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Created February 26, 2020 17:56
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Fingerspellings found in steno-dictionaries
npm i -g steno-scripts
for dictionary in dictionaries/*.json; do test-fingerspellings "$dictionary"; done > fingerspellings_log.txt
Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/abbreviations.json
[ 'TK*/*E/P*/T*', 'dept' ]
[ 'KR*/O*', 'co' ]
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/apps.json
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/bad-habits.json
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/briefs.json
Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/code.json
[ 'O*/PW*/SKWR*', 'obj' ]
[ 'HR*PB', '<' ]
[ 'HR*PB/HR*PB', '<<' ]
[ 'HR*PB/KWA*LS', '<=' ]
[ 'KR*P/PHR*US/PHR*US', 'C++' ]
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/computer-powerups.json
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/computer-use.json
Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/condensed-strokes.json
[ 'U*/R*', 'ur' ]
[ 'A*P/*U/S*', 'Aus' ]
[ 'A*/*U/S*', 'aus' ]
[ 'T*P/*U/*BG', 'Tuk' ]
[ 'TP*/E*/PW*', 'feb' ]
[ 'A*/P*/R*', 'apr' ]
[ 'SKWR*/*U/TPH*', 'jun' ]
[ 'SKWR*/*U/HR*', 'jul' ]
[ 'S*/E*/P*', 'sep' ]
[ 'PW*/*EU', 'bi' ]
[ '*E/PH*', 'em' ]
[ 'TP*/KWR*', 'fy' ]
[ '*EU/O*', 'io' ]
[ 'TPH*/*E', 'ne' ]
[ 'O*/*E', 'oe' ]
[ 'P*/*E', 'pe' ]
[ '*U/TPH*', 'un' ]
[ 'KWR*/*U', 'yu' ]
[ 'S*/T*', 'st' ]
[ 'T*P/*U', 'Tu' ]
[ 'PH*P/*EU', 'Mi' ]
[ 'TK*/O*/W*', 'dow' ]
[ 'O*/PW*', 'ob' ]
[ '*E/*E', 'ee' ]
[ 'PH*P/A*/*EU', 'Mai' ]
[ 'PW*/R*/*EU/TKPW*/A*/TPH*/TK*/S*', 'brigands' ]
[ 'H*P/A*/KWR*/*E', 'Haye' ]
[ 'A*P/TPH*/TPH*/*E/S*/HR*/*E/KWR*', 'Annesley' ]
[ 'A*P/S*/H*/W*/O*/R*/T*/H*', 'Ashworth' ]
[ 'PW*P/A*/K*/*E/W*/*E/HR*/HR*', 'Bakewell' ]
[ 'PW*P/A*/R*/TPH*/*E/T*', 'Barnet' ]
[ 'PW*P/*E/TPH*/TPH*/*E/T*', 'Bennet' ]
[ 'PW*P/*E/TPH*/TPH*/*E/T*/S*', 'Bennets' ]
[ 'PW*P/*EU/TPH*/TKPW*/HR*/*E/KWR*', 'Bingley' ]
[ 'PW*P/*EU/TPH*/TKPW*/HR*/*E/KWR*/S*', 'Bingleys' ]
[ 'PW*P/HR*/*E/TPH*/H*/*E/*EU/PH*', 'Blenheim' ]
[ 'PW*P/O*/*U/R*/TKPW*/H*', 'Bourgh' ]
[ 'KR*P/H*/A*/PH*/PW*/*E/R*/HR*/A*/KWR*/TPH*/*E', 'Chamberlayne' ]
[ 'KR*P/H*/A*/T*/S*/W*/O*/R*/T*/H*', 'Chatsworth' ]
[ 'KR*P/H*/*E/A*/P*/S*/*EU/TK*/*E', 'Cheapside' ]
[ 'KR*P/HR*/A*/P*/H*/A*/PH*', 'Clapham' ]
[ 'KR*P/O*/TPH*/S*/O*/HR*/*E/TK*', 'Consoled' ]
[ 'TK*P/A*/W*/S*/O*/TPH*', 'Dawson' ]
[ 'TK*P/*E/R*/PW*/KWR*/S*/H*/*EU/R*/*E', 'Derbyshire' ]
