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Created September 3, 2020 18:58
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2020-09-03 14:50:39.705 EDT root jessicalaughlin 82223 5f513aff.1412f 1 startup 2020-09-03 14:50:39 EDT 4/853 0 FATAL 28000 role "root" does not exist
2020-09-03 14:50:39.813 EDT root jessicalaughlin 82224 5f513aff.14130 1 startup 2020-09-03 14:50:39 EDT 4/854 0 FATAL 28000 role "root" does not exist
2020-09-03 14:52:46.870 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 62561 [local] 5f500d7b.f461 4 idle 2020-09-02 17:24:11 EDT 3/5 0 ERROR 42601 syntax error at or near "/" /conninfo ; 1 psql
2020-09-03 14:52:48.086 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 62561 [local] 5f500d7b.f461 5 idle 2020-09-02 17:24:11 EDT 3/6 0 LOG 00000 statement: ; psql
2020-09-03 14:52:56.177 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 62561 [local] 5f500d7b.f461 6 idle 2020-09-02 17:24:11 EDT 3/7 0 LOG 00000 statement: select current_user; psql
2020-09-03 14:53:06.367 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 1 idle 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/862 0 LOG 00000 statement: SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';SET client_min_messages TO WARNING;
2020-09-03 14:53:06.368 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 2 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 0 LOG 00000 execute 0: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:06.371 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 3 SET 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: SET LOCAL "hasura.user" = '{}'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.389 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 4 SELECT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.schemata WHERE schema_name = $1 ) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.389 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 5 CREATE SCHEMA 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: CREATE SCHEMA hdb_catalog
2020-09-03 14:53:06.392 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 6 CREATE SCHEMA 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: CREATE SCHEMA hdb_views
2020-09-03 14:53:06.395 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 7 SELECT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_available_extensions WHERE name = $1 ) parameters: $1 = 'pgcrypto'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.412 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 8 CREATE EXTENSION 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pgcrypto SCHEMA public
2020-09-03 14:53:06.538 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 9 idle in transaction 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 statement: CREATE TABLE hdb_catalog.hdb_version ( hasura_uuid UUID PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT gen_random_uuid(), version TEXT NOT NULL, upgraded_on TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL, cli_state JSONB NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}'::jsonb, console_state JSONB NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}'::jsonb ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX hdb_version_one_row ON hdb_catalog.hdb_version((version IS NOT NULL)); /* Note [Reference system columns using type name] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ While working on #3394, I (Alexis) discovered that Postgres seems to sometimes generate very bad query plans when joining against the system catalogs if we store things like table/schema names using type `text` rather than type `name`, the latter of which is used internally. The two types are compatible in the sense that Postgres will willingly widen `name` to `type` automatically, but `name`s are restricted to 64 bytes. Using `name` for ordinary user data would be a deep sin, but using it to store references to actual Postgres identifiers makes a lot of sense, so using `name` in those places is alright. And by doing so, we make Postgres much more likely to take advantage of certain indexes that can significantly improve query performance. */ CREATE TABLE hdb_catalog.hdb_table ( table_schema name, -- See Note [Reference system columns using type name] table_name name, configuration jsonb, is_system_defined boolean default false, is_enum boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false, PRIMARY KEY (table_schema, table_name) ); CREATE TABLE hdb_catalog.hdb_relationship ( table_schema name, -- See Note [Reference system columns using type name] table_name name, rel_name TEXT, rel_type TEXT CHECK (rel_type IN ('object', 'array')), rel_def JSONB NOT NULL, comment TEXT NULL, is_system_defined boolean default false, PRIMARY KEY (table_schema, table_name, rel_name), FOREIGN KEY (table_schema, table_name) REFERENCES hdb_catalog.hdb_table(table_schema, table_name) ON UPDATE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE hdb_catalog.hdb_remote_relationship ( remote_relationship_name TEXT NOT NULL, table_schema name NOT NULL, table_name name NOT NULL, definition JSONB NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (remote_relationship_name, table_schema, table_name), FOREIGN KEY (table_schema, table_name) REFERENCES hdb_catalog.hdb_table(table_schema, table_name) ON UPDATE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE hdb_catalog.hdb_permission ( table_schema name, -- See Note [Reference system columns using type name] table_name name, role_name TEXT, perm_type TEXT CHECK(perm_type IN ('insert', 'select', 'update', 'delete')), perm_def JSONB NOT NULL, comment TEXT NULL, is_system_defined boolean default false, PRIMARY KEY (table_schema, table_name, role_name, perm_type), FOREIGN KEY (table_schema, table_name) REFERENCES hdb_catalog.hdb_table(table_schema, table_name) ON UPDATE CASCADE ); CREATE VIEW hdb_catalog.hdb_permission_agg AS SELECT table_schema, table_name, role_name, json_object_agg(perm_type, perm_def) as permissions FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_permission GROUP BY table_schema, table_name, role_name; CREATE VIEW hdb_catalog.hdb_foreign_key_constraint AS SELECT q.table_schema :: text, q.table_name :: text, q.constraint_name :: text, min(q.constraint_oid) :: integer as constraint_oid, min(q.ref_table_table_schema) :: text as ref_table_table_schema, min(q.ref_table) :: text as ref_table, json_object_agg(ac.attname, afc.attname) as column_mapping, min(q.confupdtype) :: text as on_update, min(q.confdeltype) :: text as on_delete, json_agg(ac.attname) as columns, json_agg(afc.attname) as ref_columns FROM (SELECT ctn.nspname AS table_schema, ct.relname AS table_name, r.conrelid AS table_id, r.conname as constraint_name, r.oid as constraint_oid, cftn.nspname AS ref_table_table_schema, cft.relname as ref_table, r.confrelid as ref_table_id, r.confupdtype, r.confdeltype, UNNEST (r.conkey) AS column_id, UNNEST (r.confkey) AS ref_column_id FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint r JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ct ON r.conrelid = ct.oid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ctn ON ct.relnamespace = ctn.oid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class cft ON r.confrelid = cft.oid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace cftn ON cft.relnamespace = cftn.oid WHERE r.contype = 'f' ) q JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute ac ON q.column_id = ac.attnum AND q.table_id = ac.attrelid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute afc ON q.ref_column_id = afc.attnum AND q.ref_table_id = afc.attrelid GROUP BY q.table_schema, q.table_name, q.constraint_name; CREATE VIEW hdb_catalog.hdb_check_constraint AS SELECT n.nspname :: text AS table_schema, ct.relname :: text AS table_name, r.conname :: text as constraint_name, pg_catalog.pg_get_constraintdef(r.oid, true) as check FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint r JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ct ON r.conrelid = ct.oid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON ct.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE r.contype = 'c'; CREATE VIEW hdb_catalog.hdb_unique_constraint AS SELECT tc.table_name, tc.constraint_schema AS table_schema, tc.constraint_name as constraint_name, json_agg(kcu.column_name) AS columns FROM information_schema.table_constraints tc JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage AS kcu USING (constraint_schema, constraint_name) WHERE constraint_type = 'UNIQUE' GROUP BY tc.table_name, tc.constraint_schema, tc.constraint_name; CREATE VIEW hdb_catalog.hdb_primary_key AS SELECT tc.table_schema, tc.table_name, tc.constraint_name, json_agg(constraint_column_usage.column_name) AS columns FROM ( information_schema.table_constraints tc JOIN ( SELECT x.tblschema AS table_schema, x.tblname AS table_name, x.colname AS column_name, x.cstrname AS constraint_name FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT nr.nspname, r.relname, a.attname, c.conname FROM pg_namespace nr, pg_class r, pg_attribute a, pg_depend d, pg_namespace nc, pg_constraint c WHERE ( (nr.oid = r.relnamespace) AND (r.oid = a.attrelid) AND (d.refclassid = ('pg_class' :: regclass) :: oid) AND (d.refobjid = r.oid) AND (d.refobjsubid = a.attnum) AND (d.classid = ('pg_constraint' :: regclass) :: oid) AND (d.objid = c.oid) AND (c.connamespace = nc.oid) AND (c.contype = 'c' :: "char") AND ( r.relkind = ANY (ARRAY ['r'::"char", 'p'::"char"]) ) AND (NOT a.attisdropped) ) UNION ALL SELECT nr.nspname, r.relname, a.attname, c.conname FROM pg_namespace nr, pg_class r, pg_attribute a, pg_namespace nc, pg_constraint c WHERE ( (nr.oid = r.relnamespace) AND (r.oid = a.attrelid) AND (nc.oid = c.connamespace) AND ( r.oid = CASE c.contype WHEN 'f' :: "char" THEN c.confrelid ELSE c.conrelid END ) AND ( a.attnum = ANY ( CASE c.contype WHEN 'f' :: "char" THEN c.confkey ELSE c.conkey END ) ) AND (NOT a.attisdropped) AND ( c.contype = ANY (ARRAY ['p'::"char", 'u'::"char", 'f'::"char"]) ) AND ( r.relkind = ANY (ARRAY ['r'::"char", 'p'::"char"]) ) ) ) x( tblschema, tblname, colname, cstrname ) ) constraint_column_usage ON ( ( (tc.constraint_name) :: text = (constraint_column_usage.constraint_name) :: text AND (tc.table_schema) :: text = (constraint_column_usage.table_schema) :: text AND (tc.table_name) :: text = (constraint_column_usage.table_name) :: text ) ) ) WHERE ((tc.constraint_type) :: text = 'PRIMARY KEY' :: text) GROUP BY tc.table_schema, tc.table_name, tc.constraint_name; CREATE FUNCTION hdb_catalog.inject_table_defaults(view_schema text, view_name text, tab_schema text, tab_name text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE r RECORD; BEGIN FOR r IN SELECT column_name, column_default FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = tab_schema AND table_name = tab_name AND column_default IS NOT NULL LOOP EXECUTE format('ALTER VIEW %I.