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Last active September 14, 2024 02:18
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Similar to my Book Reading List Queue or my Anime Notes, this will track some thoughts on some past games I've played or beaten. I've been tracking my beaten games with play time for some time at How Long To Beat, but I haven't given them ratings or post-play thoughts, and I thought it might be a good idea to start doing that and go back and do it for some old plays (and maybe discover for some that I have very little memory of what actually happened). List is for my own benefit so I'm not going to be careful around spoiler topics, but I'm also lazy and don't want to write that much to justify a review score... I wouldn't mind chatting in the comments if there's a game where my rating is quite different and some discussion around it would be interesting.

There are some games that are more 'ongoing' or never-ending in some sense like being meant to be played and replayed over and over, maybe they're arcade style or MMOs or games-as-service things, in any case they don't tend to have a definitive 'beaten' sense to them as much as others, or it's at least more debateable. Those ongoing games I'll list at the end in their own section, unless I've totally stopped playing them and probably won't pick them up again, in which case they'll probably move to year sections to designate the year I pretty much stopped playing them (maybe because it became a dead game with few others playing). Some are also fond childhood/teen games that will be in that section even though they probably have a higher chance of me playing them again than e.g. a 4 hour arcade type game started and finished a few years ago.

Also-also, most handheld/console games I own or remember playing (e.g. Blockbuster rental) were pre-2009 with a few exceptions like 3DS stuff, but those games will be listed in that section anyway grouped by device and maybe I'll tag the year if I remember it (or just use the published year if I don't). Future console/handheld games I play via emulator or friends' systems will continue to go in their respective year buckets.

My rating scale may change, for now it's roughly something like:

  1. Ultimately didn't like it, though saw it through to the credits. Don't really recommend it. Still, I had to have liked some of it enough to power through rather than just drop it.
  2. Eh, it's ok. Maybe even in some senses 'bad' but not so much that I can say I didn't like it a bit personally. Don't really recommend it unless you find some aspect appealing like I must have.
  3. I liked it. Others might like it, but not a strong recommend.
  4. I really liked it, and would probably play it again or watch someone play it, probably recommended.
  5. I loved it. A game I'd have enjoyed at any point in life, a "favorite"/in the running for top tier, possibly what I consider a masterpiece no matter any criticisms.

4.5 will probably be for solid continuations of really good franchises that nevertheless don't quite live up to the original/best one to me, or for things where I'm kind of on the fence about whether it really deserves a place at the top of my arbitrary ranking scale, which I'll admit is biased and not trying to be very objective. (Example: Ocarina of Time is rightfully held as a masterpiece by many people, but I only give it a 4, and Majora's Mask a 4.5, but these are my own biases and I won't question anyone claiming its masterpiece status and I can understand if someone claims either as their number one favorite game of all time.)

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Beaten Games


Risen 3 - 2

What should I say... well, it wasn't bad, and I guess I mostly enjoyed it to plow through it so quickly after 2, but it felt so, so hollow. It's basically a continuation of 2, but with a surprise new player character for no reason. Gameplay and graphics and animations are more or less as expected from 2 years of polish rather than a whole new thing, though some things felt like they regressed. The menu UI could have used a lot more polish. Combat and the game overall was exceedingly easy from start to end, in contrast to every other one of these games. I got very high stats very quickly thanks to saving my skill plants and making potions. It was disappointing. I was able to 'hold off' on making my faction choice for what felt like way too long. I mean, part of me doesn't mind, since I had fun doing things mostly island by island, so I think I got to experience a lot of the content, but still, I guess the biggest critique is that the whole world, despite being kinda large, felt fake and non-believable, which was always the strong point of gothic, with gothic 1 being tiny but super believable. And the size of the world is even fake because so much of it is reused from risen 2. Even the returning characters felt fake and not the same people from the last game. Also, having Mendoza show up was cool, but then you take him away from me because I'm not evil enough or whatever. Dumb. I'm not going to play through the game again, the design philosophy seemed to be to let players experience a lot of the content in one go, but no, not that. Same thing with some dialogue, like I only get a few choices from various characters rather than being able to exhaust them for no reason. Part of me thinks the design was like "how do we make this the most like skyrim that we can", recalling that gothic 3 came out at the same time as oblivion. Even including the dark character back as a ghost via Mendoza / skyrim's equivalent with the dark brotherhood guy (forgot his name -- starts with an L? he was from Oblivion) -- except in skyrim you can keep him. Oh yeah, part of the design philosophy seemed also to be, people complained about not having classic gothic/risen 1 features in risen 2, let's add some back in but in a very shallow way. Hey, the water barrels are back for free healing! Hey, you can sit on stuff again! Instead of just letting you fast travel to a place once you found it like the last game, let's bring back fixed teleport pads that you have to unlock with stones. Except for some reason there's like 10 times as many stones around as teleport pads, so what are you supposed to do with the rest, sell them? I could go on but I better stop. I was expecting disappointment, but not in the way it did, and was pleasantly surprised that it didn't disappoint in the way I thought it might.

