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Last active February 11, 2019 18:00
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Single Thread Life
/* helper methods for checking if current page is a DM or a Room */
const isDM = () => document.location.href.split('/').slice(-2)[0] === 'dm';
const isRoom = () => document.location.href.split('/').slice(-2)[0] === 'room';
/* transform text from a thread summary */
const formatTitleFromThreadHeading = (title) => {
return title
.replace(/Thread by [^\.]*\./, '') /* remove thread creator */
.replace(/\d+ (Replies|Reply)\./, '') /* remove number of replies */
.replace(/\.[^\.]*\d+\:\d+ (A|P)M/, '') /* remove string with thread start date */
.replace(/Last updated.*$/, '') /* remove everything after "Last updated */
.replace(/\. Now$/, '') /* remove 'Now' that's added for brand new threads */
.replace(/\. \d+ mins?$/, '') /* remove minute counter for brand new threads */
.replace(/\d+ Unread\./, ''); /* remove unread counter */
/* helper methods for group configs */
const hasEmoji = emoji => thread => thread.threadHeading.includes(emoji);
const updatedToday = thread => thread.threadHeading.match(/Last updated: \d+:\d+ (A|P)M/);
const updatedNow = thread => thread.threadHeading.match(/Last updated: Now/);
const addedNow = thread => thread.threadHeading.match(/\. Now$/);
const addedNMinutesAgo = thread => thread.threadHeading.match(/(\.|\:) \d+ mins?$/);
const updatedYesterday = thread => thread.threadHeading.match(/Last updated: Yesterday \d+:\d+ (A|P)M/);
const fallback = () => true;
/* default group config, you can set your own in localstorage if you want */
const groupingConfigs = window.localStorage.getItem('thread-group-configs') || [
{ label: 'Pinned', check: [hasEmoji('📌'), hasEmoji('⭐'), hasEmoji('🔔')] },
{ label: 'Hidden', check: [hasEmoji('🔕'), hasEmoji('⛔'), hasEmoji('🚫')], shouldHide: true },
{ label: 'Today', check: [updatedToday, updatedNow, addedNow, addedNMinutesAgo] }, /* updated today */
{ label: 'Yesterday', check: [updatedYesterday] }, /* updated yesterday */
{ label: 'Older', check: [fallback] }, /* updated before yesterday */
/* some very complicated logic for putting threads into groups */
const groupThreads = (threadSelectors, configs) => {
/* add a threads field for each config (where we will put the relevant threads) */
const configsWithThreads = configs
.map(config => ({ ...config, threads: [] }));
/* for each thread, find the first config where some check passes */
/* and add the thread to that config */
return threadSelectors
.reduce((groupConfigs, thread) => {
const passingConfigIndex = groupConfigs.findIndex(config => config.check.some(check => check(thread)));
const passingConfig = groupConfigs[passingConfigIndex];
const updatedConfig = { ...passingConfig, threads: [...passingConfig.threads, thread] };
return groupConfigs
.map((config, configIndex) => configIndex === passingConfigIndex ? updatedConfig : config);
}, configsWithThreads);
/* build the sidebar and add thread selectors to it */
const buildSidebar = () => {
/* query for threads in this room */
const containsThreadContent = element => element.textContent.match(/^Thread by/);
const roomId = document.location.href.split('/').slice(-1)[0];
const currentRoom = document.querySelectorAll(`[data-stream-group-id="space/${roomId}"]`)[0];
const headers = currentRoom.querySelectorAll('[role="heading"]');
const threads = Array.from(headers).filter(containsThreadContent);
/* build selectors (buttons) that will unhide the thread */
const threadSelectors = threads
.reverse() /* reverse the order of the threads so that the newest appear at the top */
.map((thread) => {
const newSelector = document.createElement('button');
newSelector.className = 'thread-selector';
newSelector.threadHeading = thread.textContent;
if (thread.textContent.match(/\d+ Unread\./)) {
newSelector.className = newSelector.className + ' thread-unread';
newSelector.innerText = formatTitleFromThreadHeading(thread.textContent);
newSelector.onclick = (event) => {
/* hide all previous threads */
.map(thread => thread.parentElement)
.forEach(controller => = '');
/* make selected thread visible */ = 'inherit';
/* make thread selector active */ = + ' thread-active';
return newSelector;
/* create the sidebar DOM */
const sidebar = document.createElement('div');
sidebar.className = 'thread-sidebar';
/* build groups based on checks in the group configs */
const groupings = groupThreads(threadSelectors, groupingConfigs);
/* build container DOM based on the groups */
const groupContainers = groupings
.filter(group => group.threads.length > 0) /* remove any groups where there are no threads */
.filter(group => !group.shouldHide) /* don't add any threads that should be hidden */
.map((group, groupIndex, unfilteredGroups) => {
/* build groups */
const groupDOM = document.createElement('div'); = `thread-group-${group.label}`;
groupDOM.className = 'thread-group-container';
/* don't add group label if there's only one group */
if (unfilteredGroups.length > 1) {
/* create and append group heading */
const groupHeading = document.createElement('h3');
groupHeading.className = 'thread-group-heading';
groupHeading.innerText = group.label;
/* append all the threads in the group */
.forEach(thread => groupDOM.appendChild(thread));
return groupDOM;
/* append each group container to the sidebar */
.forEach(groupContainer => sidebar.appendChild(groupContainer));
return sidebar;
/* logic for injecting the sidebar into the page */
/* (this gets called at an interval, and will replace an existing sidebar if there are updates) */
const insertSidebar = () => {
/* if we are not in a room, don't build a sidebar */
if (!isRoom()) { return; }
const sidebar = buildSidebar();
const roomId = document.location.href.split('/').slice(-1)[0];
const currentRoom = document.querySelectorAll(`[data-stream-group-id="space/${roomId}"]`)[0];
const roomFirstChild = currentRoom.firstChild;
if (roomFirstChild.className !== 'thread-sidebar') {
/* sidebar doesn't exist yet! add it */
currentRoom.insertBefore(sidebar, currentRoom.firstChild);
if (roomFirstChild.textContent !== sidebar.textContent) {
/* we found new threads since the last run, update sidebar */
currentRoom.replaceChild(sidebar, currentRoom.firstChild);
/* css overrides for existing and new controls */
const injectCSS = () => {
const cssOverride = document.createElement('style');
cssOverride.innerHTML = `
/* hide "added" notifications */
.mCOR5e { display: none; }
/* hide threads, and not messages */
.cZICLc.ajCeRb:not(.XbbXmb) { display: none; }
/* hide loading indicator */
.qbEbKd { display: none!important; }
/* hide jump to bottom */
.NMA9Re { display: none }
/* make rooms flex */
.bzJiD.BEjUKc.eO2Zfd { display: flex; }
/* expand room view */
.Bl2pUd.krjOGe { width: 100%; }
/* set sidebar width */
.thread-sidebar { width: 20vw; overflow-y: scroll; }
.thread-selector {
background: none;
width: 100%;
padding: 0.5em;
border: none;
border-top: solid 1px;
.thread-selector:hover {
background: rgba(95,99,104,0.078);
.thread-active {
background: #e4f7fb;
/* make selector bold when there are unreads */
.thread-unread { font-weight: bold; }
/* trigger the whole process */
const run = () => {
console.log('injecting thread sidebar and selectors');
setInterval(insertSidebar, 2000);
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