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Last active March 10, 2019 03:20
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Academic implementation of a binary tree in Scala.
// Written by Jämes Ménétrey for the lecture Advanced Programming Paradigms.
// Linear walk through inspired from
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.language.implicitConversions
object BinaryTreeImpl {
* The contract that defines a binary tree.
abstract class BinaryTree[A](implicit ordering: Ordering[A]) {
def +(x: A): BinaryTree[A] = add(x)
def +(x: BinaryTree[A]): BinaryTree[A] = union(x)
def -(x: A): BinaryTree[A] = excl(x)
def add(x: A): BinaryTree[A]
def contains(x: A): Boolean
def excl(elems: A): BinaryTree[A]
def foreach(f: A => Unit): Unit = iteratorInorder().foreach(f)
def foldInorder[B](z: B)(op: (B, A) => B): B = iteratorInorder().foldLeft(z)(op)
def foldPreorder[B](z: B)(op: (B, A) => B): B = iteratorPreorder().foldLeft(z)(op)
def foldPostorder[B](z: B)(op: (B, A) => B): B = iteratorPostorder().foldLeft(z)(op)
def intersect(other: BinaryTree[A]): BinaryTree[A]
def isEmpty: Boolean
def iteratorInorder(): Iterator[A] = new Iterators.InorderBinaryTreeIterator[A](this)
def iteratorPreorder(): Iterator[A] = new Iterators.PreorderBinaryTreeIterator[A](this)
def iteratorPostorder(): Iterator[A] = new Iterators.PostorderBinaryTreeIterator[A](this)
def union(other: BinaryTree[A]): BinaryTree[A]
* The companion object to create binary trees.
object BinaryTree {
* Creates a new binary tree from 0 to n elements.
def apply[A](elements: A*)(implicit ordering: Ordering[A]): BinaryTree[A] =
elements.foldLeft(new EmptyBinaryTree[A](): BinaryTree[A]) { (acc, e) => acc add e }
* Defines an implicit conversion from ordering element to binary trees, so methods can directly be called from.
implicit def AToBinaryTree[A](x: A)(implicit ordering: Ordering[A]): BinaryTree[A] = BinaryTree(x)
* A definition of a non empty binary tree.
class NonEmptyBinaryTree[A](val elem: A, val left: BinaryTree[A], val right: BinaryTree[A])(implicit val ordering: Ordering[A]) extends BinaryTree[A] {
* Adds an element in the binary tree.
* Complexity: O(log n)
override def add(x: A): BinaryTree[A] = {
if (, elem)) new NonEmptyBinaryTree[A](elem, left add x, right)
else if (, elem)) new NonEmptyBinaryTree[A](elem, left, right add x)
else this
* Determines whether the binary tree contains a given element.
* Complexity: O(log n)
override def contains(x: A): Boolean = {
if (, elem)) left contains x
else if (, elem)) right contains x
else true
* Removes an element from the binary tree.
* Complexity: O(log n)
override def excl(x: A): BinaryTree[A] = {
* Finds the deepest right element of the tree from a given node.
def findDeepestRightElement(node: NonEmptyBinaryTree[A]): A = node.right match {
case _: EmptyBinaryTree[A] => node.elem
case right: NonEmptyBinaryTree[A] => findDeepestRightElement(right)
if(, elem)) new NonEmptyBinaryTree[A](elem, left excl x, right)
else if(, elem)) new NonEmptyBinaryTree[A](elem, left, right excl x)
else {
left match {
case _: EmptyBinaryTree[A] => right
case l: NonEmptyBinaryTree[A] =>
val replacementElement = findDeepestRightElement(l)
new NonEmptyBinaryTree[A](replacementElement, left excl replacementElement, right)
override def isEmpty: Boolean = false
* Intersects two binary trees using the merge algorithm.
* Complexity: O(n + m)
override def intersect(other: BinaryTree[A]): BinaryTree[A] = {
val thisIterator = iteratorInorder()
val otherIterator = other.iteratorInorder()
def iter(x: A, y: A, acc: BinaryTree[A]): BinaryTree[A] = acc match {
case a if, y) => iter(, y, a)
case a if, y) => iter(x,, a)
case a if ordering.equiv(x, y) && !thisIterator.hasNext || !otherIterator.hasNext => a add x
case a if ordering.equiv(x, y) => iter(,, a add x)
case a => a
iter(,, new EmptyBinaryTree[A]())
* Formats all the nodes of the binary tree.