[ 'TK*P/O*/SR*/*E/TK*/A*/HR*/*E', 'Dovedale' ]
[ '*EP/A*/S*/T*/PW*/O*/*U/R*/TPH*/*E', 'Eastbourne' ]
[ '*EP/P*/S*/O*/PH*', 'Epsom' ]
[ 'TP*P/*EU/T*/STKPW*/W*/*EU/HR*/HR*/*EU/A*/PH*', 'Fitzwilliam' ]
[ 'TP*P/O*/HR*/HR*/*EU/*E/S*', 'Follies' ]
[ 'TP*P/O*/R*/S*/T*/*E/R*', 'Forster' ]
[ 'TP*P/O*/R*/S*/T*/*E/R*/S*', 'Forsters' ]
[ 'TKPW*P/A*/R*/TK*/*EU/TPH*/*E/R*', 'Gardiner' ]
[ 'TKPW*P/A*/R*/TK*/*EU/TPH*/*E/R*/S*', 'Gardiners' ]
[ 'TKPW*P/O*/*U/HR*/TK*/*EU/TPH*/TKPW*/S*', 'Gouldings' ]
[ 'TKPW*P/R*/A*/KR*/*E/KR*/H*/*U/R*/KR*/H*', 'Gracechurch' ]
[ 'TKPW*P/R*/A*/TPH*/T*/HR*/*E/KWR*', 'Grantley' ]
[ 'TKPW*P/R*/*E/T*/TPH*/A*', 'Gretna' ]
[ 'TKPW*P/R*/O*/S*/SR*/*E/TPH*/O*/R*', 'Grosvenor' ]
[ 'H*P/A*/TKPW*/TKPW*/*E/R*/S*/T*/O*/TPH*', 'Haggerston' ]
[ 'H*P/A*/T*/TP*/*EU/*E/HR*/TK*', 'Hatfield' ]
[ 'H*P/*E/R*/T*/TP*/O*/R*/TK*/S*/H*/*EU/R*/*E', 'Hertfordshire' ]
[ 'H*P/O*/W*/S*/O*/*E/SR*/*E/R*', 'Howsoever' ]
[ 'H*P/*U/TPH*/S*/TP*/O*/R*/TK*', 'Hunsford' ]
[ 'H*P/*U/R*/S*/T*', 'Hurst' ]
[ 'H*P/*U/R*/S*/T*/S*', 'Hursts' ]
[ 'K*P/*E/TPH*/*EU/HR*/W*/O*/R*/T*/H*', 'Kenilworth' ]
[ 'K*P/KWR*/PH*/P*/T*/O*/TPH*', 'Kympton' ]
[ 'HR*P/A*/PH*/PW*/T*/O*/TPH*', 'Lambton' ]
[ 'HR*P/*EU/STKPW*/STKPW*/KWR*', 'Lizzy' ]
[ 'HR*P/O*/TPH*/TKPW*/PW*/O*/*U/R*/TPH*', 'Longbourn' ]
[ 'PH*P/A*/T*/HR*/O*/KR*/K*', 'Matlock' ]
[ 'PH*P/*E/R*/KWR*/T*/O*/TPH*', 'Meryton' ]
[ 'PH*P/*EU/KR*/H*/A*/*E/HR*/PH*/A*/S*', 'Michaelmas' ]
[ 'TPH*P/*EU/KR*/H*/O*/HR*/HR*/S*', 'Nicholls' ]
[ 'O*P/A*/K*/H*/A*/PH*', 'Oakham' ]
[ 'P*P/*E/PH*/PW*/*E/R*/HR*/*E/KWR*', 'Pemberley' ]
[ 'P*P/*U/HR*/SR*/*EU/S*', 'Pulvis' ]
[ 'R*P/A*/PH*/S*/TKPW*/A*/T*/*E', 'Ramsgate' ]
[ 'R*P/O*/S*/*EU/TPH*/TKPW*/S*', 'Rosings' ]
[ 'S*P/KR*/A*/R*/PW*/O*/R*/O*/*U/TKPW*/H*', 'Scarborough' ]
[ 'S*P/*E/R*/PH*/O*/TPH*/S*', 'Sermons' ]
[ 'SR*P/*EU/TPH*/TKPW*/T*', 'Vingt' ]
[ 'W*P/A*/R*/W*/*EU/KR*/K*', 'Warwick' ]
[ 'W*P/*E/S*/T*/*E/R*/H*/A*/PH*', 'Westerham' ]
[ 'W*P/*EU/KR*/K*/H*/A*/PH*', 'Wickham' ]
[ 'W*P/*EU/HR*/TP*/*U/HR*/HR*/KWR*', 'Wilfully' ]
[ 'A*/PW*/O*/PH*/*EU/TPH*/A*/PW*/HR*/KWR*', 'abominably' ]
[ 'A*/PW*/O*/PH*/*EU/TPH*/A*/T*/*E', 'abominate' ]
[ 'A*/P*/P*/*E/R*/T*/A*/*EU/TPH*', 'appertain' ]
[ 'A*/R*/R*/*E/A*/R*', 'arrear' ]
[ 'PW*/A*/TPH*/TK*/PW*/O*/KP*', 'bandbox' ]
[ 'PW*/A*/R*/*E/TP*/A*/KR*/*E/TK*', 'barefaced' ]
[ 'PW*/A*/R*/O*/*U/KR*/H*/*E', 'barouche' ]
[ 'PW*/HR*/A*/PH*/*E/HR*/*E/S*/S*/TPH*/*E/S*/S*', 'blamelessness' ]