Risen 2 - 3.5

On the border with a 4. I went into it right after Risen 1, and was surprised. While the first felt like a sequel/redo of Gothic, this felt like a sequel/redo of Gothic 3 only even more so. Just very different feel and mechanics though shares a notable stylistic core that's not there in other games. I really enjoyed the pirate atmosphere, I don't think I've played such a pure pirate game like this either.. (Lots of games that feature pirates, or sailing, and maybe 'technically pirates' like some JRPGs like Tales, but it's not the same.) The English was fun (especially Jaffar lol) along with the interactions with the non-English. It was surprising to see it immediately introduce the actual horrific slavery of the island plantations (much much worse than American slavery). It doesn't really go anywhere with it or really even showcase its horrors, but that might not be such a bad thing, as I was immediately thinking it'd do the cliched thing of having a free-the-slaves narrative side quest on top of saving the world and I'm glad it didn't. I went the voodoo path (thinking that next time I play Gothic, maybe for the remake, I want to try a more purer mage path), but was kinda disappointed so didn't pursue it much. Should have gone to the dead island sooner though for the awesome summon. Which brings me to combat... it's still gothic-flavored, but the removal of shields and adding guns really changed the feel a lot. It felt a bit clumsy and still sort of devolved into clicking/charge-clicking spam, but I liked it overall. The early game though was brutal, both on combat and on gold resources, and on trying to figure out a priority for trait acquisition. (Experience suggested morals be damned, especially since I'm forced into being a pirate, I'm going to steal everything not nailed down, and that plus pickpockting plus lockpicking helped a lot.) Once you have a consistent companion option to accompany you, though, combat gets easier, especially Chani who can heal you when you're resource-poor... Not having to manage lockpick quantity was nice, the minigame for lockpicking was cool but I wish all these games that have a lockpicking minigame would eventually let you just skip it when your skill is high enough. The final fight was a bit of a letdown. The first boss fight was good, there was an optional miniboss fight on the gnome island I liked a lot (it slurped up my shotgun!). I liked that Patty was back and such a central character (though could she teach me acrobatics again so I can tank high falls). The disconnect between events of the first game to this was a bit lacking, but whatever. I hear 3 is a whole new character though... maybe like gothic 3 it'll be the black sheep, but I feel like starting it soon anyway.

Risen - 4

Played the 'remastered' version with some mods. I kept having recurring thoughts on how good Gothic 1 and 2 were, I was getting close to playing Gothic 1 again... but I haven't done the Risen series, and I think it's better to do a new game than a replay of an old one. It was a good experience, not as good as Gothic, but more or less the same formula and same engine (for good and bad). Some of the stuff near the end could have been better I thought in terms of believability vs my prior choices. I ended up hoarding some scrolls and never used the scroll of speed... oh well.

Demon's Souls (2020 remake) - 4

Played feverously at a friend's place for two days straight, beat it in 18 hours game-time. 166 deaths. At some point found the moonlight sword, and decided to make that main weapon, and thought it needed 24 intelligence... but it needed 24 faith... so I basically waisted 20 levels.

Overall really liked it, I want to play the original sometime. The expressive faces that I assume are remake-original are bad, but other than that... Lots of gimmick bosses, makes the later games a bit retroactively worse as I was able to see how many ideas they've recycled. Level design was good though, and I had kinda missed the punishing runbacks. Favorite bosses were probably Old King Allant (though his level-stealing mechanic forced me to not use the moonlight sword... glad they haven't done that again), Penetrator, and Leechmonger. I know I missed stuff because I was rushing, like NPCs and the whole world-tendancy thing, but still had a great time. Now I've played all the souls-like fromsoft games, all that's left is armored core... My current ranking: Dark Souls > Bloodborne | Sekiro > Dark Souls 2 > Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 3 > Elden Ring.

Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess - 3

Not what I expected from the trailer however long ago, but I enjoyed it. Hard for Capcom to make a 'bad' game. It felt a bit disrespectful of my time, having to revisit the bases to collect extra power to make the next area a bit easier, or just to do the 'construction' stuff for upgrades for the same purpose of making the next area or boss easier/even doable. Peeking at the achievements I realize there's a 'true' boss/ending if I go through it all again in new game+, but I don't really want to. Overall it's pretty, and the mountain yokai depictions and lore are great. I want to see more games in this sort of setting, though a different game mechanic. The tower defense lite stuff ultimately didn't really work out IMO. And I thought it was sort of a bad sign that they give you the okami outfit and BGM at the start if you want to use that instead (which I ended up doing), like it can't stand on its own?

Lil Gator Game - 3

Started out a little slow, I could see the charm. Got back into it after a bit and then got fully into it. Nice, simple game, reminiscent of A Short Hike, cute little character interactions if simplistic 'quests'. Just a fun world to navigate, especially once you have infinite stamina. Wish vtubers played this type of game instead of the usual trash...

Axiom Verge - 3

Fun and not too long metroidvania, without making the backtracking for stuff too tedious. (I think I was pretty efficient, 9 hours, 97% map, 76% items, 9 deaths on normal.) Not too difficult, I'm not really interested in hard mode though since these types of games don't tend to have new enemy patterns, just faster/more damage with bigger enemy HP pools. Not exactly fun. A bit miffed I never found the codes to unlock the translations for like 5 of the notes I found, I guess I'll look them up now, but the story / background world was pretty cool. I got this and the sequel so I'll probably play the sequel soon.

Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree DLC - 3

Don't get me wrong, I quite liked it, but I feel like crapping on it for some reason. Or just ranting. I guess I was subconsciously hoping for more than just "more Elden Ring", which was all this was, nothing truly exciting or standout or mindblowing. More open world that's pretty but not too full of stuff (and can only get the mindblow that the base game had of "holy crap this game is huge" once, sadly), lots of bosses that were just guys-with-swords, not too difficult (sure last boss was hard but just required a bit of practice), knock-off Sekiro bosses (and others -- too many knockoffs/remixes from older games), NPC quests seemed to get cut short because I explored too far (found out later it's if you approach the shadow castle? I was just walking around when "rune broken" or whatever showed up, no idea what it meant), still the only NPC I feel like I messed up was the St. Tilia's one since I died once to her, then left it until I got to the final boss, then was wrapping up a few stuff before then (I didn't miss anything as far as bosses go despite not using a guide) and found out I had to die to her multiple times before she would 'speak', and then I could pass the words on to the NPC, but it was too late since I had fought the penultimate boss. Dragons were disappointing as always -- ER's dragons are the worst in the series by far, despite their potential. Placidussax was interesting in the base game at least. (I did mess up on other NPC quests I found out later, oh well.)

