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Forked from Potherca/
Created May 2, 2021 20:46
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Sometimes you want to be able to debug a bash script. This gist gives an example of how to do this.


Sometimes you want to be able to debug a bash script. Usually the -x option will suffice but sometimes something more sophisticated is needed.

In such instances using the DEBUG trap is often a good choice.

Attached to this gist is a example script to demonstrate how such a thing would work.

To easily demonstrate it's working, the DEBUG_LEVEL has been set as a parameter. In real live situations it would more likely be set as an environmental variable rather than passed in as a parameter.

Example output

Below is the output of the script when the script is run with various debug levels:

Error Output

$ bash /path/to/

Errors occurred:

 Wrong parameter count

                            DEBUG EXAMPLE SCRIPT
Usage: <name> <debug-level>

This script gives an example of how built-in debugging can be implemented in
a bash script. It offers the infamous "Hello world!" functionality to
demonstrate it's workings.

This script requires at least one parameter: a string that will be output.
An optional second parameter can be given to set the debug level.
The default is set to 0, see below for other values:

DEBUG_LEVEL 0 = No Debugging
DEBUG_LEVEL 1 = Show Debug messages
DEBUG_LEVEL 2 = " and show Application Calls
DEBUG_LEVEL 3 = " and show called command
DEBUG_LEVEL 4 = " and show all other commands (=set +x)
DEBUG_LEVEL 5 = Show All Commands, without Debug Messages or Application Calls

Debug Level 0 (the default)

 $ bash /path/to/ World
# Hello World!
# Done.

Debug Level 1

 $ bash /path/to/ World 1
# Debugging on - Debug Level : 1
# Hello World!
# Done.

Debug Level 2

 $ bash /path/to/ World 2
#[DEBUG] [] [ ${g_iExitCode} -eq 0 ]
#[DEBUG] [] run ${@:-}
# Debugging on - Debug Level : 2
# Hello World!
#[DEBUG] [] [ ${#g_aErrorMessages[*]} -ne 0 ]
#[DEBUG] [] message 'Done.'
# Done.
#[DEBUG] [] echo -e "# ${@}" 1>&1

Debug Level 3

 $ bash /path/to/ World 3
+ declare -a g_aErrorMessages
+ declare -i g_iExitCode=0
+ declare -i g_iErrorCount=0
+ registerTraps
+ trap finish EXIT
+ '[' 3 -gt 1 ']'
+ '[' 3 -lt 5 ']'
+ trap '(debugTrapMessage "$(basename ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})" "${LINENO[0]}" "${BASH_COMMAND}");' DEBUG
+++ basename /path/to/
++ debugTrapMessage 179 '[ ${g_iExitCode} -eq 0 ]'
++ debug '[] [ ${g_iExitCode} -eq 0 ]'
++ echo -e '#[DEBUG] [] [ ${g_iExitCode} -eq 0 ]'
#[DEBUG] [] [ ${g_iExitCode} -eq 0 ]
+ '[' 0 -eq 0 ']'
+++ basename /path/to/
++ debugTrapMessage 181 'run ${@:-}'
++ debug '[] run ${@:-}'
++ echo -e '#[DEBUG] [] run ${@:-}'
#[DEBUG] [] run ${@:-}
+ run World 3
+ '[' 3 -gt 0 ']'
+ message 'Debugging on - Debug Level : 3'
+ echo -e '# Debugging on - Debug Level : 3'
# Debugging on - Debug Level : 3
+ '[' 2 -ne 1 ']'
+ '[' 2 -ne 2 ']'
+ message 'Hello World!'
+ echo -e '# Hello World!'
# Hello World!
+++ basename /path/to/
++ debugTrapMessage 183 '[ ${#g_aErrorMessages[*]} -ne 0 ]'
++ debug '[] [ ${#g_aErrorMessages[*]} -ne 0 ]'
++ echo -e '#[DEBUG] [] [ ${#g_aErrorMessages[*]} -ne 0 ]'
#[DEBUG] [] [ ${#g_aErrorMessages[*]} -ne 0 ]
+ '[' 0 -ne 0 ']'
+++ basename /path/to/
++ debugTrapMessage 186 'message '\''Done.'\'''
++ debug '[] message '\''Done.'\'''
++ echo -e '#[DEBUG] [] message '\''Done.'\'''
#[DEBUG] [] message 'Done.'
+ message Done.
+ echo -e '# Done.'
# Done.
+++ basename /path/to/
++ debugTrapMessage 192 'echo -e "# ${@}" 1>&1'
++ debug '[] echo -e "# ${@}" 1>&1'
++ echo -e '#[DEBUG] [] echo -e "# ${@}" 1>&1'
#[DEBUG] [] echo -e "# ${@}" 1>&1
+ finish
+ '[' '!' 0 -eq 0 ']'
+ exit 0