[ 'KR*/A*/S*/S*/*EU/TPH*/O*', 'cassino' ]
[ 'KR*/*E/HR*/*E/R*/*EU/T*/KWR*', 'celerity' ]
[ 'KR*/H*/A*/PH*/PW*/*E/R*/PH*/A*/*EU/TK*', 'chambermaid' ]
[ 'KR*/O*/TPH*/S*/O*/HR*/A*/T*/O*/R*/KWR*', 'consolatory' ]
[ 'KR*/O*/TPH*/T*/R*/A*/R*/*EU/*E/T*/KWR*', 'contrariety' ]
[ 'KR*/O*/TPH*/T*/R*/A*/R*/*EU/W*/*EU/S*/*E', 'contrariwise' ]
[ 'KR*/O*/TPH*/SR*/*E/R*/S*/*EU/PW*/HR*/*E', 'conversible' ]
[ 'KR*/O*/KW*/*U/*E/T*/R*/KWR*', 'coquetry' ]
[ 'KR*/O*/T*/T*/A*/TKPW*/*E/R*/S*', 'cottagers' ]
[ 'KR*/*U/R*/R*/*EU/KR*/HR*/*E', 'curricle' ]
[ 'KR*/*U/R*/T*/S*/*E/KWR*', 'curtsey' ]
[ 'KR*/*U/R*/T*/S*/*E/KWR*/*E/TK*', 'curtseyed' ]
[ 'TK*/R*/*EU/HR*/KWR*', 'drily' ]
[ 'TK*/R*/O*/P*/T*', 'dropt' ]
[ '*E/KR*/HR*/A*/T*', 'eclat' ]
[ '*E/KP*/T*/O*/R*/T*', 'extort' ]
[ '*E/KP*/T*/O*/R*/T*/*E/TK*', 'extorted' ]
[ 'TP*/R*/*E/T*/TP*/*U/HR*/TPH*/*E/S*/S*', 'fretfulness' ]
[ 'TKPW*/HR*/O*/R*/*EU/*E/TK*', 'gloried' ]
[ 'H*/A*/TPH*/TK*/S*/O*/PH*/*E/R*', 'handsomer' ]
[ 'H*/A*/TPH*/TK*/S*/O*/PH*/*E/S*/T*', 'handsomest' ]
[ 'H*/A*/*U/T*/*E/*U/R*', 'hauteur' ]
[ 'H*/*EU/TKPW*/H*/TP*/HR*/O*/W*/TPH*', 'highflown' ]
[ 'H*/O*/*U/S*/*E/PH*/A*/*EU/TK*', 'housemaid' ]
[ 'H*/O*/*U/S*/*E/PH*/A*/*EU/TK*/S*', 'housemaids' ]
[ '*EU/HR*/HR*/*EU/PW*/*E/R*/A*/HR*', 'illiberal' ]
[ '*EU/TPH*/*E/KP*/P*/R*/*E/S*/S*/*EU/PW*/HR*/KWR*', 'inexpressibly' ]
[ '*EU/TPH*/TP*/HR*/*E/KP*/*EU/PW*/HR*/KWR*', 'inflexibly' ]
[ '*EU/TPH*/*EU/KW*/*U/*EU/T*/O*/*U/S*', 'iniquitous' ]
[ 'SKWR*/*E/S*/T*/*EU/TPH*/TKPW*/HR*/KWR*', 'jestingly' ]
[ 'HR*/*EU/SR*/*E/HR*/*EU/*E/S*/T*', 'liveliest' ]
[ 'PH*/A*/KWR*/O*/R*/A*/HR*/T*/KWR*', 'mayoralty' ]
[ 'PH*/*EU/TPH*/*U/T*/*E/S*/T*', 'minutest' ]
[ 'TPH*/*EU/TKPW*/H*/T*/KR*/A*/P*', 'nightcap' ]
[ 'P*/A*/HR*/*EU/TPH*/TKPW*/S*', 'palings' ]
[ 'P*/*E/R*/TP*/O*/R*/KR*/*E', 'perforce' ]
[ 'P*/H*/A*/*E/T*/O*/TPH*', 'phaeton' ]
[ 'P*/*EU/A*/TPH*/O*/TP*/O*/R*/T*/*E', 'pianoforte' ]
[ 'P*/*EU/KW*/*U/*E/T*', 'piquet' ]
[ 'P*/*EU/T*/*EU/A*/PW*/HR*/*E', 'pitiable' ]
[ 'P*/HR*/*EU/A*/TPH*/KR*/KWR*', 'pliancy' ]
[ 'P*/O*/S*/T*/*EU/HR*/*EU/O*/TPH*/S*', 'postilions' ]
[ 'P*/R*/*E/KR*/*EU/P*/*EU/T*/A*/TPH*/KR*/*E', 'precipitance' ]
[ 'R*/A*/P*/A*/KR*/*EU/T*/KWR*', 'rapacity' ]
[ 'R*/*E/TKPW*/*EU/PH*/*E/TPH*/T*/A*/HR*/S*', 'regimentals' ]
[ 'R*/*E/TPH*/KR*/O*/TPH*/T*/R*/*E', 'rencontre' ]
[ 'R*/*E/T*/R*/O*/S*/P*/*E/KR*/T*/*EU/O*/TPH*/S*', 'retrospections' ]
[ 'S*/A*/HR*/HR*/*EU/*E/TK*', 'sallied' ]
[ 'S*/*EU/PH*/P*/*E/R*/*E/TK*', 'simpered' ]