I think my problems with the DLC are really just my problems with the game as a whole that I overlooked before. Useless crafting, useless items, lots of cool stuff to experiment with but I really just want to hit stuff with a big sword so it's mostly wasted on me...

I'll be playing dark souls 1 again before long I suspect. It is fun to turn on 'summon me anywhere' and get thrown in to any section of the game though.

Xanadu Next - 3

On a Nihon Falcom grind... this was fun. Even if very dated and clunky controls. Pretty good dungeon design, especially the final area, the shortcuts kept things from seeming too linear. Motifs in the plot with twins/twists. There's an extra mdoe area, I'm not sure I'm willing to commit myself to the grind for it. (I tried before the final boss and barely made it to level 5 of 26 or something.) I think I'd have to level down to 1 and with the card that gives extra points per level level back up, then probably go even more beyond that. I resorted to a guide for some of the crate puzzles.

Ys SEVEN - 3.5

Not as good as Ys 4 / Memories of Celceta but still fun, good music, simple but decent plot and level design. Satisfying combat, except for having to switch Adol's weapon (or a party member, or swap the active party) when fighting an enemy of the wrong type. It's an interesting idea to try and get more party utilization, but I just want to use Adol.. I settled on having my party be Adol with slash, then two others with heavy (strike?) or pierce. Missed two quests. Love a short girl with a giant mallet.

Ys V: Lost Kefin, Kingdom of Sand - 3

Played the fan translation patch for the SNES version. It was fun, but definitely the weakest Ys game I've played. Partially due to the age but the combat was pretty dull, especially magic use, and the story was kinda meh. Maybe the PS2 version would have been better? (Watched some youtube videos, it does look like the more modern Ys system, so maybe. NPC escorts though... Voice acting is fun. Waterfall platforming still looks like the worst part of the game. Dogi is there!) Still, it was fun enough, and now I've played a more classic Ys game, and have now completed (if you count remakes) 0-6, so I can play Ys 7 and onwards now...

Corn Kidz 64 - 3

Scratched the N64 platformer itch. Post-game tower is quite hard, I gave up midway after one go (if you lose all health you start at the start). Don't know if I'll try again.

Touhou Hero of Ice Fairy - 3.5

Fun boss rush style fangame, side scroller bullet hell fights.

Tales of Berseria - 2

Really charming, props to the localization team too when with my limited JP I'm pretty sure the EN text isn't matching exactly what is said but nevertheless captures the spirit. But it's a slog and drags on, I guess like other JRPGs. Combat ultimately unengaging, game admits as much by having an auto mode. Sometime during the post-game stuff I turned the difficulty down to baby mode (still had to do a few things manually and care about item use for some fights after) and wish I had done that earlier to make things go faster.

Dragon's Dogma - 2

Had about 15 hours left to clear this. It was meh. Pretty much every other fantasy RPG with dragons is better, I think. It has a nice opening soundtrack but that's literally the only one that gets replayed over and over. Actual gameplay isn't very engaging. Didn't finish DLC area.

Tunic - 3.5

This year is the year I finish a bunch of games I stopped playing 2+ years prior for some reason. Anyway, Tunic was good. Some creative puzzles as well as the overall manual thing is really cool.

Tekken 7 - 4

(Moved to 2024 as game is essentially end of life now.) Hadn't really gotten into any fighting game since Mortal Kombat Trilogy on the N64. (I don't count Super Smash Bros.) Got into this one because of a certain fluffy tail vtuber... She made the game look fun to play. (Later I did get to play against her a lot, that's fun too.) Plus it was on sale for like $5. I actually ended up liking it and getting really into it. For whatever reason it clicks for me more than things like Dead or Alive or Dragonball FighterZ. I like Lucky Chloe.


Kannagi Usagi - 3

Short Sekiro At Home. Cute girls.

Crimson Dragon - 3

Scratched my rail shooter itch. I can't imagine playing this with a kinect though.

Webbed - 3

Fun indie game, not much more to say. Never played with main character being a spider before I don't think. Some of the web mechanics not so intuitive and I wonder if some of the solutions I did were intended or physics glitches...

Gothic 3 - 3

Long enough since playing 1 and 2 that I could enjoy this for what it is, also with all the recent mods (one as recent as like last year or two) to make it playable. Amusingly even with a 4090 I sometimes experienced slideshow FPS and had to restart the game. Anyway, once I got into it, it wasn't bad and I enjoyed it for the most part. I didn't mind the combat for the most part being too easy / a step down from the prior games, it makes sense in fact since I ended as a really strong hero from those games.

Doom 5/Eternal - 4

Need to finish the DLC but really good continuation from Doom 4. Only thing it doesn't do so well is there's no deep meme voice and they could have maybe introduced some new demons...

As Dusk Falls - 2

Alright to play through once with a friend, no desire to play more.

DC League of Super-Pets: The Adventures of Krypto and Ace - 3

100%'d this... I'm desperate for any 3D rail shooter.

Lost Ember - 3

Pretty chill, but some bad art/stutter/really bad controls moments take me out of things. Story is a bit ugh, didn't realize that's what I was getting, just wanted a cute wolf game...

Marchen Forest - 3

Suckered up and bought the remastered version. Kinda grindy and annoying stutters but still cute and mostly enjoyable to the end.

Kandria - 3

Solid game in its own right even if I originally just got it to support the fact it's made with Lisp.


Halo 6/Infinite - 2

Played co-op with a friend using the split screen glitch. Mechanically great, disappointing everything else. Shame, there's a good game in there trying to get out...

Cuphead - 3.5

Played with a friend, I think the co-op makes it harder not easier. But had a good time. Didn't love it enough to feel a need to play the DLC.

The Disappearing of Gensokyo - 3

Fun fangame, learned more about Tenshi. Hard felt unfair, like I'd need to grind for stats to do it right.

