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Created February 28, 2024 22:33
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Random access lists in Elm (WIP)
module RAList exposing (RAList, cons, empty, fromList, head, isEmpty, lookup, tail, update)
{-| Okasaki, Random Access Lists
O(1) list operations (cons, head, tail)
O(log\_2 n) array operations (lookup, update)
import Tree exposing (Tree(..))
type RAList a
= RAList (List ( {- size -} Int, Tree a ))
empty : RAList a
empty =
RAList []
isEmpty : RAList a -> Bool
isEmpty (RAList xs) =
List.isEmpty xs
cons : a -> RAList a -> RAList a
cons x (RAList xs) =
case xs of
( size1, t1 ) :: ( size2, t2 ) :: rest ->
if size1 == size2 then
RAList (( 1 + size1 + size2, Node t1 x t2 ) :: rest)
RAList (( 1, Leaf x ) :: xs)
_ ->
RAList (( 1, Leaf x ) :: xs)
fromList : List a -> RAList a
fromList xs =
List.foldl cons empty xs
head : RAList a -> Maybe a
head (RAList xs) =
case xs of
[] ->
( _, Leaf x ) :: _ ->
Just x
( _, Node _ x _ ) :: _ ->
Just x
tail : RAList a -> Maybe (RAList a)
tail (RAList xs) =
case xs of
[] ->
( _, Leaf _ ) :: rest ->
Just (RAList rest)
( size, Node t1 _ t2 ) :: rest ->
size_ =
size // 2
( size_, t1 ) :: ( size_, t2 ) :: rest
lookup : Int -> RAList a -> Maybe a
lookup i (RAList xs) =
if i < size then
Tree.lookup size i t
RAList.lookup (i - size) (RAList rest)
update : Int -> a -> RAList a -> RAList a
update i value (RAList xs) =
if i < size then
RAList (( size, Tree.update size i y t ) :: rest)
RAList (( size, t ) :: RAList.update (i - size) y (RAList rest))
module Tree exposing (Tree(..), lookup, update)
type Tree a
= Leaf a
| Node (Tree a) a (Tree a)
lookup : Int -> Int -> Tree a -> Maybe a
lookup size index tree =
case ( tree, index ) of
( Leaf x, 0 ) ->
Just x
( Leaf x, _ ) ->
( Node _ x _, 0 ) ->
Just x
( Node t1 x t2, _ ) ->
size_ =
size // 2
if index <= size_ then
lookup size_ (index - 1) t1
lookup size_ (index - size_ - 1) t2
update : Int -> Int -> a -> Tree a -> Tree a
update size index value tree =
case ( tree, index ) of
( Leaf x, 0 ) ->
Leaf value
( Leaf x, _ ) ->
( Node t1 x t2, 0 ) ->
Node t1 value t2
( Node t1 x t2, _ ) ->
size_ =
size // 2
if index <= size_ then
Node (update size_ (index - 1) value t1) x t2
Node t1 x (update size_ (index - size_ - 1) value t2)
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