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Created October 21, 2023 22:03
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Report system using
from discord import ui # remember to import this
class banreason(ui.Modal, title='Punishment information'):
reason = ui.TextInput(label='Reason')
def __init__(self, member: discord.Member):
self.member = member
async def on_submit(self, interaction: discord.Interaction):
await self.member.send(f'You have been banned from {interaction.guild}\n**Reason**: {self.reason}')
await self.member.ban(reason=f'Report complete - {self.reason}')
await interaction.response.send_message(f'Banned user {self.member} for reason {self.reason}', ephemeral=True)
await interaction.message.delete()
class kickreason(ui.Modal, title='Punishment information'):
reason = ui.TextInput(label='Reason')
def __init__(self, member: discord.Member):
self.member = member
async def on_submit(self, interaction: discord.Interaction):
await self.member.send(f'You have been kicked from {interaction.guild}\n**Reason**: {self.reason}')
await self.member.kick(reason=f'Report complete - {self.reason}')
await interaction.response.send_message(f'Kicked user {self.member} for reason {self.reason}', ephemeral=True)
await interaction.message.delete()
class reportbuttons(discord.ui.View):
def __init__(self, member: discord.Member, reporter, reason):
self.member = member
self.reporter = reporter
self.reason = reason
async def ban(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, button: discord.ui.Button):
await interaction.response.send_modal(banreason(self.member))
@discord.ui.button(label="Kick", style=discord.ButtonStyle.blurple)
async def kick(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, button: discord.ui.Button):
await interaction.response.send_modal(kickreason(self.member))
async def dissmiss(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, button: discord.ui.Button):
await self.reporter.send(f'Unfortuanately, your report on {self.member} - {} was denied')
await interaction.response.send_message(f"Dismissed report and notified user", ephemeral=True)
await interaction.response.send_message(f"Dismissed report, however I failed to notify the user", ephemeral=True)
await interaction.message.delete()
async def report(ctx, member:discord.Member,*, reason:str):
pingrole = 1 # role that gets pinged when there is a new report
reportchannelid = 23894732984 # make this something only staff can see
embed=discord.Embed(title='**New Report!**', description=f'{} has reported {member} - {}\n\n**Report message**: {reason}')
embed.set_footer(text='Take action with the buttons below.')
await ctx.send(f'<@&{pingrole}>', embed=embed, view=reportbuttons(member,, reason))
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