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Created April 7, 2016 16:51
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Type class approach for polymorphic behavior
object TypeClassApproach extends App {
// The logic ...
trait StreamT[T]{
def values: Stream[T]
object StreamT {
implicit def genTraversableToValues[T,C[_]](t: C[T])(implicit ev: C[T] => GenTraversable[T]) = new StreamT[T]{
def values = t.toStream
implicit def tryToValues[T,C[_]](t: C[T])(implicit ev: C[T] => Try[T]) = new StreamT[T] {
def values = t.toOption.toStream
implicit def futureToValues[T,C[_]](t: C[T])(implicit ev: C[T] => Future[T], atMost: Duration = Duration.Inf) = new StreamT[T] {
def values = Try(Await.result(t,atMost)).toOption.toStream
// Let's try it!
import StreamT._
case class User(name: String, age: Int)
val result = for {
v1 <- List(1,2,3).values
v2 <- Set("hi","bye").values
v3 <- Option(true).values
v4 <- Try(2.0).values
v5 <- Future(User("john",15)).values
} yield (v1,v2,v3,v4,v5)
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