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Last active July 24, 2024 20:33
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I think this is how React Fast Refresh works, but I'm not 100% sure

How React Fast Refresh works


Additional reading:

From reading and Dan Abramov's comment, there are really five parts.

  1. At the top of the file:
    1. Declare a $RefreshReg$ if it doesn't exist
      • This really just does:
    2. Run var _s${componentIndex} = $RefreshSig$() to generate a function for updating react refresh scoped to the component. So it's one per component.
      • This really just does:
  2. Register all React components[2] defined in the module scope by calling the equivalent of $RefreshReg$(ComponentIdentifier, "ComponentName")
  3. For each registered component:
    1. Call _s() to mark the first render of this component for "react-refresh/runtime". Call this at the start of the React component's function body
    2. Track every call expression to a hook[3] inside the component, including:
      • Identifier of the hook function
      • Arguments passed
    3. For each hook's call expression, generate a signature key which is
      • The hook's identifier ref

      • The S.Decl (VariableDeclarator)'s source

            var [foo, bar] = useFooBar();
             // ^--------^ This region, I think. [Judging from this line](
      • For the useState hook, also hash the source of the first argument if it exists e.g. useState(foo => true);

      • For the useReducer hook, also hash the source of the second argument if it exists e.g. useReducer({}, () => ({}));

    4. If the hook component is not builtin and is defined inside a component, always reset the component state
  4. From the signature key generated in 3., call one of the following:
    • _s(ComponentIdentifier, hash(signature));
    • _s(ComponentIdentifier, hash(signature), true /* forceReset */);
    • _s(ComponentIdentifier, hash(signature), false /* forceReset */, () => [customHook1, customHook2, customHook3]); Note: This step is only strictly required on rebuild.
  5. if (isReactComponentBoundary(exports)) enqueueUpdateAndHandleErrors();


  1. Q: From a parser's perspective, what's a component?

    A: typeof name === 'string' && name[0] >= 'A' && name[0] <= 'Z' -- source

  2. Q: From a parser's perspective, what's a hook?

    A: /^use[A-Z]/ -- source

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