Dragon Warrior - 3

NES emulator. Definitely dated, still fun. Started 2 after, it's an improvement in most ways. Want to finish 2 and maybe 3 before getting back into Yakuza 7 to better relate to the main character.

Yakuza 6: The Song of Life - 3

Great send-off. Fun to see an old friend again... some of the plot felt like Yakuza 3 vibes repaeting. Coming from 5, which was great, I still appreciated having a more focused story just on Kiryu. My ranking of 0-6 is: 0 > 2 > 5 > 1 >~ 6 > 3 >~ 4. >~ means approximately greater than, the two are very close.

Touhou: Scarlet Curiosity - 3

Another fun and cute fangame. Not very hard, got all achievements.

Death's Door - 3

Started playing at my friend's a year before. Pretty good standout game in an over-saturated genre. Its humor isn't really that humorous, but meh, it's fine.

Elden Ring - 4.5

First FromSoft game I bought so soon after launch, I couldn't resist. First beaten game of the yaer but I already know it'll be best game of the year. I think it's maybe the second easiest game of these BloodSouls games they've made (but I haven't played Demon's Souls yet), though three bosses (maybe 4) gave me consistent trouble... I expect DLC, we'll see what happens!

Splitgate - 2.5

(Moved from never-ending games, since it's dead and haven't played it since Jan 2022.) Had more potential, but I really disliked how they did bots, and mostly have stopped playing. Still, it scratched the Quake-like gameplay I've been craving that modern multiplayer FPSes haven't been delivering on. Hope their next game does better.


Metro: Last Light Redux - 3

Liked it a bit more than the first one. Fun story, and occasionally having allies makes it funner to play.

Tengami - 2

Forgettable. Mostly chill.

Valley - 2

Some fun movement, but forgettable.

It Takes Two - 4

Very good couch co-op game. I especially liked that they left the ending somewhat ambiguous. Both parents are kinda messed up though.

Psychonauts - 4.5

Amazing 3D platformer, storywise and gameplay wise, with interesting themes you don't see too much in games. Wish I had played it sooner.

Bloodborne - 4

Didn't get to play the DLC, but I know I'd like it, and it might elevate it to a 4.5. I can see why for some people it's their favorite, but DS1 is still mine. I think it's a lot to do with one's own preferences for swords and sworcery/dark fantasy types of setting vs. gothic/victorian/lovecraftian mix. The fast gameplay was probably more refreshing when it came out but is less so having played DS3 and Sekiro, still I liked it, but I dislike that it rather forces a more aggressive style whereas DS1 with its slower play supports both aggressive and less aggressive styles. It'd be nice if it got a 60 FPS PC release someday but I won't get my hopes up. This is the easiest FromSoft game. Micolash 'fight' was lame and frustrating, and sadly may have caused the most retries on a boss for me in this game... Felt good to win against some bosses first try.

Yakuza 5 - 4

Everything they were trying to do in 4 but didn't do a great job on they pulled off here. Great complex story that ties all the playable characters together, possibly the best heat action ever (snowman...)

Sonic Adventure DX - 3

A replay, haven't done it since the gamecube days when I rented it. Played with a dreamcast style mod on PC. 3D Sonic games will always get the boot but I still liked it playing again.

Myst - 3

Played the remastered/remade version with a friend on the couch. Kind of overrated, but good puzzle game anyway. Surprising to both of us were how the puzzles actually weren't hard!

Rage 2 - 1

In some ways better than Rage 1, in some ways worse. Was kind of hoping to be pleasantly surprised since this came after the superb Doom 4, but alas. Also, no BFG, unless you buy DLC? Shame.

Pine - 2

Generic Unity game but fun enough. Chill.

Metro 2033 - 3

Quite good, interesting and different (at least setting) story. Liked the bits where you have allies and not just by yourself, the mixup is great compared to always being alone or always having a companion. Two annoying parts of the game, both when it becomes more about stealth.

Project Warlock - 3

Pretty good Doomy boomer shooter.


Took a while to force myself to the end. It's got some charm but... just not great execution. I think I'm just not nostalgic enough for the type of game it's going for.

Yakuza 4 - 2.5

Fun, it's Yakuza, but I think they got overly ambitious.

Sudeki - 2

Probably better when it first came out. I had paused it for a long time when I was near the end. It's just got that feel of western studio trying to make a fusion western + jrpg and not doing that great a job. Still, it wasn't bad, and had some nice character design and music.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order - 2

Ultimately not a bad attempt at fusing Dark Souls play with Star Wars, but as far as Dark Souls clones go, it's not that great, and after a while seems to feel more like a Prince of Persia game.

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - 4.5

Dagoth Ur did nothing wrong.

Undertale - 1.5

Massively overrated on all dimensions. Music is good, but not groundbreaking. Bosses can be challenging, but not brutally. (But I just did one playthrough, I'm not going to do the route to fight Sans, and those who do should introspect on if they think the game has a message and whether they're living up to that message.) Somewhere around the middle I remember thinking "Damn it, this isn't a shitty game." But the end boss fight turned me around again, "No, this is a shitty game, but it's a good shitty game." I definitely get why people like it, but I just can't say I do. Still, I had fun experiencing it blind, and people should do so and judge for themselves whether it's amazing or not.

Knights And Bikes - 1

Played with a friend on the couch. I just don't really like its artstyle and writing, gameplay was fine though it took kind of a sharp difficulty turn at some point (I mean, we're both gamers, so it was never what we'd call hard, but we still noticed the sudden jump) and that may be why we started getting 'rare achievements' ever after that point as most people decided it wasn't worth it.

AER: Memories of Old - 2

Generic Unity game. Chill.

Doom 64 - 3.5

On PC, great classic Doom variant. Soothes the boomer shooter desires, because it is one. I never played the original on N64.

