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Created December 15, 2022 16:36
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Day15 JR
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.math.abs
import scala.util.matching.Regex
object Day15Beacons extends App {
type DimCoord = Long
//val checkY: DimCoord = 10 // TEST
//val searchSpaceMax: Long = 20 // TEST
val checkLineY: DimCoord = 2000000
val searchSpaceMax: Long = 4000000
case class Coord(x: DimCoord, y: DimCoord) {
def manhattanDistance(other: Coord): Long = abs(x - other.x) + abs(y - other.y)
val sensorBeaconInputRaw: Vector[String] ="./Sources/Day15Beacons.txt").getLines.toVector
val sensorBeaconPattern: Regex = "Sensor at x=(-?[0-9]+), y=(-?[0-9]+): closest beacon is at x=(-?[0-9]+), y=(-?[0-9]+)".r
val sensorNearestBeaconPairs: Vector[(Coord, Coord)] = => a match {
case sensorBeaconPattern(sx, sy, bx, by) => ( Coord(sx.toLong, sy.toLong), Coord(bx.toLong, by.toLong) )
// -= Part 1 =-
println("\nStarting Part 1 search...")
val allSensorCoords: Set[Coord] ={case(s,_) => s}.toSet
val allBeaconCoords: Set[Coord] ={case(_,b) => b}.toSet
def allCoordsOnLineYThatCannotContainBeacon(sensorX: Long, sensorY: Long, distanceToNearestBeacon: Long): Set[Coord] = {
val distanceToY: Long = abs(checkLineY - sensorY)
if( distanceToY > distanceToNearestBeacon ) Set()
else {
val distanceX = distanceToNearestBeacon - distanceToY
(sensorX-distanceX to sensorX+distanceX).map(xx => Coord(xx, checkLineY)).toSet // returning discrete coords here, this will not work in Part 2
val coordinatesCannotContainBeacon: Set[Coord] = sensorNearestBeaconPairs.flatMap{ case(sensor,beacon) =>
(allCoordsOnLineYThatCannotContainBeacon(sensor.x, sensor.y, sensor.manhattanDistance(beacon)) -- allSensorCoords -- allBeaconCoords)
println(s"Nr of positions on line ${checkLineY} that cannot contain a Beacon: ${coordinatesCannotContainBeacon.size}")
// -= Part 2 =-
println("\nStarting Part 2 search...")
val sensorsAndDistances: Vector[(Coord,Long)] ={ case(s,b) => (s, s.manhattanDistance(b)) }
def normaliseCoord(c: DimCoord): DimCoord = c match {
case i if i < 0 => 0
case i if i > searchSpaceMax => searchSpaceMax
case i => i
def mergeIntervals(inputIntervals: Vector[(Long, Long)], outputIntervals: Vector[(Long, Long)] = Vector()): Vector[(Long, Long)] = inputIntervals match {
// the intervals are assumed to already been ordered by first element ascending!!!
case (a1,a2) +: (b1,b2) +: rest if b2 < a2 => mergeIntervals( (a1,a2) +: rest, outputIntervals ) // a1 >> b1 >> b2 >> a2 --> (b1,b2) is eliminated
case (a1,a2) +: (b1,b2) +: rest if a2 >= b1 => mergeIntervals( (a1,b2) +: rest, outputIntervals ) // a1 >> b1 >> a2 >> b2 --> intervals overlap
case (a1,a2) +: (b1,b2) +: rest if a2 < b1 => mergeIntervals( (b1,b2) +: rest, outputIntervals :+ (a1,a2) ) // a1 >> a2 >> b1 >> b2 --> intervals do not overlap
case (a1,a2) +: Vector() => outputIntervals :+ (a1,a2)
def walkY(currentY: Long=0): Option[Coord] = currentY match {
case curY if curY > searchSpaceMax => None
case curY => {
val currentBetweens: Vector[(Long, Long)] = { case ((Coord(sensorX, sensorY), sensorD)) => {
val curDistFromSensorY = abs(sensorY - curY)
if (curDistFromSensorY > sensorD) None
else Some(normaliseCoord(sensorX - (sensorD - curDistFromSensorY)), normaliseCoord(sensorX + (sensorD - curDistFromSensorY)))
}}.filter(_.isDefined).map(_.get).sortBy { case(a,_) => a }
val currentMergedBetweens = mergeIntervals(currentBetweens)
if (currentMergedBetweens.size > 1) {
Some(Coord(currentMergedBetweens(0)._2 + 1, curY))
} else {
val distressCoord: Coord = walkY().get
val distressTuningFrequency: Long = distressCoord.x * 4000000 + distressCoord.y
print(s"The missing Beacon can be reached at Tuning Frequency: ${distressTuningFrequency}")
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