%I ALTER COLUMN %I SET DEFAULT %s;', view_schema, view_name, r.column_name, r.column_default); END LOOP; END; $$; CREATE TABLE hdb_catalog.event_triggers ( name TEXT PRIMARY KEY, type TEXT NOT NULL, schema_name TEXT NOT NULL, table_name TEXT NOT NULL, configuration JSON, comment TEXT, FOREIGN KEY (schema_name, table_name) REFERENCES hdb_catalog.hdb_table(table_schema, table_name) ON UPDATE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE hdb_catalog.event_log ( id TEXT DEFAULT gen_random_uuid() PRIMARY KEY, schema_name TEXT NOT NULL, table_name TEXT NOT NULL, trigger_name TEXT NOT NULL, payload JSONB NOT NULL, delivered BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, error BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, tries INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW(), locked BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, next_retry_at TIMESTAMP, archived BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE ); CREATE INDEX ON hdb_catalog.event_log (trigger_name); CREATE INDEX ON hdb_catalog.event_log (locked); CREATE INDEX ON hdb_catalog.event_log (delivered); CREATE INDEX ON hdb_catalog.event_log (created_at); CREATE TABLE hdb_catalog.event_invocation_logs ( id TEXT DEFAULT gen_random_uuid() PRIMARY KEY, event_id TEXT, status INTEGER, request JSON, response JSON, created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW(), FOREIGN KEY (event_id) REFERENCES hdb_catalog.event_log (id) ); CREATE INDEX ON hdb_catalog.event_invocation_logs (event_id); CREATE TABLE hdb_catalog.hdb_function ( function_schema TEXT, function_name TEXT, configuration JSONB NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}'::jsonb, is_system_defined boolean default false, PRIMARY KEY (function_schema, function_name) ); CREATE VIEW hdb_catalog.hdb_function_agg AS ( SELECT p.proname::text AS function_name, pn.nspname::text AS function_schema, pd.description, CASE WHEN (p.provariadic = (0) :: oid) THEN false ELSE true END AS has_variadic, CASE WHEN ( (p.provolatile) :: text = ('i' :: character(1)) :: text ) THEN 'IMMUTABLE' :: text WHEN ( (p.provolatile) :: text = ('s' :: character(1)) :: text ) THEN 'STABLE' :: text WHEN ( (p.provolatile) :: text = ('v' :: character(1)) :: text ) THEN 'VOLATILE' :: text ELSE NULL :: text END AS function_type, pg_get_functiondef(p.oid) AS function_definition, rtn.nspname::text as return_type_schema, rt.typname::text as return_type_name, rt.typtype::text as return_type_type, p.proretset AS returns_set, ( SELECT COALESCE(json_agg( json_build_object('schema', q."schema", 'name', q."name", 'type', q."type" ) ), '[]') FROM ( SELECT pt.typname AS "name", pns.nspname AS "schema", pt.typtype AS "type", pat.ordinality FROM unnest( COALESCE(p.proallargtypes, (p.proargtypes) :: oid []) ) WITH ORDINALITY pat(oid, ordinality) LEFT JOIN pg_type pt ON ((pt.oid = pat.oid)) LEFT JOIN pg_namespace pns ON (pt.typnamespace = pns.oid) ORDER BY pat.ordinality ASC ) q ) AS input_arg_types, to_json(COALESCE(p.proargnames, ARRAY [] :: text [])) AS input_arg_names, p.pronargdefaults AS default_args, p.oid::integer AS function_oid FROM pg_proc p JOIN pg_namespace pn ON (pn.oid = p.pronamespace) JOIN pg_type rt ON (rt.oid = p.prorettype) JOIN pg_namespace rtn ON (rtn.oid = rt.typnamespace) LEFT JOIN pg_description pd ON p.oid = pd.objoid WHERE pn.nspname :: text NOT LIKE 'pg_%' AND pn.nspname :: text NOT IN ('information_schema', 'hdb_catalog', 'hdb_views') AND (NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pg_aggregate WHERE ((pg_aggregate.aggfnoid) :: oid = p.oid) ) ) ); CREATE TABLE hdb_catalog.remote_schemas ( id BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT UNIQUE, definition JSON, comment TEXT ); CREATE TABLE hdb_catalog.hdb_schema_update_event ( instance_id uuid NOT NULL, occurred_at timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(), invalidations json NOT NULL ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX hdb_schema_update_event_one_row ON hdb_catalog.hdb_schema_update_event ((occurred_at IS NOT NULL)); CREATE FUNCTION hdb_catalog.hdb_schema_update_event_notifier() RETURNS trigger AS $function$ DECLARE instance_id uuid; occurred_at timestamptz; invalidations json; curr_rec record; BEGIN instance_id = NEW.instance_id; occurred_at = NEW.occurred_at; invalidations = NEW.invalidations; PERFORM pg_notify('hasura_schema_update', json_build_object( 'instance_id', instance_id, 'occurred_at', occurred_at, 'invalidations', invalidations )::text); RETURN curr_rec; END; $function$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER hdb_schema_update_event_notifier AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE ON hdb_catalog.hdb_schema_update_event FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE hdb_catalog.hdb_schema_update_event_notifier(); CREATE VIEW hdb_catalog.hdb_table_info_agg AS SELECT schema.nspname AS table_schema, "table".relname AS table_name, -- This field corresponds to the `CatalogTableInfo` Haskell type jsonb_build_object( 'oid',"table".oid :: integer, 'columns', coalesce(, '[]'), 'primary_key',, -- Note: unique_constraints does NOT include primary key constraints! 'unique_constraints', coalesce(, '[]'), 'foreign_keys', coalesce(, '[]'), 'view_info', CASE "table".relkind WHEN 'v' THEN jsonb_build_object( 'is_updatable', ((pg_catalog.pg_relation_is_updatable("table".oid, true) & 4) = 4), 'is_insertable', ((pg_catalog.pg_relation_is_updatable("table".oid, true) & 8) = 8), 'is_deletable', ((pg_catalog.pg_relation_is_updatable("table".oid, true) & 16) = 16) ) END, 'description', description.description ) AS info -- table & schema FROM pg_catalog.pg_class "table" JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace schema ON schema.oid = "table".relnamespace -- description LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_description description ON description.classoid = 'pg_catalog.pg_class'::regclass AND description.objoid = "table".oid AND description.objsubid = 0 -- columns LEFT JOIN LATERAL ( SELECT jsonb_agg(jsonb_build_object( 'name',"column".attname, 'position',"column".attnum, 'type', coalesce(base_type.typname,"type".typname), 'is_nullable', NOT "column".attnotnull, 'description', pg_catalog.col_description("table".oid,"column".attnum) )) AS info FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute "column" LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_type "type" ON "type".oid = "column".atttypid LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_type base_type ON "type".typtype = 'd' AND base_type.oid = "type".typbasetype WHERE "column".attrelid = "table".oid -- columns where attnum <= 0 are special, system-defined columns AND "column".attnum > 0 -- dropped columns still exist in the system catalog as “zombie” columns, so ignore those AND NOT "column".attisdropped ) columns ON true -- primary key LEFT JOIN LATERAL ( SELECT jsonb_build_object( 'constraint', jsonb_build_object('name', class.relname, 'oid', class.oid :: integer), 'columns', coalesce(, '[]') ) AS info FROM pg_catalog.pg_index index JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class class ON class.oid = index.indexrelid LEFT JOIN LATERAL ( SELECT jsonb_agg("column".attname) AS info FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute "column" WHERE "column".attrelid = "table".oid AND "column".attnum = ANY (index.indkey) ) AS columns ON true WHERE index.indrelid = "table".oid AND index.indisprimary ) primary_key ON true -- unique constraints LEFT JOIN LATERAL ( SELECT jsonb_agg(jsonb_build_object('name', class.relname, 'oid', class.oid :: integer)) AS info FROM pg_catalog.pg_index index JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class class ON class.oid = index.indexrelid WHERE index.indrelid = "table".oid AND index.indisunique AND NOT index.indisprimary ) unique_constraints ON true -- foreign keys LEFT JOIN LATERAL ( SELECT jsonb_agg(jsonb_build_object( 'constraint', jsonb_build_object( 'name', foreign_key.constraint_name, 'oid', foreign_key.constraint_oid :: integer ), 'columns', foreign_key.columns, 'foreign_table', jsonb_build_object( 'schema', foreign_key.ref_table_table_schema, 'name', foreign_key.ref_table ), 'foreign_columns', foreign_key.ref_columns )) AS info FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_foreign_key_constraint foreign_key WHERE foreign_key.table_schema = schema.nspname AND foreign_key.table_name = "table".relname ) foreign_key_constraints ON true -- all these identify table-like things WHERE "table".relkind IN ('r', 't', 'v', 'm', 'f', 'p'); CREATE VIEW hdb_catalog.hdb_function_info_agg AS ( SELECT function_name, function_schema, row_to_json ( ( SELECT e FROM ( SELECT description, has_variadic, function_type, return_type_schema, return_type_name, return_type_type, returns_set, input_arg_types, input_arg_names, default_args, exists( SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = return_type_schema AND table_name = return_type_name ) AS returns_table ) AS e ) ) AS "function_info" FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_function_agg ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hdb_catalog.insert_event_log(schema_name text, table_name text, trigger_name text, op text, row_data json) RETURNS text AS $$ DECLARE id text; payload json; session_variables json; server_version_num int; trace_context json; BEGIN id := gen_random_uuid(); server_version_num := current_setting('server_version_num'); IF server_version_num >= 90600 THEN session_variables := current_setting('hasura.user', 't'); trace_context := current_setting('hasura.tracecontext', 't'); ELSE BEGIN session_variables := current_setting('hasura.user'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN session_variables := NULL; END; BEGIN trace_context := current_setting('hasura.tracecontext'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN trace_context := NULL; END; END IF; payload := json_build_object( 'op', op, 'data', row_data, 'session_variables', session_variables, 'trace_context', trace_context ); INSERT INTO hdb_catalog.event_log (id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload) VALUES (id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload); RETURN id; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TABLE hdb_catalog.hdb_query_collection ( collection_name TEXT PRIMARY KEY, collection_defn JSONB NOT NULL, comment TEXT NULL, is_system_defined boolean default false ); CREATE TABLE hdb_catalog.hdb_allowlist ( collection_name TEXT UNIQUE REFERENCES hdb_catalog.hdb_query_collection(collection_name) ); CREATE TABLE hdb_catalog.hdb_computed_field ( table_schema TEXT, table_name TEXT, computed_field_name TEXT, definition JSONB NOT NULL, comment TEXT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (table_schema, table_name, computed_field_name), FOREIGN KEY (table_schema, table_name) REFERENCES hdb_catalog.hdb_table(table_schema, table_name) ON UPDATE CASCADE ); CREATE VIEW hdb_catalog.hdb_computed_field_function AS ( SELECT table_schema, table_name, computed_field_name, CASE WHEN (definition::jsonb -> 'function')::jsonb ->> 'name' IS NULL THEN definition::jsonb ->> 'function' ELSE (definition::jsonb -> 'function')::jsonb ->> 'name' END AS function_name, CASE WHEN (definition::jsonb -> 'function')::jsonb ->> 'schema' IS NULL THEN 'public' ELSE (definition::jsonb -> 'function')::jsonb ->> 'schema' END AS function_schema FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_computed_field ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hdb_catalog.check_violation(msg text) RETURNS bool AS $$ BEGIN RAISE check_violation USING message=msg; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TABLE hdb_catalog.hdb_action ( action_name TEXT PRIMARY KEY, action_defn JSONB NOT NULL, comment TEXT NULL, is_system_defined boolean default false ); CREATE TABLE hdb_catalog.hdb_action_permission ( action_name TEXT NOT NULL, role_name TEXT NOT NULL, definition JSONB NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}'::jsonb, comment TEXT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (action_name, role_name), FOREIGN KEY (action_name) REFERENCES hdb_catalog.hdb_action(action_name) ON UPDATE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT gen_random_uuid(), -- we deliberately do not reference the action name -- because sometimes we may want to retain history -- after dropping the action action_name TEXT, input_payload JSONB NOT NULL, request_headers JSONB NOT NULL, session_variables JSONB NOT NULL, response_payload JSONB NULL, errors JSONB NULL, created_at timestamptz NOT NULL default now(), response_received_at timestamptz NULL, status text NOT NULL, CHECK (status IN ('created', 'processing', 'completed', 'error')) ); CREATE TABLE hdb_catalog.hdb_custom_types ( custom_types jsonb NOT NULL ); CREATE VIEW hdb_catalog.hdb_role AS ( SELECT DISTINCT role_name FROM ( SELECT role_name FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_permission UNION ALL SELECT role_name FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_action_permission ) q ); CREATE TABLE hdb_catalog.hdb_cron_triggers ( name TEXT PRIMARY KEY, webhook_conf JSON NOT NULL, cron_schedule TEXT NOT NULL, payload JSON, retry_conf JSON, header_conf JSON, include_in_metadata BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, comment TEXT ); CREATE TABLE hdb_catalog.hdb_cron_events ( id TEXT DEFAULT gen_random_uuid() PRIMARY KEY, trigger_name TEXT NOT NULL, scheduled_time TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL, status TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'scheduled', tries INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW(), next_retry_at TIMESTAMPTZ, FOREIGN KEY (trigger_name) REFERENCES hdb_catalog.hdb_cron_triggers(name) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT valid_status CHECK (status IN ('scheduled','locked','delivered','error','dead')) ); CREATE INDEX hdb_cron_event_status ON hdb_catalog.hdb_cron_events (status); CREATE TABLE hdb_catalog.hdb_cron_event_invocation_logs ( id TEXT DEFAULT gen_random_uuid() PRIMARY KEY, event_id TEXT, status INTEGER, request JSON, response JSON, created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW(), FOREIGN KEY (event_id) REFERENCES hdb_catalog.hdb_cron_events (id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE ); CREATE VIEW hdb_catalog.hdb_cron_events_stats AS SELECT, COALESCE(ce.upcoming_events_count,0) as upcoming_events_count, COALESCE(ce.max_scheduled_time, now()) as max_scheduled_time FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_cron_triggers ct LEFT JOIN ( SELECT trigger_name, count(*) as upcoming_events_count, max(scheduled_time) as max_scheduled_time FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_cron_events WHERE tries = 0 and status = 'scheduled' GROUP BY trigger_name ) ce ON = ce.trigger_name; CREATE TABLE hdb_catalog.hdb_scheduled_events ( id TEXT DEFAULT gen_random_uuid() PRIMARY KEY, webhook_conf JSON NOT NULL, scheduled_time TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL, retry_conf JSON, payload JSON, header_conf JSON, status TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'scheduled', tries INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW(), next_retry_at TIMESTAMPTZ, comment TEXT, CONSTRAINT valid_status CHECK (status IN ('scheduled','locked','delivered','error','dead')) ); CREATE INDEX hdb_scheduled_event_status ON hdb_catalog.hdb_scheduled_events (status); CREATE TABLE hdb_catalog.hdb_scheduled_event_invocation_logs ( id TEXT DEFAULT gen_random_uuid() PRIMARY KEY, event_id TEXT, status INTEGER, request JSON, response JSON, created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW(), FOREIGN KEY (event_id) REFERENCES hdb_catalog.hdb_scheduled_events (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE );
2020-09-03 14:53:06.722 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 10 SELECT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute 1: select json_build_object( 'tables', tables.items :: json, 'relations', relations.items, 'permissions', permissions.items, 'event_triggers', event_triggers.items, 'remote_schemas', remote_schemas.items, 'functions', functions.items, 'allowlist_collections', allowlist.item, 'computed_fields', computed_field.items, 'custom_types', custom_types.item, 'actions', actions.items, 'remote_relationships', remote_relationships.items, 'cron_triggers', cron_triggers.items ) from ( select coalesce(jsonb_agg( jsonb_build_object( 'name', jsonb_build_object( 'name', ht.table_name, 'schema', ht.table_schema ), 'is_enum', ht.is_enum, 'is_system_defined', ht.is_system_defined, 'configuration', ht.configuration, 'info', ) ), '[]') as items from hdb_catalog.hdb_table ht left join hdb_catalog.hdb_table_info_agg t using (table_schema, table_name) ) as tables, ( select coalesce( json_agg( json_build_object( 'table', json_build_object( 'schema', table_schema, 'name', table_name ), 'rel_name', rel_name, 'rel_type', rel_type, 'def', rel_def :: json, 'comment', comment ) ), '[]' ) as items from hdb_catalog.hdb_relationship ) as relations, ( select coalesce( json_agg( json_build_object( 'table', json_build_object( 'schema', table_schema, 'name', table_name ), 'role', role_name, 'perm_type', perm_type, 'def', perm_def :: json, 'comment', comment ) ), '[]' ) as items from hdb_catalog.hdb_permission ) as permissions, ( select coalesce( json_agg( json_build_object( 'table', json_build_object( 'schema', schema_name, 'name', table_name ), 'name', name, 'def', configuration :: json ) ), '[]' ) as items from hdb_catalog.event_triggers ) as event_triggers, ( select coalesce( json_agg( json_build_object( 'name', name, 'definition', definition :: json, 'comment', comment ) ), '[]' ) as items from hdb_catalog.remote_schemas ) as remote_schemas, ( select coalesce(json_agg(, '[]') as items from ( select json_build_object( 'function', json_build_object( 'schema', hf.function_schema, 'name', hf.function_name ), 'configuration', hf.configuration, 'is_system_defined', hf.is_system_defined, 'info', hf_agg.function_info ) as info from hdb_catalog.hdb_function hf left join lateral ( select coalesce(json_agg(function_info), '[]') as function_info from hdb_catalog.hdb_function_info_agg where function_name = hf.function_name and function_schema = hf.function_schema ) hf_agg on 'true' ) as q ) as functions, ( select coalesce(json_agg(hqc.collection_defn), '[]') as item from hdb_catalog.hdb_allowlist ha left outer join hdb_catalog.hdb_query_collection hqc on (hqc.collection_name = ha.collection_name) ) as allowlist, ( select coalesce(json_agg( json_build_object('computed_field', cc.computed_field, 'function_info', fi.function_info ) ), '[]') as items from ( select json_build_object( 'table', jsonb_build_object('name', hcc.table_name,'schema', hcc.table_schema), 'name', hcc.computed_field_name, 'definition', hcc.definition, 'comment', hcc.comment ) as computed_field, hccf.function_name, hccf.function_schema from hdb_catalog.hdb_computed_field hcc left outer join hdb_catalog.hdb_computed_field_function hccf on ( hcc.table_name = hccf.table_name and hcc.table_schema = hccf.table_schema and hcc.computed_field_name = hccf.computed_field_name ) ) cc left join lateral ( select coalesce(json_agg(function_info), '[]') as function_info from hdb_catalog.hdb_function_info_agg where function_name = cc.function_name and function_schema = cc.function_schema ) fi on 'true' ) as computed_field, ( select json_build_object( 'custom_types', coalesce((select custom_types from hdb_catalog.hdb_custom_types), '{}'), 'pg_scalars', -- See Note [Postgres scalars in custom types] coalesce((select json_agg(typname) from pg_catalog.pg_type where typtype = 'b'), '[]') ) as item ) as custom_types, ( select coalesce( json_agg( json_build_object( 'name', ha.action_name, 'definition', ha.action_defn :: json, 'comment', ha.comment, 'permissions', p.items ) ), '[]' ) as items from hdb_catalog.hdb_action ha left join lateral ( select coalesce( json_agg( json_build_object( 'action', hap.action_name, 'role', hap.role_name, 'comment', hap.comment ) ), '[]' ) as items from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_permission hap where hap.action_name = ha.action_name ) p on 'true' ) as actions, ( select coalesce(json_agg( json_build_object( 'name', remote_relationship_name, 'table', json_build_object('schema', table_schema, 'name', table_name), 'hasura_fields', definition -> 'hasura_fields', 'remote_schema', definition -> 'remote_schema', 'remote_field', definition -> 'remote_field' ) ),'[]') as items from hdb_catalog.hdb_remote_relationship ) as remote_relationships, ( select coalesce( json_agg( json_build_object( 'name', name, 'webhook_conf', webhook_conf :: json, 'cron_schedule', cron_schedule, 'payload', payload :: json, 'retry_conf', retry_conf :: json, 'header_conf', header_conf :: json, 'comment', comment ) ), '[]' ) as items from hdb_catalog.hdb_cron_triggers ) as cron_triggers
2020-09-03 14:53:06.726 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 11 idle in transaction 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 statement: DELETE FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_function WHERE is_system_defined = 'true'; DELETE FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_permission WHERE is_system_defined = 'true'; DELETE FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_relationship WHERE is_system_defined = 'true'; DELETE FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_table WHERE is_system_defined = 'true'; DELETE FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_query_collection WHERE is_system_defined = 'true';
2020-09-03 14:53:06.727 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 12 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO "hdb_catalog"."hdb_table" (table_schema, table_name, is_system_defined, is_enum, configuration) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) parameters: $1 = 'information_schema', $2 = 'tables', $3 = 't', $4 = 'f', $5 = '{"custom_root_fields":{},"custom_column_names":{}}'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.727 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 13 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO "hdb_catalog"."hdb_table" (table_schema, table_name, is_system_defined, is_enum, configuration) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) parameters: $1 = 'information_schema', $2 = 'schemata', $3 = 't', $4 = 'f', $5 = '{"custom_root_fields":{},"custom_column_names":{}}'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.728 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 14 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO "hdb_catalog"."hdb_table" (table_schema, table_name, is_system_defined, is_enum, configuration) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) parameters: $1 = 'information_schema', $2 = 'views', $3 = 't', $4 = 'f', $5 = '{"custom_root_fields":{},"custom_column_names":{}}'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.728 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 15 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO "hdb_catalog"."hdb_table" (table_schema, table_name, is_system_defined, is_enum, configuration) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) parameters: $1 = 'information_schema', $2 = 'columns', $3 = 't', $4 = 'f', $5 = '{"custom_root_fields":{},"custom_column_names":{}}'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.729 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 16 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO "hdb_catalog"."hdb_table" (table_schema, table_name, is_system_defined, is_enum, configuration) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_table', $3 = 't', $4 = 'f', $5 = '{"custom_root_fields":{},"custom_column_names":{}}'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.729 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 17 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute 2: INSERT INTO hdb_catalog.hdb_relationship (table_schema, table_name, rel_name, rel_type, rel_def, comment, is_system_defined) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5 :: jsonb, $6, $7) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_table', $3 = 'detail', $4 = 'object', $5 = '{"manual_configuration":{"remote_table":{"schema":"information_schema","name":"tables"},"column_mapping":{"table_schema":"table_schema","table_name":"table_name"}}}', $6 = NULL, $7 = 't'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.730 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 18 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute 2: INSERT INTO hdb_catalog.hdb_relationship (table_schema, table_name, rel_name, rel_type, rel_def, comment, is_system_defined) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5 :: jsonb, $6, $7) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_table', $3 = 'primary_key', $4 = 'object', $5 = '{"manual_configuration":{"remote_table":{"schema":"hdb_catalog","name":"hdb_primary_key"},"column_mapping":{"table_schema":"table_schema","table_name":"table_name"}}}', $6 = NULL, $7 = 't'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.731 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 19 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute 2: INSERT INTO hdb_catalog.hdb_relationship (table_schema, table_name, rel_name, rel_type, rel_def, comment, is_system_defined) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5 :: jsonb, $6, $7) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_table', $3 = 'columns', $4 = 'array', $5 = '{"manual_configuration":{"remote_table":{"schema":"information_schema","name":"columns"},"column_mapping":{"table_schema":"table_schema","table_name":"table_name"}}}', $6 = NULL, $7 = 't'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.731 