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Created December 7, 2018 05:07
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class ParallelGeneticAlgorithm {
private static double[] HEURISTICS = {-1, -1, -1, -1, 5, -1};
ArrayList<double[]> population = new ArrayList<>();
private final int simulationsPerChild;
private final double generations;
private final double threadhold;
private final double parentsSelectionRatio;
private final int populationSize;
private final int numberOfFeatures;
ParallelGeneticAlgorithm(int simulationsPerChild, int generations, int populationSize, int numberOfFeatures, double threadhold, double parentsSelectionRatio) {
this.simulationsPerChild = simulationsPerChild;
this.parentsSelectionRatio = parentsSelectionRatio;
this.generations = generations;
this.threadhold = threadhold;
this.populationSize = populationSize;
this.numberOfFeatures =numberOfFeatures;
// Initialise children
for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++) {
double[] weights = new double[numberOfFeatures];
for (int j = 0; j < weights.length; j++) {
weights[j] = Math.random() * HEURISTICS[j];
// get the average over 5 simulation per child
double evaluateWeights(double[] weights) {
return IntStream.range(0, simulationsPerChild)
.map(i -> simulate(weights))
int simulate(double[] weights) {
int[][][] legalMoves = State.legalMoves;
SerializedState state = new SerializedState();
while (!state.lost) {
final SerializedState s = state;
int nextPiece = SerializedState.randomPiece();
List<Double> valuations = Stream.of(legalMoves[s.nextPiece])
.map(move -> PlayerSkeleton.transition(s, move, nextPiece))
.map(nextState -> PlayerSkeleton.evaluate(nextState, weights))
int maxMove = 0;
double maxValuation = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
for (int i = 0; i < valuations.size(); i++) {
if (valuations.get(i) > maxValuation) {
maxMove = i;
maxValuation = valuations.get(i);
state = PlayerSkeleton.transition(state, legalMoves[s.nextPiece][maxMove]);
return state.cleared;
* update population, each time choose a certain proportion of the population and produce children
* children will make up another 50% of the population
* return an updated population
public ArrayList<double[]> evolve (ArrayList<double[]> population, List<Double> evaluationScore) {
return updatePopulation(selectParent(evaluationScore, population), evaluationScore);
* top parentsSelectionRatio (a percentage) of the population is chosen for evolution
* return the ids of parents
private List<double[]> selectParent(List<Double> evaluationScore, ArrayList<double[]> population) {
// certain percentage of population
List<double[]> parents = new ArrayList<double[]>();
List<Double> sortedScore = new ArrayList<Double>(evaluationScore);
sortedScore.sort((a, b) ->, a));
double benchmark = sortedScore.get((int) Math.floor(populationSize * parentsSelectionRatio));
System.out.println("population size: " + population.size());
for(int i = 0; i <population.size(); i++) {
if(parents.size() < population.size()) {
if (evaluationScore.get(i) >= benchmark) {
//System.out.println("score selected: " + evaluationScore.get(i));
} else break;
return parents;
private ArrayList<double[]> updatePopulation(List<double[]> parents, List<Double> fitness) {
int childrenNum = populationSize - parents.size();
ArrayList<double[]> newPopulation = new ArrayList<double[]>();
//add parents in newPopulation
IntStream.range(0, parents.size())
.forEach(i -> {
for (int i = 0; i < childrenNum; i++) {
List<double[]> selParents = tournamentSelection(fitness, parents);
/* get parents */
double[] momGenome = selParents.get(0);
double[] dadGenome = selParents.get(1);
/* crossover */
double[] child = crossover(momGenome, dadGenome);
/* mutation */
Random mutation = new Random();
boolean isMutation = false;
double randomMutation = mutation.nextGaussian();
if(randomMutation > threadhold) {
isMutation = true;
if(isMutation) {
return newPopulation;
/* Swap Mutation */
private double[] mutation (double[] child) {
/* swap */
int randomIndex1 = (int) Math.floor(Math.random() * (numberOfFeatures));
int randomIndex2 = (int) Math.floor(Math.random() * (numberOfFeatures));
double temp = child[randomIndex1];
child[randomIndex1] = child[randomIndex2];
child[randomIndex2] = temp;
return child;
/* cross over */
private double[] crossover (double[] momGenome, double[] dadGenome) {
Random random = new Random();
double[] child = new double[momGenome.length];
IntStream.range(0, momGenome.length)
.forEach(i -> {
child[i] = random.nextBoolean() ? momGenome[i] : dadGenome[i];
return child;
* Tournament selection
* */
private List<double[]> tournamentSelection(List<Double> fitness, List<double[]> parents) {
List<double[]> selParents = new ArrayList<>();
double betterFitness = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
int better = 0;
//select 2 parents
for(int j = 0; j< 2; j++) {
//binary tournament selection
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
int individual = (int) Math.floor(Math.random() * parents.size());
double individualFitness = fitness.get(individual);
if (betterFitness == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY || individualFitness > betterFitness) {
betterFitness = individualFitness;
better = individual;
//reset best for next round
betterFitness = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
return selParents;
public void run() {
System.out.println("starting Genetic Algorithm");
for (int generation = 0; generation < generations; generation++) {
// Fitness
// We run this in parallel because this is the most time consuming part
System.out.printf("Simulating generation %d...\n", generation);
List<Double> fitness = population
population = evolve(population, fitness);
//score after evolving
fitness = population
int maxIndex = 0;
double maxFitness = fitness.get(0);
for (int i = 1; i < fitness.size(); i++) {
if (fitness.get(i) > maxFitness) {
maxIndex = i;
maxFitness = fitness.get(i);
System.out.println("Average fitness: "+ -> i).average());
System.out.printf("Best Fitness: %f\n", maxFitness);
System.out.print("Best Weights: {");
for (double w : population.get(maxIndex)) {
System.out.printf("%f, ", w);
public static void main(String[] args) {
ParallelGeneticAlgorithm PS = new ParallelGeneticAlgorithm(5, 25, 25, 6, 0.1, 0.5);;
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