loc_str_path = dest_path + 'Localizable.strings'
loc_str_path.delete if loc_str_path.exist?
# Write the new Localizable.strings file.
converter = 'utf-16le', '', 'wb') { |f|
f.write 0xff.chr
f.write 0xfe.chr
#base_strings.keys.sort.each { |key|
base_strings.sort_by { |k,v| v }.each { |key, value|
base_value = base_strings[key]
value = strings.keys.include?(key) ? strings[key] : base_value
unless key.include? ','
base_value = key if key.match(/-\d+\z/)
f.write converter.iconv "/*@ #{key} */\n"
f.write converter.iconv "\"#{base_value}\" = \"#{value}\";\n\n"
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