[ 'S*/*EU/KP*/P*/*E/TPH*/KR*/*E', 'sixpence' ]
[ 'S*/HR*/*EU/TKPW*/H*/T*/*EU/TPH*/TKPW*/HR*/KWR*', 'slightingly' ]
[ 'S*/P*/O*/*EU/HR*/T*', 'spoilt' ]
[ 'T*/A*/KR*/*EU/T*/*U/R*/TPH*', 'taciturn' ]
[ 'T*/*EU/T*/H*/*E/S*', 'tithes' ]
[ 'T*/W*/*E/HR*/SR*/*E/PH*/O*/TPH*/T*/H*', 'twelvemonth' ]
[ '*U/TPH*/A*/P*/P*/*E/A*/S*/A*/PW*/HR*/*E', 'unappeasable' ]
[ '*U/TPH*/*E/KP*/A*/PH*/P*/HR*/*E/TK*', 'unexampled' ]
[ '*U/TPH*/TP*/O*/R*/TKPW*/*EU/SR*/*EU/TPH*/TKPW*', 'unforgiving' ]
[ '*U/TPH*/W*/O*/R*/T*/H*/*EU/HR*/KWR*', 'unworthily' ]
[ 'SR*/O*/HR*/*U/PW*/*EU/HR*/*EU/T*/KWR*', 'volubility' ]
[ 'W*/H*/*EU/S*/T*', 'whist' ]
[ 'O*/KR*/T*', 'oct' ]
[ '*E/*EU/TPH*', 'ein' ]
[ '*E/HR*/*EU/STKPW*/A*', 'Eliza' ]
[ '*E/R*', 'er' ]
[ '*E/S*/KW*', 'Esq' ]
[ '*E/T*/KWR*', 'ety' ]
[ '*E/TPH*', 'en' ]
[ '*EU/TPH*/TK*/*EU/*E/S*', 'Indies' ]
[ 'A*/*U/TKPW*', 'aug' ]
[ 'A*/R*/*EU/TKPW*/H*/T*', 'aright' ]
[ 'A*/TK*/SR*', 'adv' ]
[ 'A*/TP*/T*', 'aft' ]
[ 'A*P/K*P', 'AK' ]
[ 'A*P/KR*P', 'AC' ]
[ 'H*/*E/T*/T*/KWR*', 'Hetty' ]
[ 'H*P/*E/TPH*/R*/*EU/*E/T*/T*/A*', 'Henrietta' ]
[ 'HR*/HR*', 'll' ]
[ 'HR*/PW*', 'lb' ]
[ 'KR*/*U/PH*', 'cum' ]
[ 'KR*/O*/R*', 'cor' ]
[ 'KR*/O*/TPH*/TPH*/*E/KP*/*EU/O*/TPH*', 'connexion' ]
[ 'KR*P/HR*/A*/R*/*E', 'Clare' ]
[ 'KR*P/KWR*/R*/*EU/HR*', 'Cyril' ]
[ 'KWR*/*E', 'ye' ]
[ 'KWR*/O*/TPH*', 'yon' ]
[ 'O*/PW*/S*', 'obs' ]
[ 'P*/PH*', 'pm' ]
[ 'P*/S*/*E/*U/TK*', 'pseud' ]
[ 'P*/TKPW*', 'pg' ]
[ 'P*P/W*P/H*P', 'PWH' ]
[ 'PH*/*EU', 'mi' ]
[ 'PH*/*EU/*E/TPH*', 'mien' ]
[ 'PH*/A*/KR*/A*/*U/HR*/A*/KWR*', 'Macaulay' ]
[ 'PH*/A*/R*/*EU/*U/S*', 'Marius' ]
[ 'PH*P/A*/R*/*EU/A*/TPH*', 'Marian' ]
[ 'PH*P/R*', 'Mr' ]
[ 'PH*P/R*/S*', 'Mrs' ]
[ 'PH*P/TK*P', 'MD' ]
[ 'PW*/R*', 'br' ]
[ 'PW*P/KR*P', 'BC' ]
[ 'R*/*E', 're' ]
[ 'R*/A*/*EU/PH*/*E/TPH*/T*', 'raiment' ]
[ 'S*/*E/STKPW*', 'sez' ]
[ 'S*/H*/*E/W*', 'shew' ]
[ 'S*/TKPW*', 'sg' ]
[ 'S*P/*E/*EU/TPH*/*E', 'Seine' ]
[ 'S*P/H*/A*/K*', 'Shak' ]
[ 'S*P/O*/A*/PH*/*E/S*', 'Soames' ]
[ 'S*P/P*/*E/TPH*/S*/*E/R*', 'Spenser' ]
[ 'S*P/TK*P', 'SD' ]
[ 'S*P/TPH*', 'Sn' ]
[ 'SKWR*/R*', 'jr' ]
[ 'SKWR*P/*U/TK*/A*/H*', 'Judah' ]
[ 'T*/*E', 'te' ]
[ 'TK*/*E/*U/KR*/*E', 'deuce' ]
[ 'TK*/*E/HR*', 'del' ]
[ 'TK*/*E/KWR*', 'dey' ]
[ 'TK*/*U/R*/S*/T*', 'durst' ]
[ 'TK*P/A*/TPH*/*U/PW*/*E', 'Danube' ]
[ 'TK*P/R*', 'Dr' ]
[ 'TP*/TPH*', 'fn' ]
[ 'TP*P/*E/PW*', 'Feb' ]
[ 'TP*P/T*P/P*P', 'FTP' ]
[ 'TPH*/*EU', 'ni' ]
[ 'TPH*/A*', 'na' ]
[ 'TPH*/O*/*U/S*', 'nous' ]