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 20 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute 2: INSERT INTO hdb_catalog.hdb_relationship (table_schema, table_name, rel_name, rel_type, rel_def, comment, is_system_defined) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5 :: jsonb, $6, $7) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_table', $3 = 'foreign_key_constraints', $4 = 'array', $5 = '{"manual_configuration":{"remote_table":{"schema":"hdb_catalog","name":"hdb_foreign_key_constraint"},"column_mapping":{"table_schema":"table_schema","table_name":"table_name"}}}', $6 = NULL, $7 = 't'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.732 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 21 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute 2: INSERT INTO hdb_catalog.hdb_relationship (table_schema, table_name, rel_name, rel_type, rel_def, comment, is_system_defined) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5 :: jsonb, $6, $7) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_table', $3 = 'relationships', $4 = 'array', $5 = '{"manual_configuration":{"remote_table":{"schema":"hdb_catalog","name":"hdb_relationship"},"column_mapping":{"table_schema":"table_schema","table_name":"table_name"}}}', $6 = NULL, $7 = 't'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.732 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 22 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute 2: INSERT INTO hdb_catalog.hdb_relationship (table_schema, table_name, rel_name, rel_type, rel_def, comment, is_system_defined) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5 :: jsonb, $6, $7) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_table', $3 = 'permissions', $4 = 'array', $5 = '{"manual_configuration":{"remote_table":{"schema":"hdb_catalog","name":"hdb_permission_agg"},"column_mapping":{"table_schema":"table_schema","table_name":"table_name"}}}', $6 = NULL, $7 = 't'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.733 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 23 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute 2: INSERT INTO hdb_catalog.hdb_relationship (table_schema, table_name, rel_name, rel_type, rel_def, comment, is_system_defined) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5 :: jsonb, $6, $7) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_table', $3 = 'computed_fields', $4 = 'array', $5 = '{"manual_configuration":{"remote_table":{"schema":"hdb_catalog","name":"hdb_computed_field"},"column_mapping":{"table_schema":"table_schema","table_name":"table_name"}}}', $6 = NULL, $7 = 't'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.733 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 24 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute 2: INSERT INTO hdb_catalog.hdb_relationship (table_schema, table_name, rel_name, rel_type, rel_def, comment, is_system_defined) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5 :: jsonb, $6, $7) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_table', $3 = 'check_constraints', $4 = 'array', $5 = '{"manual_configuration":{"remote_table":{"schema":"hdb_catalog","name":"hdb_check_constraint"},"column_mapping":{"table_schema":"table_schema","table_name":"table_name"}}}', $6 = NULL, $7 = 't'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.733 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 25 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute 2: INSERT INTO hdb_catalog.hdb_relationship (table_schema, table_name, rel_name, rel_type, rel_def, comment, is_system_defined) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5 :: jsonb, $6, $7) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_table', $3 = 'unique_constraints', $4 = 'array', $5 = '{"manual_configuration":{"remote_table":{"schema":"hdb_catalog","name":"hdb_unique_constraint"},"column_mapping":{"table_schema":"table_schema","table_name":"table_name"}}}', $6 = NULL, $7 = 't'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.734 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 26 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO "hdb_catalog"."hdb_table" (table_schema, table_name, is_system_defined, is_enum, configuration) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_primary_key', $3 = 't', $4 = 'f', $5 = '{"custom_root_fields":{},"custom_column_names":{}}'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.734 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 27 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO "hdb_catalog"."hdb_table" (table_schema, table_name, is_system_defined, is_enum, configuration) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_foreign_key_constraint', $3 = 't', $4 = 'f', $5 = '{"custom_root_fields":{},"custom_column_names":{}}'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.735 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 28 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO "hdb_catalog"."hdb_table" (table_schema, table_name, is_system_defined, is_enum, configuration) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_relationship', $3 = 't', $4 = 'f', $5 = '{"custom_root_fields":{},"custom_column_names":{}}'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.735 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 29 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO "hdb_catalog"."hdb_table" (table_schema, table_name, is_system_defined, is_enum, configuration) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_permission_agg', $3 = 't', $4 = 'f', $5 = '{"custom_root_fields":{},"custom_column_names":{}}'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.736 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 30 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO "hdb_catalog"."hdb_table" (table_schema, table_name, is_system_defined, is_enum, configuration) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_computed_field', $3 = 't', $4 = 'f', $5 = '{"custom_root_fields":{},"custom_column_names":{}}'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.736 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 31 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO "hdb_catalog"."hdb_table" (table_schema, table_name, is_system_defined, is_enum, configuration) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_check_constraint', $3 = 't', $4 = 'f', $5 = '{"custom_root_fields":{},"custom_column_names":{}}'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.737 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 32 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO "hdb_catalog"."hdb_table" (table_schema, table_name, is_system_defined, is_enum, configuration) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_unique_constraint', $3 = 't', $4 = 'f', $5 = '{"custom_root_fields":{},"custom_column_names":{}}'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.737 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 33 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO "hdb_catalog"."hdb_table" (table_schema, table_name, is_system_defined, is_enum, configuration) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_remote_relationship', $3 = 't', $4 = 'f', $5 = '{"custom_root_fields":{},"custom_column_names":{}}'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.737 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 34 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO "hdb_catalog"."hdb_table" (table_schema, table_name, is_system_defined, is_enum, configuration) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'event_triggers', $3 = 't', $4 = 'f', $5 = '{"custom_root_fields":{},"custom_column_names":{}}'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.738 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 35 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute 2: INSERT INTO hdb_catalog.hdb_relationship (table_schema, table_name, rel_name, rel_type, rel_def, comment, is_system_defined) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5 :: jsonb, $6, $7) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'event_triggers', $3 = 'events', $4 = 'array', $5 = '{"manual_configuration":{"remote_table":{"schema":"hdb_catalog","name":"event_log"},"column_mapping":{"name":"trigger_name"}}}', $6 = NULL, $7 = 't'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.738 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 36 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO "hdb_catalog"."hdb_table" (table_schema, table_name, is_system_defined, is_enum, configuration) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'event_log', $3 = 't', $4 = 'f', $5 = '{"custom_root_fields":{},"custom_column_names":{}}'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.739 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 37 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute 2: INSERT INTO hdb_catalog.hdb_relationship (table_schema, table_name, rel_name, rel_type, rel_def, comment, is_system_defined) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5 :: jsonb, $6, $7) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'event_log', $3 = 'trigger', $4 = 'object', $5 = '{"manual_configuration":{"remote_table":{"schema":"hdb_catalog","name":"event_triggers"},"column_mapping":{"trigger_name":"name"}}}', $6 = NULL, $7 = 't'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.739 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 38 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute 2: INSERT INTO hdb_catalog.hdb_relationship (table_schema, table_name, rel_name, rel_type, rel_def, comment, is_system_defined) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5 :: jsonb, $6, $7) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'event_log', $3 = 'logs', $4 = 'array', $5 = '{"foreign_key_constraint_on":{"column":"event_id","table":{"schema":"hdb_catalog","name":"event_invocation_logs"}}}', $6 = NULL, $7 = 't'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.739 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 39 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO "hdb_catalog"."hdb_table" (table_schema, table_name, is_system_defined, is_enum, configuration) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'event_invocation_logs', $3 = 't', $4 = 'f', $5 = '{"custom_root_fields":{},"custom_column_names":{}}'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.739 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 40 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute 2: INSERT INTO hdb_catalog.hdb_relationship (table_schema, table_name, rel_name, rel_type, rel_def, comment, is_system_defined) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5 :: jsonb, $6, $7) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'event_invocation_logs', $3 = 'event', $4 = 'object', $5 = '{"foreign_key_constraint_on":"event_id"}', $6 = NULL, $7 = 't'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.740 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 41 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO "hdb_catalog"."hdb_table" (table_schema, table_name, is_system_defined, is_enum, configuration) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_function', $3 = 't', $4 = 'f', $5 = '{"custom_root_fields":{},"custom_column_names":{}}'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.740 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 42 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO "hdb_catalog"."hdb_table" (table_schema, table_name, is_system_defined, is_enum, configuration) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_function_agg', $3 = 't', $4 = 'f', $5 = '{"custom_root_fields":{},"custom_column_names":{}}'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.740 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 43 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute 2: INSERT INTO hdb_catalog.hdb_relationship (table_schema, table_name, rel_name, rel_type, rel_def, comment, is_system_defined) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5 :: jsonb, $6, $7) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_function_agg', $3 = 'return_table_info', $4 = 'object', $5 = '{"manual_configuration":{"remote_table":{"schema":"hdb_catalog","name":"hdb_table"},"column_mapping":{"return_type_schema":"table_schema","return_type_name":"table_name"}}}', $6 = NULL, $7 = 't'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.741 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 44 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO "hdb_catalog"."hdb_table" (table_schema, table_name, is_system_defined, is_enum, configuration) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'remote_schemas', $3 = 't', $4 = 'f', $5 = '{"custom_root_fields":{},"custom_column_names":{}}'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.741 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 45 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO "hdb_catalog"."hdb_table" (table_schema, table_name, is_system_defined, is_enum, configuration) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_version', $3 = 't', $4 = 'f', $5 = '{"custom_root_fields":{},"custom_column_names":{}}'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.741 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 46 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO "hdb_catalog"."hdb_table" (table_schema, table_name, is_system_defined, is_enum, configuration) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_query_collection', $3 = 't', $4 = 'f', $5 = '{"custom_root_fields":{},"custom_column_names":{}}'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.741 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 47 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO "hdb_catalog"."hdb_table" (table_schema, table_name, is_system_defined, is_enum, configuration) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_allowlist', $3 = 't', $4 = 'f', $5 = '{"custom_root_fields":{},"custom_column_names":{}}'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.742 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 48 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO "hdb_catalog"."hdb_table" (table_schema, table_name, is_system_defined, is_enum, configuration) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_custom_types', $3 = 't', $4 = 'f', $5 = '{"custom_root_fields":{},"custom_column_names":{}}'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.742 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 49 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO "hdb_catalog"."hdb_table" (table_schema, table_name, is_system_defined, is_enum, configuration) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_action_permission', $3 = 't', $4 = 'f', $5 = '{"custom_root_fields":{},"custom_column_names":{}}'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.742 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 50 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO "hdb_catalog"."hdb_table" (table_schema, table_name, is_system_defined, is_enum, configuration) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_action', $3 = 't', $4 = 'f', $5 = '{"custom_root_fields":{},"custom_column_names":{}}'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.743 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 51 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute 2: INSERT INTO hdb_catalog.hdb_relationship (table_schema, table_name, rel_name, rel_type, rel_def, comment, is_system_defined) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5 :: jsonb, $6, $7) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_action', $3 = 'permissions', $4 = 'array', $5 = '{"manual_configuration":{"remote_table":{"schema":"hdb_catalog","name":"hdb_action_permission"},"column_mapping":{"action_name":"action_name"}}}', $6 = NULL, $7 = 't'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.743 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 52 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO "hdb_catalog"."hdb_table" (table_schema, table_name, is_system_defined, is_enum, configuration) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_action_log', $3 = 't', $4 = 'f', $5 = '{"custom_root_fields":{},"custom_column_names":{}}'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.743 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 53 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO "hdb_catalog"."hdb_table" (table_schema, table_name, is_system_defined, is_enum, configuration) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_role', $3 = 't', $4 = 'f', $5 = '{"custom_root_fields":{},"custom_column_names":{}}'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.744 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 54 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute 2: INSERT INTO hdb_catalog.hdb_relationship (table_schema, table_name, rel_name, rel_type, rel_def, comment, is_system_defined) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5 :: jsonb, $6, $7) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_role', $3 = 'action_permissions', $4 = 'array', $5 = '{"manual_configuration":{"remote_table":{"schema":"hdb_catalog","name":"hdb_action_permission"},"column_mapping":{"role_name":"role_name"}}}', $6 = NULL, $7 = 't'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.744 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 55 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute 2: INSERT INTO hdb_catalog.hdb_relationship (table_schema, table_name, rel_name, rel_type, rel_def, comment, is_system_defined) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5 :: jsonb, $6, $7) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_role', $3 = 'permissions', $4 = 'array', $5 = '{"manual_configuration":{"remote_table":{"schema":"hdb_catalog","name":"hdb_permission_agg"},"column_mapping":{"role_name":"role_name"}}}', $6 = NULL, $7 = 't'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.744 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 56 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO "hdb_catalog"."hdb_table" (table_schema, table_name, is_system_defined, is_enum, configuration) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_cron_triggers', $3 = 't', $4 = 'f', $5 = '{"custom_root_fields":{},"custom_column_names":{}}'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.744 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 57 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute 2: INSERT INTO hdb_catalog.hdb_relationship (table_schema, table_name, rel_name, rel_type, rel_def, comment, is_system_defined) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5 :: jsonb, $6, $7) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_cron_triggers', $3 = 'cron_events', $4 = 'array', $5 = '{"foreign_key_constraint_on":{"column":"trigger_name","table":{"schema":"hdb_catalog","name":"hdb_cron_events"}}}', $6 = NULL, $7 = 't'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.745 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 58 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO "hdb_catalog"."hdb_table" (table_schema, table_name, is_system_defined, is_enum, configuration) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_cron_events', $3 = 't', $4 = 'f', $5 = '{"custom_root_fields":{},"custom_column_names":{}}'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.745 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 59 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute 2: INSERT INTO hdb_catalog.hdb_relationship (table_schema, table_name, rel_name, rel_type, rel_def, comment, is_system_defined) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5 :: jsonb, $6, $7) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_cron_events', $3 = 'cron_trigger', $4 = 'object', $5 = '{"foreign_key_constraint_on":"trigger_name"}', $6 = NULL, $7 = 't'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.745 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 60 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute 2: INSERT INTO hdb_catalog.hdb_relationship (table_schema, table_name, rel_name, rel_type, rel_def, comment, is_system_defined) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5 :: jsonb, $6, $7) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_cron_events', $3 = 'cron_event_logs', $4 = 'array', $5 = '{"foreign_key_constraint_on":{"column":"event_id","table":{"schema":"hdb_catalog","name":"hdb_cron_event_invocation_logs"}}}', $6 = NULL, $7 = 't'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.746 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 61 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO "hdb_catalog"."hdb_table" (table_schema, table_name, is_system_defined, is_enum, configuration) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_cron_event_invocation_logs', $3 = 't', $4 = 'f', $5 = '{"custom_root_fields":{},"custom_column_names":{}}'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.746 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 62 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute 2: INSERT INTO hdb_catalog.hdb_relationship (table_schema, table_name, rel_name, rel_type, rel_def, comment, is_system_defined) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5 :: jsonb, $6, $7) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_cron_event_invocation_logs', $3 = 'cron_event', $4 = 'object', $5 = '{"foreign_key_constraint_on":"event_id"}', $6 = NULL, $7 = 't'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.746 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 63 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO "hdb_catalog"."hdb_table" (table_schema, table_name, is_system_defined, is_enum, configuration) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_scheduled_events', $3 = 't', $4 = 'f', $5 = '{"custom_root_fields":{},"custom_column_names":{}}'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.747 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 64 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute 2: INSERT INTO hdb_catalog.hdb_relationship (table_schema, table_name, rel_name, rel_type, rel_def, comment, is_system_defined) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5 :: jsonb, $6, $7) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_scheduled_events', $3 = 'scheduled_event_logs', $4 = 'array', $5 = '{"foreign_key_constraint_on":{"column":"event_id","table":{"schema":"hdb_catalog","name":"hdb_scheduled_event_invocation_logs"}}}', $6 = NULL, $7 = 't'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.747 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 65 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO "hdb_catalog"."hdb_table" (table_schema, table_name, is_system_defined, is_enum, configuration) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_scheduled_event_invocation_logs', $3 = 't', $4 = 'f', $5 = '{"custom_root_fields":{},"custom_column_names":{}}'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.747 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 66 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute 2: INSERT INTO hdb_catalog.hdb_relationship (table_schema, table_name, rel_name, rel_type, rel_def, comment, is_system_defined) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5 :: jsonb, $6, $7) parameters: $1 = 'hdb_catalog', $2 = 'hdb_scheduled_event_invocation_logs', $3 = 'scheduled_event', $4 = 'object', $5 = '{"foreign_key_constraint_on":"event_id"}', $6 = NULL, $7 = 't'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.748 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 67 SELECT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute 1: select json_build_object( 'tables', tables.items :: json, 'relations', relations.items, 'permissions', permissions.items, 'event_triggers', event_triggers.items, 'remote_schemas', remote_schemas.items, 'functions', functions.items, 'allowlist_collections', allowlist.item, 'computed_fields', computed_field.items, 'custom_types', custom_types.item, 'actions', actions.items, 'remote_relationships', remote_relationships.items, 'cron_triggers', cron_triggers.items ) from ( select coalesce(jsonb_agg( jsonb_build_object( 'name', jsonb_build_object( 'name', ht.table_name, 'schema', ht.table_schema ), 'is_enum', ht.is_enum, 'is_system_defined', ht.is_system_defined, 