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Example demonstrating how to use PhantomReference to detect memory leak
// Talk and slides:
static class Activity {
interface Listener {}
Service service;
Activity(Service service) {
this.service = service;
void onStart() {
service.registerListener(new Listener() {});//Listener hold a reference to Activity
void onStop () {
service = null;
static class Service {
Activity.Listener listener;
void registerListener (Activity.Listener listener) {
this.listener = listener;
void unregisterListener () {
this.listener = null; // comment this to cause a leak
// we want to make sure that Service will not leak the Activity
// because of the registered anonymous callback
public void test () throws InterruptedException {
Service service = new Service();
Activity activity = new Activity(service);
// store a PhantomReference to watch the lifecycle of listener
ReferenceQueue<Activity.Listener> referenceQueue = new ReferenceQueue<Activity.Listener>();
PhantomReference<Activity.Listener> reference =
new PhantomReference<Activity.Listener>(service.listener, referenceQueue); // no need to store this reference since it's a root object (in stack memory)
// reference = null; // uncomment to demonstrate why it's important to keep a strong reference to the PhantomReference
activity = null; // at this point we removed the strong reference to our Activity,
// service should not leak the Activity & Activity should be GC'd
// trigger the collection of PhantomReference
Reference<?> ref = referenceQueue.remove(TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(10));
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