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Forked from coltin/cwebp_arguments_1.txt
Created May 16, 2016 09:52
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cwebp -pass 10 -mt -alpha_filter best -alpha_cleanup -m 6 -lossless
What do all these arguments do?
-pass 10 Determines the number of passes that will be performed on the image, maximum 10. More = longer processing time, but potentially smaller images. Yum.
-mt Use multi-threading
-alpha_filter best "predictive filtering for alpha plane", tries to optimize the alpha channel. Options are none, fast, and best.
-m 6 Determines compression method. 0=fast, 6=slowest
-lossless Makes this WebP lossless. Image produced will be 100% identical once decompressed.
cWebP -pass 10 -mt -alpha_filter best -alpha_cleanup -m 6 -jpeg_like -q 60
What do all these arguments do?
-pass 10 Determines the number of passes that will be performed on the image, maximum 10. More = longer processing time, but potentially smaller images. Yum.
-mt Use multi-threading
-alpha_filter best "predictive filtering for alpha plane", tries to optimize the alpha channel. Options are none, fast, and best.
-m 6 Determines compression method. 0=fast, 6=slowest
-jpeg_like Roughly matches jpeg sizes
-q 60 Quality factor [0..100:best]. Not equivelent to jpeg quality settings. Details:
# This pre-commit hook will convert any staged PNG files to lossless WebP and
# stage them to be committed. This happens automatically without any
# intervention required.
# If the developer does not have `cwebp` installed we will block the commit
# and print a helpful error message.
# Make sure cwebp is installed.
if ! type "cwebp" > /dev/null; then
echo "Please install cwebp to continue:"
echo "brew install webp"
exit 1
echo "Converting PNGs to WebP."
# Get PNG files from the diff. We exclude 9patch images and
# the app icon which must be a PNG.
changed_png_files=($(git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=ACMR \
| grep ".*\.png$" \
| grep -v "\.9\.png$" \
| grep -v ".*app_icon.png" \
| sed "s:^:${root_dir}/:"))
for png_file_path in "${changed_png_files[@]}"; do
echo "Converting ${png_file_path}"
# Remove .png and add .webp.
# Does the actual conversion. Details on arguments:
cwebp -pass 10 -mt -alpha_filter best -alpha_cleanup -m 6 -quiet -lossless "${png_file_path}" -o "${webp_file_path}"
# Delete the actual PNG file.
rm "${png_file_path}"
# Stage the deleted PNG and new WebP file to git.
# Since this is part of the pre-commit hook it will add these files
# to the commit.
git add "${png_file_path}" "${webp_file_path}"
echo "Image conversion finished."
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