'configuration', ht.configuration, 'info', ) ), '[]') as items from hdb_catalog.hdb_table ht left join hdb_catalog.hdb_table_info_agg t using (table_schema, table_name) ) as tables, ( select coalesce( json_agg( json_build_object( 'table', json_build_object( 'schema', table_schema, 'name', table_name ), 'rel_name', rel_name, 'rel_type', rel_type, 'def', rel_def :: json, 'comment', comment ) ), '[]' ) as items from hdb_catalog.hdb_relationship ) as relations, ( select coalesce( json_agg( json_build_object( 'table', json_build_object( 'schema', table_schema, 'name', table_name ), 'role', role_name, 'perm_type', perm_type, 'def', perm_def :: json, 'comment', comment ) ), '[]' ) as items from hdb_catalog.hdb_permission ) as permissions, ( select coalesce( json_agg( json_build_object( 'table', json_build_object( 'schema', schema_name, 'name', table_name ), 'name', name, 'def', configuration :: json ) ), '[]' ) as items from hdb_catalog.event_triggers ) as event_triggers, ( select coalesce( json_agg( json_build_object( 'name', name, 'definition', definition :: json, 'comment', comment ) ), '[]' ) as items from hdb_catalog.remote_schemas ) as remote_schemas, ( select coalesce(json_agg(, '[]') as items from ( select json_build_object( 'function', json_build_object( 'schema', hf.function_schema, 'name', hf.function_name ), 'configuration', hf.configuration, 'is_system_defined', hf.is_system_defined, 'info', hf_agg.function_info ) as info from hdb_catalog.hdb_function hf left join lateral ( select coalesce(json_agg(function_info), '[]') as function_info from hdb_catalog.hdb_function_info_agg where function_name = hf.function_name and function_schema = hf.function_schema ) hf_agg on 'true' ) as q ) as functions, ( select coalesce(json_agg(hqc.collection_defn), '[]') as item from hdb_catalog.hdb_allowlist ha left outer join hdb_catalog.hdb_query_collection hqc on (hqc.collection_name = ha.collection_name) ) as allowlist, ( select coalesce(json_agg( json_build_object('computed_field', cc.computed_field, 'function_info', fi.function_info ) ), '[]') as items from ( select json_build_object( 'table', jsonb_build_object('name', hcc.table_name,'schema', hcc.table_schema), 'name', hcc.computed_field_name, 'definition', hcc.definition, 'comment', hcc.comment ) as computed_field, hccf.function_name, hccf.function_schema from hdb_catalog.hdb_computed_field hcc left outer join hdb_catalog.hdb_computed_field_function hccf on ( hcc.table_name = hccf.table_name and hcc.table_schema = hccf.table_schema and hcc.computed_field_name = hccf.computed_field_name ) ) cc left join lateral ( select coalesce(json_agg(function_info), '[]') as function_info from hdb_catalog.hdb_function_info_agg where function_name = cc.function_name and function_schema = cc.function_schema ) fi on 'true' ) as computed_field, ( select json_build_object( 'custom_types', coalesce((select custom_types from hdb_catalog.hdb_custom_types), '{}'), 'pg_scalars', -- See Note [Postgres scalars in custom types] coalesce((select json_agg(typname) from pg_catalog.pg_type where typtype = 'b'), '[]') ) as item ) as custom_types, ( select coalesce( json_agg( json_build_object( 'name', ha.action_name, 'definition', ha.action_defn :: json, 'comment', ha.comment, 'permissions', p.items ) ), '[]' ) as items from hdb_catalog.hdb_action ha left join lateral ( select coalesce( json_agg( json_build_object( 'action', hap.action_name, 'role', hap.role_name, 'comment', hap.comment ) ), '[]' ) as items from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_permission hap where hap.action_name = ha.action_name ) p on 'true' ) as actions, ( select coalesce(json_agg( json_build_object( 'name', remote_relationship_name, 'table', json_build_object('schema', table_schema, 'name', table_name), 'hasura_fields', definition -> 'hasura_fields', 'remote_schema', definition -> 'remote_schema', 'remote_field', definition -> 'remote_field' ) ),'[]') as items from hdb_catalog.hdb_remote_relationship ) as remote_relationships, ( select coalesce( json_agg( json_build_object( 'name', name, 'webhook_conf', webhook_conf :: json, 'cron_schedule', cron_schedule, 'payload', payload :: json, 'retry_conf', retry_conf :: json, 'header_conf', header_conf :: json, 'comment', comment ) ), '[]' ) as items from hdb_catalog.hdb_cron_triggers ) as cron_triggers
2020-09-03 14:53:06.805 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 68 INSERT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO hdb_catalog.hdb_version (version, upgraded_on) VALUES ($1, $2) ON CONFLICT ((version IS NOT NULL)) DO UPDATE SET version = $1, upgraded_on = $2 parameters: $1 = '37', $2 = '2020-09-03 14:53:06.376986-04'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.806 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 69 SELECT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute 3: SELECT instance_id::text, occurred_at, invalidations FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_schema_update_event ORDER BY occurred_at DESC LIMIT 1
2020-09-03 14:53:06.807 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 70 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/864 2093 LOG 00000 execute 4: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:06.810 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 71 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/867 0 LOG 00000 execute 5: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED
2020-09-03 14:53:06.811 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 72 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/867 0 LOG 00000 execute 6: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 'f' WHERE locked = 't'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.811 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 73 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/867 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:06.811 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 74 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/868 0 LOG 00000 execute 5: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED
2020-09-03 14:53:06.812 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 75 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/868 0 LOG 00000 execute 7: UPDATE hdb_catalog.hdb_cron_events SET status = 'scheduled' WHERE status = 'locked'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.813 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 76 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/868 0 LOG 00000 execute 8: UPDATE hdb_catalog.hdb_scheduled_events SET status = 'scheduled' WHERE status = 'locked'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.814 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 77 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/868 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:06.814 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 78 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/869 0 LOG 00000 execute 5: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED
2020-09-03 14:53:06.814 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82260 5f513b92.14154 1 idle 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 5/2 0 LOG 00000 statement: SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';SET client_min_messages TO WARNING;
2020-09-03 14:53:06.815 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 79 SELECT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/869 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: SELECT (hasura_uuid :: text) FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_version
2020-09-03 14:53:06.815 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82255 5f513b92.1414f 80 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 4/869 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:06.815 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82260 5f513b92.14154 2 idle 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 5/3 0 LOG 00000 statement: LISTEN hasura_schema_update;
2020-09-03 14:53:06.817 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82261 5f513b92.14155 1 idle 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 6/2 0 LOG 00000 statement: SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';SET client_min_messages TO WARNING;
2020-09-03 14:53:06.818 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82261 5f513b92.14155 2 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 6/4 0 LOG 00000 execute 0: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:06.818 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82262 5f513b92.14156 1 idle 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 7/2 0 LOG 00000 statement: SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';SET client_min_messages TO WARNING;
2020-09-03 14:53:06.819 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82262 5f513b92.14156 2 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 7/4 0 LOG 00000 execute 0: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED READ ONLY
2020-09-03 14:53:06.820 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82263 5f513b92.14157 1 idle 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 8/2 0 LOG 00000 statement: SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';SET client_min_messages TO WARNING;
2020-09-03 14:53:06.821 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82261 5f513b92.14155 3 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 6/4 0 LOG 00000 execute 1: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:06.821 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 1 idle 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/2 0 LOG 00000 statement: SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';SET client_min_messages TO WARNING;
2020-09-03 14:53:06.822 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82261 5f513b92.14155 4 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 6/4 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:06.822 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82263 5f513b92.14157 2 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 8/3 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:06.822 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 2 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/4 0 LOG 00000 execute 0: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:06.822 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82262 5f513b92.14156 3 SELECT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 7/4 0 LOG 00000 execute 1: SELECT name, upcoming_events_count, max_scheduled_time FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_cron_events_stats WHERE upcoming_events_count < 100
2020-09-03 14:53:06.823 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 1 idle 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/2 0 LOG 00000 statement: SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';SET client_min_messages TO WARNING;
2020-09-03 14:53:06.823 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82262 5f513b92.14156 4 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 7/4 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:06.823 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 2 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/4 0 LOG 00000 execute 0: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE
2020-09-03 14:53:06.823 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82262 5f513b92.14156 5 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 7/6 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:06.824 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82262 5f513b92.14156 6 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 7/6 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:06.824 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 3 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/4 0 LOG 00000 execute 1: UPDATE hdb_catalog.hdb_cron_events SET status = 'locked' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_cron_events t WHERE ( t.status = 'scheduled' and ( (t.next_retry_at is NULL and t.scheduled_time <= now()) or (t.next_retry_at is not NULL and t.next_retry_at <= now()) ) ) FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, trigger_name, scheduled_time, tries