[ 'TPH*/O*/SR*', 'nov' ]
[ 'TPH*P/PH*P', 'NM' ]
[ 'TPH*P/A*/TPH*', 'Nan' ]
[ 'TPH*P/HR*P', 'NL' ]
[ 'W*/*E/A*/R*/*EU/*E/TK*', 'wearied' ]
[ 'W*/*E/R*/T*', 'wert' ]
[ 'W*/*EU/TK*', 'wid' ]
[ 'O*/TK*', 'od' ]
[ 'O*/*EU', 'oi' ]
[ 'W*/O*', 'wo' ]
[ 'KP*/*U', 'xu' ]
[ 'W*/W*/W*', 'www' ]
[ 'T*P/*EU/S*', 'Tis' ]
[ 'HR*/O*/*U/*EU/S*', 'louis' ]
[ 'H*/*U/S*/S*/*E/KWR*', 'hussey' ]
[ 'PH*/*EU/TPH*/KP*', 'minx' ]
[ 'A*/KR*/K*/S*', 'acks' ]
[ 'PB*P/R*/*U/*EU/TPH*', 'Bruin' ]
[ 'A*P/TPH*/TK*/R*/O*/KR*/HR*/*E/S*', 'Androcles' ]
[ 'SR*/S*', 'vs' ]
[ 'H*P/R*P', 'HR' ]
[ 'H*P/R*P/PW*P/P*P', 'HRBP' ]
[ 'A*P/T*P/S*P', 'ATS' ]
[ 'O*P/TK*P', 'OD' ]
[ 'HR*P/PR*P/S*P', 'LMS' ]
[ 'P*P/KR*P', 'PC' ]
[ 'PH*/A*/R*/*E', 'mare' ]
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/css-alignment.json
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/css-declarations.json
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/css-media-object.json
Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/currency.json
[ 'O*P/PH*P/R*P', 'OMR' ]
Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/dict.json
[ '*B', 'B' ]
[ '*EUP/PW*P/34*7', 'IBM' ]
[ '*EUP/PW*P/PH*P', 'IBM' ]
[ '*EUP/SR*P/TK*P/*UP', 'IVDU' ]
[ '*EUP/SR*P/TK*P/A*P', 'IVDA' ]
[ '*UP/S*P/A*P/TP*P', 'USAF' ]
[ '*UP/SR*P/PH*P', 'UVM' ]
[ 'A*/KR*/*E/T*/O*/P*/H*/*EU/HR*/*EU/KR*', 'acidophilic' ]
[ 'A*L/A*L', 'Al' ]
[ 'A*P/SAO*EP/T*P', 'AZT' ]
[ 'A*P/TPH*P/KR*P/O*P/SR*P', 'ANCOV' ]
[ 'A*PB/A*PB/A*PB', 'Ann' ]
[ 'H*B', '-' ]
[ 'H*P/HAO*EPB', 'H-' ]
[ 'H*P/PHR*US', 'H+' ]
[ 'HA*ERB', '#' ]
[ 'HR*PB', '<' ]
[ 'HR*PB/HR*PB', '<<' ]
[ 'HR*PB/KWA*LS', '<=' ]
[ 'KR*/O*/2*', 'co2' ]
[ 'KR*P/*EUP/A*P', 'CIA' ]
[ 'KR*P/*EUP/A*UP', 'CIA' ]
[ 'KR*P/*UP/TPH*P/KWR*P', 'CUNY' ]
[ 'KR*P/K*P/PH*P/PW*P', 'CKMB' ]
[ 'KR*P/P*P/*UP', 'CPU' ]
[ 'KR*P/PHR*US/PHR*US', 'C++' ]
[ 'KW*L', '=' ]
[ 'KWA*LS/KWA*LS', '==' ]
[ 'P*P/*E/R*/K*/*EU/TPH*/SKWR*/*E', 'Purkinje' ]
[ 'P*P/KR*P/*EUP', 'PCI' ]
[ 'P*P/O*P/W*P', 'POW' ]
[ 'PH*/P*/3*', 'mp3' ]
[ 'PH*/R*P/TPH*P/A*P', 'mRNA' ]
[ 'PH*/O*', 'mo' ]
[ 'PHR*PB', '>' ]
[ 'PW*P/PH*P/W*P', 'BMW' ]
[ 'PW*P/PHAO*EUPBS', 'B-' ]
[ 'PWR*BT', ']' ]
[ 'R*P/*EUP/P*P', 'RIP' ]
[ 'R*P/S*P/SR*P/P*P', 'RSVP' ]
[ 'R*P/TPH*P/A*P', 'RNA' ]
[ 'R*P/TPHR*P/A*P', 'RNA' ]
[ 'S*/*EU/R*/*EU/TPH*/*E', 'serine' ]
[ 'S*P/*UP/SR*P', 'SUV' ]
[ 'S*P/TPH*P/KR*P', 'SNc' ]
[ 'S*P/TPH*P/R*P', 'SNr' ]
[ 'S*P/TPH*P/R*P/*EUP', 'SNRI' ]
[ 'SR*P/*EUP/P*P', 'VIP' ]
[ 'STR*EUFBG', '*' ]