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - 4.5

Really definitive for what makes the 'vania' in "Metroidvania". I have played several other Castlevanias but this was the first to completion. Was nice to connect a lot of other games I've played to this one.

Middle-Earth: Shadow of War - 3

Not as good as the first one. I dropped it for a long while because of one stupid fight I thought I was locked in, the rest of the game wasn't very hard even though I think I did Gravewalker difficulty (too lazy to check). The territory capturing stuff wasn't that interesting. Riff on LOTR lore wasn't bad though, just like the first game it's the right mix of close-enough to source material but also so out there and gamified yet all in the name of Fun and it's ok. Stupid sexy spider...

Yakuza 3 - 2

Let down after how awesome 2 was, but still a fun game, and nice to be in a new environment.

Morkredd - 2

Not bad for couch co-op, but forgettable.

Code Vein - 4

Anime Souls. Good job at it, but I think something about the Unreal Engine is getting in the way.


Deus Ex - 4.5

Amazing. Thought provoking. Very relevant for the pandemic.

A Way Out - 3

Good couch co-op

Antichamber - 3

Fun puzzle game. I think I tried it before and dropped it, got back into it this time and finished.


What Quake should have been.

Spiritfarer - 2.5

Chill game. Questionable messaging.

Touhou Luna Nights - 3.5

I quite enjoyed this Symphony of the Night clone with Touhou characters

Panzer Dragoon Remake - 2.5

I was hoping they'd remake the rest but so far... eh, I love rail shooters, and Panzer Dragoon is a great series.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - 4

So pretty...

Yakuza Kiwami 2 - 4

Maybe my favorite after 0.

DUSK - 4

Great Doom re-imagining with elements of Quake.

Hollow Knight - 4

Great metroidvania.

Sin & Punishment: Star Successor - 3.5

Nice rail shooter, makes interesting use of the wiimote

Nier - 4

Yoko Taro Sama

The Outer Worlds - 2

A bit too bland, competent but not that good fallout clone

Song of the Deep - 2

Forgettable but fun while it lasted I think

Yakuza Kiwami - 3.5

Nice callbacks to 0, a lot shorter.

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - 4.5

Love/hate relationship with this game...

Yakuza 0 - 4.5

Amazing Japan.

Salt & Sanctuary - 4.5

Best 2D Dark Souls clone

Celeste - 4

Great puzzle platformer that tests your reflexes. Ok story.

Secrets of Raetikon - 2

Forgettable, though I think it was pretty, had foxes

Seasons After Fall - 2

Fox game, not as good as Ori but trying to be Ori.

Ys: Memories of Celceta - 3.5

Another good Ys game, technically Ys 4 remade?

Marchen Forest: Mylne and the Forest Gift - 3

Cute game. Eventually got the DLC but never played it because it's only in JP...

Gears 5 - 2

Played with friend. It was eh....

Super Bomberman R - 2

Another meh with friend... Story is just...

Gears of War 4 - 2.5

Step down from 3, but not as terrible as I thought it'd be going in, actually had some fun with it.

Gears of War: Judgment - 2.5

Don't really remember this one.

A Short Hike - 3

Chill cute game


Sin and Punishment - 3

A rail shooter for the N64, great game.

Gothic 2: Gold Edition - 4.5

Amazing sequel to an amazing game.

Spyro Reignited Trilogy - 4

Bestest purple boi

Eastshade - 3.5

Nice walking simulator

Nier: Automata - 5

Reminder what games can be... with hot robot girls

Okami - 4.5

Like a Zelda game but kinda surpasses them in many ways

Ys: The Oath in Feighana - 3.5

Another great Ys game, technically Ys 3 remade.

Ys 1 & 2 Chronicles Plus - 3.5

Good Ys games...

ShipLord - 1.5

Played it mostly for expressing an idea for a game I had myself, a "dodge-em-up". Alright for what it is.

Ori and the Blind Forest - 3.5

Pretty game, not as pretty as people rave about though. A bit bland for the middle-end of it, could have been shorter. Too easy. Still not in a hurry to play the sequel.

Doom 3: BFG Edition - 3

Never experiencing the original Doom 3 when it came out, I didn't really get people's hate towards it. But yeah, it's just an ok game on its own, if it wasn't tied to the Doom name. As a Doom game it leaves a lot to be desired. But once you get into it after a few levels and get your weapon arsenl up, it's a pretty fun run and gun like Doom should be.

Shadow Warrior 2 - 2

Step down from the first one, but alright overall. Might have been better co-op.

Ys Origin - 3.5

Surprisingly good Ys game despite all taking place in a tower instead of a sprawling world map like the others.

Quake - 4

Still amazing.

Gears of War 3 - 3

Fun finale. Still not a huge fan of cover shooters.


Miasmata - 2

Alright, get rid of the Creature.

Trillion: God of Destruction - 2


Poi - 2

Generic Unity game

Gears of War 2 - 3

Solid for what it is

Gothic - 5

Most immersive RPG, at least western RPG, just an amazing little gem...

Overlord: Raising Hell - 4

Great Pikmin spinoff

Turok 2: Seeds of Evil - 4

So much better on PC

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - 4.5

Great finale, lovely and beautiful open world. More pretty in ways than the later red dead redemption 2.


Dark Souls 3 - 4

Great send-off to a series that didn't need one. Too much "remember the first game?" call backs. Porting faster bloodborne mechanics makes it a bit too easy sometimes, so much dodge rolling.

Doom 4 - 4

Amazing modern Doom, they somehow didn't mess it up, especially after the mess that was Rage.

Firewatch - 3

Good pretty walking simulator

Turok: Dinosaur Hunter - 4

Amazing boomer shooter that's so much better on PC than the original N64

Killing Floor - 4

Had a lot of fun with this multiplayer co-op shooter. Shame the devs seemed to have dropped the ball on the sequel.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - 2.5

Second time playing through, it's a fun side tale.