2020-09-03 14:53:06.825 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 3 SELECT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/4 0 LOG 00000 execute 1: SELECT instance_id::text, occurred_at, invalidations FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_schema_update_event ORDER BY occurred_at DESC LIMIT 1
2020-09-03 14:53:06.825 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 4 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/4 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:06.825 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 5 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/5 0 LOG 00000 execute 0: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:06.825 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 4 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/4 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:06.826 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 6 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/5 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: UPDATE hdb_catalog.hdb_scheduled_events SET status = 'locked' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_scheduled_events t WHERE ( t.status = 'scheduled' and ( (t.next_retry_at is NULL and t.scheduled_time <= now()) or (t.next_retry_at is not NULL and t.next_retry_at <= now()) ) ) FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, webhook_conf, scheduled_time, retry_conf, payload, header_conf, tries, comment
2020-09-03 14:53:06.826 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 7 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/5 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:07.825 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 5 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/6 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:07.825 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 8 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/6 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:07.828 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 6 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/6 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:07.829 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 7 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/6 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:08.828 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 8 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/7 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:08.829 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 9 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/8 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:08.830 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 10 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/8 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:08.831 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 11 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/8 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:09.834 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 12 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/9 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:09.835 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 9 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/8 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:09.839 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 10 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/8 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:09.840 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 11 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/8 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:10.838 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 12 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/9 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:10.840 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 13 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/10 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:10.842 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 14 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/10 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:10.842 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 15 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/10 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:11.844 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 13 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/10 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:11.844 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 16 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/11 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:11.844 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 14 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/10 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:11.845 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 15 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/10 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:12.850 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 16 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/11 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:12.851 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 17 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/12 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:12.852 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 17 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/11 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:12.853 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 18 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/11 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:13.853 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 19 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/12 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:13.854 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 18 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/13 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:13.855 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 19 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/13 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:13.855 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 20 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/13 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:14.856 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 21 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/14 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:14.857 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 20 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/13 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:14.857 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 22 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/14 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:14.858 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 23 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/14 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:15.858 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 21 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/14 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:15.859 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 24 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/15 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:15.859 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 22 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/14 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:15.860 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 23 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/14 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:16.860 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 25 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/16 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:16.861 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 24 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/15 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:16.862 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 26 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/16 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:16.863 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 27 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/16 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:17.864 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 25 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/16 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:17.865 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 28 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/17 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:17.866 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 26 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/16 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:17.866 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 27 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/16 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:18.868 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 29 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/18 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:18.868 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 28 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/17 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:18.869 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 30 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/18 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:18.870 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 31 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/18 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:19.870 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 32 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/19 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:19.871 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 33 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/20 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:19.872 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 34 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/20 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:19.873 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 35 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/20 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:20.873 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 36 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/21 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:20.874 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 29 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/18 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:20.875 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 30 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/18 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:20.875 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 31 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/18 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:21.875 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 32 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/19 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:21.876 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 37 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/22 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:21.877 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 38 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/22 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:21.878 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 39 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/22 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:22.877 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 