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Created March 23, 2020 11:38
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from flask import Flask, request
import requests
import json
from twilio.twiml.messaging_response import MessagingResponse
app = Flask(__name__)
def hello():
return "Hello World!"
@app.route('/bot', methods=['POST'])
def bot():
incoming_msg = request.values.get('Body', '')
resp = MessagingResponse()
msg = resp.message()
responded = False
if 'Hi' in incoming_msg or 'Hey' in incoming_msg or 'Heya' in incoming_msg or 'Menu' in incoming_msg:
text = f'Hello πŸ™‹πŸ½β€β™‚, \nThis is a Covid-Bot developed by Jatin Varlyani to provide latest information updates i.e cases in different countries and create awareness to help you and your family stay safe.\n For any emergency πŸ‘‡ \n πŸ“ž Helpline: 011-23978046 | Toll-Free Number: 1075 \n βœ‰ Email: \n\n Please enter one of the following option πŸ‘‡ \n *A*. Covid-19 statistics *Worldwide*. \n *B*. Covid-19 cases in *India*. \n *C*. Covid-19 cases in *China*. \n *D*. Covid-19 cases in *USA*. \n *E*. Coronavirus cases in *Italy*. \n *F*. How does it *Spread*? \n *G*. *Preventive measures* to be taken.'
responded = True
if 'A' in incoming_msg:
# return total cases
r = requests.get('')
if r.status_code == 200:
data = r.json()
text = f'_Covid-19 Cases Worldwide_ \n\nConfirmed Cases : *{data["cases"]}* \n\nDeaths : *{data["deaths"]}* \n\nRecovered : *{data["recovered"]}* \n\n πŸ‘‰ Type *B* to check cases in *India* \n πŸ‘‰ Type *B, C, D, E, F, G* to see other options \n πŸ‘‰ Type *Menu* to view the Main Menu'
text = 'I could not retrieve the results at this time, sorry.'
responded = True
if 'B' in incoming_msg or 'India' in incoming_msg:
# return cases in india
r = requests.get('')
if r.status_code == 200:
data = r.json()
text = f'_Covid-19 Cases in India_ \n\nConfirmed Cases : *{data["cases"]}* \n\nToday Cases : *{data["todayCases"]}* \n\nDeaths : *{data["deaths"]}* \n\nRecovered : *{data["recovered"]}* \n\n πŸ‘‰ Type *C* to check cases in *China* \n πŸ‘‰ Type *A, C, D, E, F, G* to see other options \n πŸ‘‰ Type *Menu* to view the Main Menu'
text = 'I could not retrieve the results at this time, sorry.'
responded = True
if 'C' in incoming_msg or 'China' in incoming_msg:
# return cases in china
r = requests.get('')
if r.status_code == 200:
data = r.json()
text = f'_Covid-19 Cases in China_ \n\nConfirmed Cases : *{data["cases"]}* \n\nToday Cases : *{data["todayCases"]}* \n\nDeaths : *{data["deaths"]}* \n\nRecovered : *{data["recovered"]}* \n\nActive Cases : *{data["active"]}* \n\n πŸ‘‰ Type *D* to check cases in *USA* \n πŸ‘‰ Type *A, B, D, E, F, G* to see other options \n πŸ‘‰ Type *Menu* to view the Main Menu'
text = 'I could not retrieve the results at this time, sorry.'
responded = True
if 'D' in incoming_msg or 'USA' in incoming_msg:
# return cases in usa
r = requests.get('')
if r.status_code == 200:
data = r.json()
text = f'_Covid-19 Cases in USA_ \n\nConfirmed Cases : *{data["cases"]}* \n\nToday Cases : *{data["todayCases"]}* \n\nDeaths : *{data["deaths"]}* \n\nRecovered : *{data["recovered"]}* \n\nActive Cases : *{data["active"]}* \n\n πŸ‘‰ Type *E* to check cases in *Italy* \n πŸ‘‰ Type *A, B, C, E, F, G* to see other options \n πŸ‘‰ Type *Menu* to view the Main Menu'
text = 'I could not retrieve the results at this time, sorry.'
responded = True
if 'E' in incoming_msg or 'Italy' in incoming_msg:
# return cases in italy
r = requests.get('')
if r.status_code == 200:
data = r.json()
text = f'_Covid-19 Cases in Italy_ \n\nConfirmed Cases : *{data["cases"]}* \n\nToday Cases : *{data["todayCases"]}* \n\nDeaths : *{data["deaths"]}* \n\nRecovered : *{data["recovered"]}* \n\nActive Cases : *{data["active"]}* \n\n πŸ‘‰ Type *F* to check how *Covid-19 Spreads?* \n πŸ‘‰ Type *A, B, C, E, F, G* to see other options \n πŸ‘‰ Type *Menu* to view the Main Menu'
text = 'I could not retrieve the results at this time, sorry.'
responded = True
if 'F' in incoming_msg:
text = f'_Coronavirus spreads from an infected person through_ πŸ‘‡ \n\n ♦ Small droplets from the nose or mouth which are spread when a person coughs or sneezes \n\n ♦ Touching an object or surface with these droplets on it and then touching your mouth, nose, or eyes before washing your hands \n \n ♦ Close personal contact, such as touching or shaking hands \n Please watch the video for more information πŸ‘‡ \n\n πŸ‘‰ Type G to check the *Preventive Measures* \n πŸ‘‰ Type *A, B, C, D, E* to see other options \n πŸ‘‰ Type *Menu* to view the Main Menu'
responded = True
if 'G' in incoming_msg:
text = f'_Coronavirus infection can be prevented through the following means_ πŸ‘‡ \n βœ”οΈ Clean hand with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub \n \n\n βœ”οΈ Cover nose and mouth when coughing & sneezing with a tissue or flexed elbow \n \n\n βœ”οΈ Avoid close contact & maintain 1-meter distance with anyone who is coughing or sneezin \n \n\n βœ”οΈ Isolation of persons traveling from affected countries or places for at least 14 day \n \n\n βœ”οΈ Quarantine if advise \n \n\n πŸ‘‰ Type *A, B, C, D, E, F* to see other option \n πŸ‘‰ Type *Menu* to view the Main Menu'
responded = True
if responded == False:
msg.body('I only know about corona, sorry!')
return str(resp)
if __name__ == "__main__":"localhost", port=5000, debug=True)
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