Yooka-Laylee - 4

Gave me everything I wanted from a spiritual successor to Banjo-Kazooie.

Rage - 2

Ugh... so disappointed. Saddest thing is I never even shot the BFG equivalent 'cause I was "saving it" and then suddenly the final boss fight came and went.

The Witness - 3.5

Amazing pretty puzzle game people should never play.


Ys 6: The Ark of Napishtim - 4

My first Ys game, was recommended as a first and "if you like it, check out the rest". I did both. I should replay it, but it was fantastic and shows how to do an action JRPG.

The Witcher 2 - 3.5

Slow starting but really fun once you get going.

Shadow Warrior - 4

Good boomer shooter remake

Amnesia: The Dark Descent - 2.5

It's alright. Not as good as the Penumbra games.

Fable Anniversary - 1.5

I don't really remember anything from this game, which is annoying because I'd like to play the rest of the series at some point... I think I enjoyed it at the time.

Banished - 1.5

Village survival sim, except way too easy, and no progression / win state when it's clear there's nowhere for you to grow or evolve.

2016 or earlier, uncertain completion times, but should be 2009 or later

Duke Nukem Forever - 3

I enjoyed it, but I was never a die-hard Duke 3D fan (and actually don't think I ever beat it back then). First time I ordered a deluxe edition so I have a Duke statue and stuff in a box somewhere.

Dust: An Elysian Tail - 3

Not bad for a furry game.

Fallout 3 - 3


Fallout: New Vegas - 3

Also good. Everyone likes this one better, but I like 3 better, even if I can agree this one has more consistent world building, and I enjoyed the Utah DLC.

Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - First Assault Online - 3

First time I got into one of these call of duty types of team shooters, I had fun while it lasted.

Grey Goo - 3.5

Solid RTS but shipped too soon and just a bad release, multiplayer was dead too quick...

Half-Life - 4.5

Amazing for its time, still good.

Half-Life 2, Episode 1, Episode 2, Lost Coast - 3.5

I'll lump them all together. Good games.

Kingdom Rush - 2.5

Fun mobile game.

Left 4 Dead 2 - 3.5

Fun with a friend (or a few)

Life is Strange - 1


Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor - 4

Nice bit of fan-fiction

Vanquish - 4

Amazing, almost bullet-hell in 3D, despite on the surface supposedly being a cover shooter.

Osmos - 2

Chill game

Overgrowth - 2

Nice successor to Lugaru, took way too long though.

Postal 2 - 2

Meh. Funny for the most part.

Portal - 4.5

Amazing puzzle game

Portal 2 - 4

Good sequel with fun new mechanics though a bit long.

Rabi-Ribi - 3.5


Ravensowrd: Shadowlands - 2

Ok generic RPG

Dark Souls - 5

Remastered was an annoying cash grab but I still count it as the definitive version even if I don't like some of its art style changes and other things. It's maybe my favorite game of all time. Certainly top 3/top 5.

Soma - 2

Not as good as Amnesia, so not as good as Penumbra. Appreciate it for tackling some fun subjects you don't see in games but it's a bit shallow.

Superflight - 2

Chill never-ending game to just relax a bit with, nothing more

The First Tree - 3

Nice fox game, unfortunately doesn't respect the player's time if you have any desire to 100% it. I liked the ending.

7 Grand Steps - 1

I don't think I even finished this one... Sorta got trapped in a local optima that wouldn't let me advance

Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy - 3

Fine star wars game

Ziggurat - 3

Meh shooter

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - 4

Amazing star wars game

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 - 4

Another amazing star wars game

Sanctum - 4

Great tower defense + FPS mix game.

Civ V - 2

Fine for what it is

Sleeping Dogs - 3

Enjoyable GTA clone

Realm Royale - 1

Battle royales aren't my thing.

Batman: Arkham City - 4

Really fun game

BioShock - 4.5

Amazing game, shame about the final act not being so good

BioShock 2 - 3.5

Not nearly as good but the Minerva's Den DLC made up for a lot

BioShock Infinite - 3

Another step down but Elizabeth is still the best escort-waifu of all time

Strike Suit Infinity/Zero - 3

Whichever one was the single player campaign, it was fun.

Super Hexagon - 2

Nice little game mainly for phone/tablet

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - 3.5

I enjoyed it, though never finished the Shivering Isles DLC. I still remember a lot of the faction quest stuff, just a more memorable game than Skyrim for whatever reasons.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - 3.5

It was good but I remember very little. I remember trying to play it a second time and doing the Stormcloaks route (the only real choice you have from one playthrough to the next) but got a quest-progressing-blocker of a bug they hadn't fixed in 7+ years.

Cave Story - 4.5

This maybe belongs in the next section too, but I've played and replayed it many times. Always a great game.

The Witcher - 3.5

I'm looking forward to playing the remaster but I enjoyed this one quite a bit in my memory. Also the only one I could play with keyboard and mouse.

To the Moon - 1


Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin - 4

Not as good as the first, didn't need to exist, but gets hated on unfairly. Overall I like more of it than 3.

Tomb Raider (2013) - 3

Good for what it is even if a departure from the old ones (which I haven't fully beaten any of anyway).

Tower of Guns - 3

Fun little game

Dishonored - 3

Enjoyable FPS, tries to emphasize stealth but you can just be a murder machine.

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption - 3.5

Played through twice, it's good. Like the use of Wii remote.

Gears of War - 3

Good for what it is.

Childhood remembrances -- 2009 or earlier

The Sword of Shannara - 3.5

Fun point and click adventure game, replayed in 2023.

Tremulous - 4

I played a ton of this in high school, but haven't played for a long time. Still, fond memories, and built from the Quake 3 engine, this is my nostalgia for how competitive/team shooters should play.

Contra 3 - 4.5

Another thing learned about from the wise Maddox, I like to replay it occasionally and always suggest it as a 2p option if I'm playing with a friend. Contra 4 was really good too. The Contra that came on the Wii Store wasn't as good.