[ 'T*/R*P/TPH*P/A*P', 'tRNA' ]
[ 'T*P/HR*P/*EP/S*P/R*P', 'tLESR' ]
[ 'TK*P/PH*P/SAO*EP', 'DMZ' ]
[ 'TK*P/TK*P/S*P', 'DDS' ]
[ 'TKAO*EU/TKAO*EU', 'di' ]
[ 'TKPW*P/P*P/*EP', 'GPe' ]
[ 'TKPW*P/P*P/*EUP', 'GPi' ]
[ 'TKPW*P/P*P/P*P/PW*', 'GPP-' ]
[ 'TKPWR*PB', '>' ]
[ 'TP*P/TK*P/A*FPLT', 'FDA' ]
[ 'TPH*/A*/A*/KR*/P*', 'NAACP' ]
[ 'TPH*/KWR*/*U', 'NYU' ]
[ 'TPH*P/A*P/TK*P/PHR*US', 'NAD+' ]
[ 'TPH*P/KR*P/O*P', 'NCO' ]
[ 'TPH*P/KWR*P/*UP', 'NYU' ]
[ 'TPH*P/KWR*P/KR*P', 'NYC' ]
[ 'W*P/A*P/S*P/P*P', 'WASP' ]
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/dict-en-AU-phonetic.json
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/dict-en-AU-vocab.json
Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/dict-en-AU-with-extra-stroke.json
[ 'KWRO*U/A*U', 'ya' ]
[ 'PHO*E/A*U', 'mo' ]
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/di-spectacle-v1.json
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/emoji.json
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/fingerspelling.json
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/fingerspelling-FPLT.json
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/fingerspelling-powerups.json
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/fingerspelling-RBGS.json
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/fingerspelling-right-hand.json
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/git.json
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/html.json
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/javascript.json
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/lorem.json
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/markdown.json
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/medical-suffixes.json
Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/misstrokes.json
[ 'A*PBD', '&' ]
[ 'H*P/*EUP/SR*P', 'HIV' ]
[ 'HR*P/S*P/TK*P', 'LSD' ]
[ 'STK*', 'z' ]
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/modifiers.json
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/modifiers-single-stroke.json
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/navigation.json
Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/nouns.json
[ 'HR*/O*/HR*', 'lol' ]
[ 'S*/P*/A*/K*/*E', 'spake' ]
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/numbers.json
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/numbers-powerups.json
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/plover-powerups.json