Debug Level 4

 $ bash /path/to/ World 4
+ declare -a g_aErrorMessages
+ declare -i g_iExitCode=0
+ declare -i g_iErrorCount=0
+ registerTraps
+ trap finish EXIT
+ '[' 4 -gt 1 ']'
+ '[' 4 -lt 5 ']'
+ trap '(debugTrapMessage "$(basename ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})" "${LINENO[0]}" "${BASH_COMMAND}");' DEBUG
+++ basename /path/to/
++ debugTrapMessage 179 '[ ${g_iExitCode} -eq 0 ]'
++ debug '[] [ ${g_iExitCode} -eq 0 ]'
++ echo -e '#[DEBUG] [] [ ${g_iExitCode} -eq 0 ]'
#[DEBUG] [] [ ${g_iExitCode} -eq 0 ]
+ '[' 0 -eq 0 ']'
+++ basename /path/to/
++ debugTrapMessage 181 'run ${@:-}'
++ debug '[] run ${@:-}'
++ echo -e '#[DEBUG] [] run ${@:-}'
#[DEBUG] [] run ${@:-}
+ run World 4
+ '[' 4 -gt 0 ']'
+ message 'Debugging on - Debug Level : 4'
+ echo -e '# Debugging on - Debug Level : 4'
# Debugging on - Debug Level : 4
+ '[' 2 -ne 1 ']'
+ '[' 2 -ne 2 ']'
+ message 'Hello World!'
+ echo -e '# Hello World!'
# Hello World!
+++ basename /path/to/
++ debugTrapMessage 183 '[ ${#g_aErrorMessages[*]} -ne 0 ]'
++ debug '[] [ ${#g_aErrorMessages[*]} -ne 0 ]'
++ echo -e '#[DEBUG] [] [ ${#g_aErrorMessages[*]} -ne 0 ]'
#[DEBUG] [] [ ${#g_aErrorMessages[*]} -ne 0 ]
+ '[' 0 -ne 0 ']'
+++ basename /path/to/
++ debugTrapMessage 186 'message '\''Done.'\'''
++ debug '[] message '\''Done.'\'''
++ echo -e '#[DEBUG] [] message '\''Done.'\'''
#[DEBUG] [] message 'Done.'
+ message Done.
+ echo -e '# Done.'
# Done.
+++ basename /path/to/
++ debugTrapMessage 192 'echo -e "# ${@}" 1>&1'
++ debug '[] echo -e "# ${@}" 1>&1'
++ echo -e '#[DEBUG] [] echo -e "# ${@}" 1>&1'
#[DEBUG] [] echo -e "# ${@}" 1>&1
+ finish
+ '[' '!' 0 -eq 0 ']'
+ exit 0