Star Fox 64 - 5

Usually in my top 3 of all time games, I still love it.

Banjo-Tooie - 4.5

Great sequel.

Super Smash Bros - 4.5

Really fun with friends and even alone.

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater - 4

Still a great soundtrack. And always laughed at "Officer Dick".

Chameleon Twist 2 - 2

I think the first one was better as a title, but this one was better mechanically.

(Fun story: in 7th grade (2003-2004) I traded Banjo and Smash for Tony Hawk and Chameleon, it was supposed to be a temporary trade, but the kid moved away! However, years later in Oct 2019, I found him on Facebook and traded them back. My save data was still there.)

Paper Mario - 4

Great concept and execution, really set the stage for Nintendo being able to tell good Mario stories. (Mario RPG was eh...)

Super Mario 64 - 4.5

Despite all its flaws judged by modern standards, it's still an amazing 3D platformer, and my first N64 and first 3D game. I was obsessed with it. It was difficult for little me to get those last few stars for all 120!

Diddy Kong Racing - 4.5

One of if not the best kart racer ever, does everything Mario Kart did but better.

GoldenEye 007 - 4.5

Still an amazing console FPS and so fun with friends. Fun fact, this was a trade (ended up being permanent) for Mario Tennis.

Mario Tennis - 2

I remember having fun with it before trading it away, but when I played it again on emulator at some point, it's a bit... clunky, to put it nicely.

Yoshi's Story - 4

Great Yoshi game. I used to know all the locations of black and white Yoshi... My interpretation of the song still gets stuck in my brain sometimes. "Remember... we never... remember... we never..."

Pokemon Snap - 4

Really cool Pokemon game with all its little secrets.

WCW Mayhem - 2

I think I only have it because of a going-out-of-business sale or something, or a friend gave/sold it to me for cheap. (Actually I think I might have temporarily traded Cruis'n World for it and never got it back.) It's an ok wrestling game, I remember I liked Psychosis' submission move (King in Tekken has a similar one), and using chairs and other weapons and running backstage. Probably my favorite to play, though WWF was my favorite to watch.

Cruis'n World - 3

Not as good as USA but still fun, and the Speed Demon unlock was really fun.

(Above were ones I own/owned, following are ones I remember renting and probably beating, or friends/relatives had them and we beat them. I remember playing others but if I probably didn't beat them, not including them.)

1080° Snowboarding - 4

Still the best snowboarding game. Penguin board and silver/gold surfers were so cool too...

Banjo-Kazooie - 4.5

A pattern of Rare, doing what Nintendo did but better. i.e. this is the better Mario 64.

A Bug's Life - 2.5

I remember having fun, especially with the berry powerups. The bird and gorge level filtered me though for many rentals.

Chameleon Twist - 2

Fun and unique for its time.

Cruis'n USA - 4

Still probably my favorite car racing game. The trophy lady is nice too~

Extreme-G - 3

Really fun bullet bike racing game, they look so cool and the speeds are so fast.

Gex 64: Enter the Gecko - 3

Fun animal mascot platformer. Supposedly other editions were better?

Hey You, Pikachu! - 1

Unreliable gimmick wore off fast.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - 4

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - 4.5

Mario Golf - 2

Mario Kart 64 - 4

This and the DS are my favorite mario karts.

Mario Party - 4

First one was really good, 2 and 3 not so much. Though I broke controllers with it and got blisters... iykyk.

Pokemon Stadium, Pokemon Stadium 2 - 3

These were most fun for the minigames with friends. I think I somehow still did the battle quest stuff with rental mode.

Quest 64 - 3.5

I liked it but I was ignorant. It has a lot of flaws, and I remember getting totally lost and not knowing what to do next (especially after the water fountain city) so it took many rentals before I finally beat it.

Star Wars Episdoe 1: Racer - 3.5

I thought it was a fun racing game.

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 - 3.5

Not as good as the first but still fun.

Vigilante 8 and 2nd Offense - 2.5

I remember having fun, and the theme of the 2nd one sorta still sticks in my brain a bit.

Wave Race 64 - 4

Still the best wave racing game ever. Only the mobile game Riptide matched it in aesthetics and feel. Part of the secret sauce is that you could actually go under the water line.


Note I didn't ever get into the 3DS ecosystem until the "New 2DS XL" or whatever came out, i.e. nuts to all that 3D stuff.

Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D - 2

Don't even remember if I finished it. It's ok-ish for what it is. Original DKC for SNES is still the best one.

Pokemon X - 3

The last (along with Y) true Pokemon game. It was alright.

Pokemon Moon - 2

Here Pokemon games started being very different to how they used to be, and I haven't played one since. It was ok but not a fan of the direction.


Trauma Center: Under the Knife - 4

I'm pretty sure I beat this... but the last 'boss' was really hard. It was a cool use of the touch screen mechanics though, and this was at the time in my life where I was contemplating going into medicine (and becoming perhaps a neurosurgeon).

Wario Ware: Touched! - 4

My DS got some battle scars from this one, but it was a really fun set of microgames anyway. I like Ashley's Theme Song.

Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time - 3.5

I actually forget if I finished this one or not... it had some slick writing but just not as good as previous games.

Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day! - 3

I think I ended up mostly playing this for the Sudokus.

Megaman ZX - 4

I remember this mostly as "finally, a new and good megaman game that's like megaman x".

Mario Kart DS - 4.5

Between this and the N64 version, both are my favorites. I even played this one online at McDonald's for their free wifi since I didn't have wifi at home.

Pokemon Black - 3

I remember it being ok. I waited a long time for "Grey" to come out but it never did. Then black and white 2 came out, never played those, felt like a cash grab.

Pokemon Platinum - 3.5

I remember having fun.