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/plover-use.json
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/proper-nouns.json
Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/punctuation.json
[ 'HA*ERB', '#' ]
[ 'PR*EPB', ')' ]
[ 'STA*R', '*' ]
[ 'STPH*FPLT', ';' ]
[ 'KWA*LS', '=' ]
[ 'A*EPBG', '>' ]
[ 'PWR*BGT', ']' ]
[ 'PAO*EUP', '|' ]
[ 'TPR*BGT', '}' ]
[ 'T*LD', '~' ]
Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/punctuation-di.json
[ 'TK*PL', '$' ]
Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/punctuation-powerups.json
[ 'PH*PBS', '-' ]
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/punctuation-unspaced.json
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/python.json
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/react.json
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/retro-quotes.json
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/roman-numerals.json
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/ruby.json
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/shortcuts.json
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/sketch-app.json
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/sublime.json
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/symbols.json
Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/symbols-briefs.json
[ 'R*URPB', '↵' ]
[ 'TK*EGS', '°' ]
[ 'TKWAO*EUD', '÷' ]
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/symbols-currency.json
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/symbols-currency-culled.json
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/tabbing.json
Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/top-10000-project-gutenberg-words.json
[ 'P*', 'p' ]
[ '*E/R*', 'er' ]
[ 'S*P/TPH*', 'Sn' ]
[ 'KWR*/*E', 'ye' ]
[ '*E/T*/KWR*', 'ety' ]
[ '*U', 'u' ]
[ 'KR*', 'c' ]
[ 'H*/O*/TPH*/O*/*U/R*', 'honour' ]
[ 'KW*', 'q' ]
[ 'P*P/W*P/H*P', 'PWH' ]
[ 'S*P/TK*P', 'SD' ]
[ '*E', 'e' ]
[ 'O*/PW*/S*', 'obs' ]
[ 'TP*/TPH*', 'fn' ]
[ '*E/TPH*', 'en' ]
[ 'W*', 'w' ]
[ 'KWR*', 'y' ]
[ 'O*', 'o' ]
[ 'TPH*', 'n' ]
[ 'S*P/H*/A*/K*', 'Shak' ]
[ 'TK*', 'd' ]
[ 'PW*', 'b' ]
[ 'S*/P*/A*/K*/*E', 'spake' ]
[ 'A*/TK*/SR*', 'adv' ]
[ 'TPH*/A*', 'na' ]
[ 'TK*/*E/HR*', 'del' ]
[ 'PW*P/KR*P', 'BC' ]
[ 'PH*', 'm' ]
[ 'TP*', 'f' ]
[ 'P*/S*/*E/*U/TK*', 'pseud' ]
[ 'R*', 'r' ]
[ 'PW*/R*', 'br' ]
[ '*E/*EU/TPH*', 'ein' ]
[ 'S*/H*/*E/W*', 'shew' ]