Debug Level 5

 $ bash /path/to/ World 5
+ declare -a g_aErrorMessages
+ declare -i g_iExitCode=0
+ declare -i g_iErrorCount=0
+ registerTraps
+ trap finish EXIT
+ '[' 5 -gt 1 ']'
+ '[' 5 -lt 5 ']'
+ '[' 0 -eq 0 ']'
+ run World 5
+ '[' 5 -gt 0 ']'
+ message 'Debugging on - Debug Level : 5'
+ echo -e '# Debugging on - Debug Level : 5'
# Debugging on - Debug Level : 5
+ '[' 2 -ne 1 ']'
+ '[' 2 -ne 2 ']'
+ message 'Hello World!'
+ echo -e '# Hello World!'
# Hello World!
+ '[' 0 -ne 0 ']'
+ message Done.
+ echo -e '# Done.'
# Done.
+ finish
+ '[' '!' 0 -eq 0 ']'
+ exit 0
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# @NOTE: The variable naming scheme used in this code is an adaption of Systems
# Hungarian which is explained at
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Usage: <name> <debug-level>
## This script gives an example of how built-in debugging can be implemented in
## a bash script. It offers the infamous "Hello world!" functionality to
## demonstrate it's workings.
## This script requires at least one parameter: a string that will be output.
## An optional second parameter can be given to set the debug level.
## The default is set to 0, see below for other values:
# ==============================================================================
# ==============================================================================
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## DEBUG_LEVEL 0 = No Debugging
## DEBUG_LEVEL 1 = Show Debug messages
## DEBUG_LEVEL 2 = " and show Application Calls
## DEBUG_LEVEL 3 = " and show called command
## DEBUG_LEVEL 4 = " and show all other commands (=set +x)
## DEBUG_LEVEL 5 = Show All Commands, without Debug Messages or Application Calls
readonly DEBUG_LEVEL=${2:-0}
## ==============================================================================
# ==============================================================================
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# For all options see
set -o nounset # Exit script on use of an undefined variable, same as "set -u"
set -o errexit # Exit script when a command exits with non-zero status, same as "set -e"
set -o pipefail # Makes pipeline return the exit status of the last command in the pipe that failed
if [ "${DEBUG_LEVEL}" -gt 2 ];then
set -o xtrace # Similar to -v, but expands commands, same as "set -x"
declare -a g_aErrorMessages
declare -i g_iExitCode=0
declare -i g_iErrorCount=0
# ==============================================================================
# ==============================================================================
# Displays all lines in main script that start with '##'
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
usage() {
[ "$*" ] && echo "$(basename $0): $*"
sed -n '/^##/,/^$/s/^## \{0,1\}//p' "$0"
} #2>/dev/null
# ==============================================================================
# ==============================================================================
# Store given message in the ErrorMessage array
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function error() {
if [ ! -z ${2:-} ];then
elif [ ${g_iExitCode} -eq 0 ];then
return ${g_iExitCode};
# ==============================================================================
# ==============================================================================
function message() {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo -e "# ${@}" >&1
# ==============================================================================
# ==============================================================================
# Output all given Messages to STDERR
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function outputErrorMessages() {
echo -e "\nErrors occurred:\n\n ${@}" >&2
# ==============================================================================
# ==============================================================================
# @see:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function debug() {
echo -e "#[DEBUG] ${1}" >&1
# ==============================================================================
# ==============================================================================
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function debugMessage() {
if [ "${DEBUG_LEVEL}" -gt 0 ] && [ "${DEBUG_LEVEL}" -lt 5 ];then
debug "${1}"
# ==============================================================================
# ==============================================================================
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function debugTrapMessage {
debug "[${1}:${2}] ${3}"
# ==============================================================================
# ==============================================================================
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function finish() {
if [ ! ${g_iExitCode} -eq 0 ];then
outputErrorMessages ${g_aErrorMessages[*]}
if [ ${g_iExitCode} -eq 65 ];then
exit ${g_iExitCode}
# ==============================================================================
# ==============================================================================
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function registerTraps() {
trap finish EXIT
if [ "${DEBUG_LEVEL}" -gt 1 ] && [ "${DEBUG_LEVEL}" -lt 5 ];then
# Trap function is defined inline so we get the correct line number
#trap '(echo -e "#[DEBUG] [$(basename ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}):${LINENO[0]}] ${BASH_COMMAND}");' DEBUG
trap '(debugTrapMessage "$(basename ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})" "${LINENO[0]}" "${BASH_COMMAND}");' DEBUG
# ==============================================================================
# ==============================================================================
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function run() {
if [ "${DEBUG_LEVEL}" -gt 0 ];then
message "Debugging on - Debug Level : ${DEBUG_LEVEL}"
# Your logic goes here
if [ "$#" -ne 1 ] && [ "$#" -ne 2 ];then
error 'Wrong parameter count'
message "Hello ${1}!"
# ==============================================================================
# ==============================================================================
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if [ ${g_iExitCode} -eq 0 ];then
run ${@:-}
if [ ${#g_aErrorMessages[*]} -ne 0 ];then
outputErrorMessages "${g_aErrorMessages[*]}"
message 'Done.'
# ==============================================================================
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Below links also useful for bash debugging.
Debugging on the entire script
A SF heavy script Debugger

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