* Complexity: O(n)
override def toString: String = s"($left|$elem|$right)"
* Unifies two binary trees.
* Complexity: O(m * log n)
def union(other: BinaryTree[A]): BinaryTree[A] = foldInorder(other) { (acc, e) => acc add e }
* A definition of an empty binary tree.
class EmptyBinaryTree[A]()(implicit ordering: Ordering[A]) extends BinaryTree[A] {
override def add(x: A): BinaryTree[A] = new NonEmptyBinaryTree[A](x, new EmptyBinaryTree[A], new EmptyBinaryTree[A])
override def contains(x: A): Boolean = false
override def excl(elems: A): BinaryTree[A] = this
override def intersect(other: BinaryTree[A]) = new EmptyBinaryTree[A]()
override def isEmpty: Boolean = true
override def toString: String = "-"
def union(other: BinaryTree[A]): BinaryTree[A] = other
* Definition of the iterators of the binary trees.
object Iterators {
* A type that indicates that the node of the tree must be evaluated when linearized through the method extractor.
* This enables to walk through the tree using a tail recursion with different orders.
private class WaitingForEval[A](elem: A)(implicit ordering: Ordering[A]) extends NonEmptyBinaryTree[A](elem, null, null)
class InorderBinaryTreeIterator[A](tree: BinaryTree[A])(implicit ordering: Ordering[A])
extends BinaryTreeIterator(tree, (set: NonEmptyBinaryTree[A]) => List[BinaryTree[A]](set.left, new WaitingForEval(set.elem), set.right))
class PreorderBinaryTreeIterator[A](tree: BinaryTree[A])(implicit ordering: Ordering[A])
extends BinaryTreeIterator(tree, (set: NonEmptyBinaryTree[A]) => List[BinaryTree[A]](new WaitingForEval(set.elem), set.left, set.right))
class PostorderBinaryTreeIterator[A](tree: BinaryTree[A])(implicit ordering: Ordering[A])
extends BinaryTreeIterator(tree, (set: NonEmptyBinaryTree[A]) => List[BinaryTree[A]](set.left, set.right, new WaitingForEval(set.elem)))
* The iterator of a binary tree. The tree is linearised to prevent extensive use of the stack.
abstract class BinaryTreeIterator[A](tree: BinaryTree[A], order: NonEmptyBinaryTree[A] => List[BinaryTree[A]]) extends Iterator[A] {
// Scala doc recommends to use a var instead of a val stack. Let's face the reality, an iterator is stateful.
var list: List[BinaryTree[A]] = removeEmptyTree(List(tree))
override def hasNext: Boolean = list.nonEmpty
override def next(): A = extractor(list)
* Loops across the nodes of the binary tree using a tail recursion.
private def extractor(l: List[BinaryTree[A]]): A = l match {
case (h: WaitingForEval[A]) :: r => list = removeEmptyTree(r); h.elem
case (h: NonEmptyBinaryTree[A]) :: r => list = removeEmptyTree(order(h)) ++ r; extractor(list)
case _ => throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot call next method with no element left in the iterator.")
private def removeEmptyTree(l: List[BinaryTree[A]]): List[BinaryTree[A]] = l.dropWhile(_.isEmpty)
import BinaryTreeImpl._
val s1 = BinaryTree[Int]()
s1.foldPreorder("") { (acc, e) => s"$acc[$e]" }
s1.foldPostorder("") { (acc, e) => s"$acc[$e]" }
s1.foreach(e => print(s"[$e]"))
BinaryTree(5, 4, 3, 2, 1).foldInorder(0)(_ + _)
// 1.c
s1.foreach(e => print(s"${e + 1}, "))
// 2.a
BinaryTree(1, 2, 3) union BinaryTree(4, 5, 6)
// 2.b
BinaryTree(1, 2, 3) intersect BinaryTree(3, 4, 1)
// 3.a
BinaryTree(5,3,4,2,1,8,7,9,6) excl 3
// 3.b
val s2 = BinaryTree[Int]() + 3 + 5 + 1 + 2
s2 - 3
// the implicit conversion is in the implicit scope because it is defined in the companion class AND there is
// a +(BinaryTree[A]) method. Indeed, scala compiler import the implicit scope of the argument's type.
3 + BinaryTree(2)
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