New Super Mario Bros - 3.5

Good new take on Mario platforming that went a bit too far with how it took over all subsequent Mario platformers.

Club House Games - 2

I forgot I had this, what did I even play most on it...

Spice and Wolf: The Wind that Spans the Sea - 2

I have a JP import, I sorta went through one cycle not really understanding much. There's now an EN patch for the ROM though so maybe I'll have to play it again...

Contra 4 - 3.5

Not nearly as good as Contra 3 but gets close to the feel sometimes.

Nintendogs: Chihuahua & Friends - 4

Really good game and probably kept me a bit sane until we could get a cat again.

Pokemon Heart Gold - 4

Good remake of the best games.

Star Fox Command - 3.5

I differ from other Star Fox fans and actually like this one quite a bit, despite its silly touch screen finishing move thing. The branching storylines/endings and paths gave it a nice amount of replayability. And it was a Star Fox game, with most time spent in the Arwing, as it should be.

The Urbz: Sims in the City - 3

Maybe my first DS game? It was a fun little Sims type game with an interesting story mode.


Pokemon Sapphire - 4

Really good Pokemon game for the new generation.

Pokemon Leaf Green - 3

Remember liking it, and I never played the original Red/Blue (did watch friend play).

Yu-Gi-Oh! Worldwide Edition: Stairway to the Destined Duel - 3

I got the JP import because I wanted the god cards. Traded Slifer away, somewhat regret that. Could get a replacement now if I really wanted one, they're not too expensive. I remember playing and enjoying the actual game a lot too, it must have had an english mode?

Grand Theft Auto - ?

Not sure how I came to own this (much like my actual GBA SP), I think both were my brother's since I played my GBA games on my DS or the gamecube adapter. Anyway, never played this enough to have an opinion, probably didn't like it.


Pokemon Crystal - 5

Second Pokemon game. Loved it even more, if anyone is only going to play one Pokemon game ever I think this is the one.

Pokemon Silver - 4.5

My first Pokemon game. Loved it. Later on messed with it with GameShark and killed it I think, also battery is certainly dead by now...

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 - ?

One of those "how do I own this" games, certain I never finished it, so must not have liked it.


Super Mario World - 5

Always down to play this with someone. Still perhaps the greatest platformer of all time.


Family had an NES when I was a baby, but I think they got rid of it not too long after getting the SNES, so NES games were those I played at a friend's or via emulator (including perhaps wii virtual console?).

Super Mario Bros - 4

It's the first real Mario game, it's good. Even if clunky.

Tetris - 4

Definitive Tetris style (all random, no sliding, no holds). Glad Tetris Effect has it in a vs mode. I briefly got into it again years back when the TWC went viral.

Never-ending Games

Tekken 8 - 2

Not enjoying it. Maybe I'll change my mind if Chloe ever comes back for it. For now just satisfied if I can keep beating Coyo. (I wouldn't have even bought T8 if she wasn't playing it.) The story and character side stories had some nice cinematics, it's all super absurd but for a fighting game it's not bad. Better than T7's story.

Ikaruga - 5

It's still amazing, and I still suck. Occasional replays, try to get others to play with me too. Learned about it originally from Maddox, have it on both GameCube and PC.

Various Touhou mainlines - 5

Played PCB many years ago, recently got back into them. They somewhat have a beaten objective, that is at least a 1CC on Normal, and maybe also Extra. I haven't beaten Extra yet... Haven't played anything after 15 yet either. Here are my 1CC stats so far.

  • Touhou 02 - Story of Eastern Wonderland. Somewhat harder for me to initially 1CC because of lack of focus movement. Later learned I could tap to fire faster than holding, and melted everything and 1CC'd with all attack styles.
  • Touhou 03 - Phantasmagoria of Dim. Dream
  • Touhou 04 - Lotus Land Story. 1CC'd first try, that was cool. Focus helps a lot.
  • Touhou 06 - Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
  • Touhou 07 - Perfect Cherry Blossom. Incidentally my favorite Touhou. 1CC'd everyone but Sakuya B. Want this to be the first Extra I clear, I have the spell cards to face Phantasm if I ever beat the furry waifu...
  • Touhou 08 - Imperishable Night
  • Touhou 10 - Mountain of Faith. May have used the Marisa bug...
  • Touhou 15 - Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom. Point-device mode.
  • Fangame, Touhou Fantastic Danmaku Festival. 1CC'd everyone, I like this more than the original EoSD.
  • Fangame, Touhou Fantastic Danmaku Festival Part 2. 1CC'd everyone, not as good as original PCB but quite beautiful. Easier. Got very far in Extra's last boss fight the first try, but still haven't baeaten it...

The 5 rating is kind of to the Gestalt of Touhou as a franchise, not to any one game or fangame.

The Lord of the Rings Online - 3.5

Classic style of MMO, I got really into it for a couple months years ago, took a long break, got into it again, break, into it again... seems to be the cycle. If you really like LOTR, I think it's great. If not, it might be good. Watch this video if you want to learn more without the commitment of giving it a go.

Muse Dash - 3

Fun cute anime rhythm game. I was going to get it at least a year before I actually did but decided to hold off because of the devs' bad takes as a Chinese studio. But a certain fluffy tail vtuber playing it and having a lot of fun, plus their nice DLC deal of all the songs + all future songs + their final big sale + me having a good keyboard at last finally made me relent.

Fall Guys - 2

I just play it with vtubers. Knew it would become a f2p game eventually so missed playing during its initial hype but in 2022 shelled out for it on its last big sale before it went f2p so I could play with a specific fluffy tail vtuber...

Wild Animal Racing - 1

Another game just got to play once with a certain dragon vtuber. Bad game, but amusing.

Unpossible - 2

Sort of like Super Hexagon, I mostly use it now to test network latency on steam link.

Tower of Guns - 3

Fun, good quick gameplay, lots of bullets.

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