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How to Update Firmware on Ubuntu or Debian

This is a TL;DR for: You may want to also checkout:

# Install, udisks2 is needed for error: 'Not updatable as UEFI ESP partition not detected'
su -
apt update
apt install -y udisks2 fwupd

# Display supported devices 
fwupdmgr get-devices

# Downloading the latest metadata from LVFS
fwupdmgr refresh

# Checking for available firmware updates
fwupdmgr get-updates

# Update the device firmware
# Updates that can be applied live will be done immediately.
# Updates that run at bootup will be staged for the next reboot.
fwupdmgr update

# Optional: Send Telemetry
# fwupd project encourages users to report both successful and failed updates back to LVFS.
# You can send the report using:
fwupdmgr report-history
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