[ 'KW*/*U/*EU/T*/T*/*E/TK*', 'quitted' ]
[ 'TPH*P/PH*P', 'NM' ]
[ '*EU/TPH*/TK*/*EU/*E/S*', 'Indies' ]
[ 'TKPW*', 'g' ]
[ 'TPH*/O*/SR*', 'nov' ]
[ 'K*', 'k' ]
[ 'A*/*U/TKPW*', 'aug' ]
[ '*E/S*/KW*', 'Esq' ]
[ 'P*/TKPW*', 'pg' ]
[ 'TP*P/*E/PW*', 'Feb' ]
[ 'HR*/PW*', 'lb' ]
[ 'PH*/A*/R*/*E', 'mare' ]
[ 'TPH*P/A*/TPH*', 'Nan' ]
[ 'KR*P/HR*/A*/R*/*E', 'Clare' ]
[ 'S*P/P*/*E/TPH*/S*/*E/R*', 'Spenser' ]
[ 'SKWR*P/*U/TK*/A*/H*', 'Judah' ]
[ 'SKWR*/R*', 'jr' ]
[ 'W*/*E/A*/R*/*EU/*E/TK*', 'wearied' ]
[ 'W*/*EU/TK*', 'wid' ]
[ 'TPH*P/HR*P', 'NL' ]
[ 'P*/PH*', 'pm' ]
[ 'KWR*/O*/TPH*', 'yon' ]
[ 'KR*/*U/PH*', 'cum' ]
[ 'T*/*E', 'te' ]
[ 'W*/A*/TPH*', 'wan' ]
[ 'PH*P/A*/R*/*EU/A*/TPH*', 'Marian' ]
[ 'S*/*E/STKPW*', 'sez' ]
[ 'KR*/O*', 'co' ]
[ 'H*', 'h' ]
[ 'TK*/*E/KWR*', 'dey' ]
[ 'KR*/O*/TPH*/TPH*/*E/KP*/*EU/O*/TPH*', 'connexion' ]
[ 'A*P/K*P', 'AK' ]
[ 'A*P/KR*P', 'AC' ]
[ 'TPH*/*EU', 'ni' ]
[ 'PH*/A*/KR*/A*/*U/HR*/A*/KWR*', 'Macaulay' ]
[ 'PH*/A*/R*/*EU/*U/S*', 'Marius' ]
[ 'TPH*/O*/*U/S*', 'nous' ]
[ '*E/HR*/*EU/STKPW*/A*', 'Eliza' ]
[ 'PH*/*EU', 'mi' ]
[ 'HR*/HR*', 'll' ]
[ 'A*/TP*/T*', 'aft' ]
[ 'HR*', 'l' ]
[ 'H*/*E/T*/T*/KWR*', 'Hetty' ]
[ 'TK*/*U/R*/S*/T*', 'durst' ]
[ 'W*/*E/R*/T*', 'wert' ]
[ 'R*/A*/*EU/PH*/*E/TPH*/T*', 'raiment' ]
[ 'H*P/*E/TPH*/R*/*EU/*E/T*/T*/A*', 'Henrietta' ]
[ 'R*/*E', 're' ]
[ 'H*/O*/HR*/T*', 'Holt' ]
[ 'KR*P/KWR*/R*/*EU/HR*', 'Cyril' ]
[ 'PH*P/TK*P', 'MD' ]
[ 'S*/TKPW*', 'sg' ]
[ 'A*/R*/*EU/TKPW*/H*/T*', 'aright' ]
[ 'TK*/*E/*U/KR*/*E', 'deuce' ]
[ 'PH*/*EU/*E/TPH*', 'mien' ]
[ 'KR*/O*/R*', 'cor' ]
[ 'S*P/O*/A*/PH*/*E/S*', 'Soames' ]
[ 'TP*P/T*P/P*P', 'FTP' ]
[ 'T*', 't' ]
[ 'S*P/*E/*EU/TPH*/*E', 'Seine' ]
[ 'TK*P/A*/TPH*/*U/PW*/*E', 'Danube' ]
[ '*URP/KRA*', 'CA' ]
Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/top-1000-words.json
[ 'P*', 'p' ]
[ '*E/R*', 'er' ]
[ 'S*P/TPH*', 'Sn' ]
[ 'KWR*/*E', 'ye' ]
[ '*E/T*/KWR*', 'ety' ]
[ '*U', 'u' ]
[ 'KR*', 'c' ]
[ 'H*/O*/TPH*/O*/*U/R*', 'honour' ]
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/top-100-words.json
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/top-200-words-spoken-on-tv.json
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/top-level-domains.json
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/ux-design.json
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/vim.json
No Fingerspellings were found in dictionaries/voiceover.json
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