40 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/23 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:22.879 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 41 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/24 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:22.880 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 42 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/24 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:22.881 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 43 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/24 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:23.881 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 33 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/20 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:23.882 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 44 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/25 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:23.882 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 34 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/20 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:23.883 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 35 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/20 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:24.888 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 36 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/21 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:24.888 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 45 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/26 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:24.889 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 37 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/21 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:24.890 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 38 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/21 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:25.896 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 46 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/27 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:25.896 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 39 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/22 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:25.896 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 47 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/27 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:25.897 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 48 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/27 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:26.897 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 40 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/23 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:26.898 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 49 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/28 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:26.898 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 41 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/23 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:26.899 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 42 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/23 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:27.902 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 50 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/29 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:27.902 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 43 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/24 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:27.903 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 51 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/29 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:27.903 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 52 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/29 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:28.905 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 53 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/30 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:28.905 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 44 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/25 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:28.906 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 54 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/30 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:28.907 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 55 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/30 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:29.908 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 45 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/26 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:29.909 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 56 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/31 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:29.909 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 46 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/26 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:29.910 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 47 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/26 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:30.914 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 57 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/32 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:30.914 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 48 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/27 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:30.915 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 58 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/32 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:30.915 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 59 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/32 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:31.919 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 49 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/28 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:31.919 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 60 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/33 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:31.920 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 50 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/28 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:31.921 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 51 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/28 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:32.922 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 52 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/29 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:32.922 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 53 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/30 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:32.923 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 54 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/30 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:32.923 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 55 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/30 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:33.924 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 61 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/34 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:33.924 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 56 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/31 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:33.925 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 62 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/34 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:33.926 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 63 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/34 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:34.928 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 57 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/32 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:34.929 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 64 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/35 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:34.929 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 58 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/32 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:34.930 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 59 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/32 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:35.933 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 65 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/36 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:35.933 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 60 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/33 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:35.934 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 66 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/36 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:35.934 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 67 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/36 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:36.935 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 61 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/34 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:36.936 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 68 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/37 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:36.936 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 62 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/34 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:36.937 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 63 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/34 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:37.938 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 69 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/38 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:37.939 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 64 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/35 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:37.940 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 70 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/38 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:37.941 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 71 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/38 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:38.943 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 65 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/36 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:38.944 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 72 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/39 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:38.945 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 66 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/36 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:38.946 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 67 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/36 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:39.948 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 73 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/40 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:39.948 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 68 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/37 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:39.949 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 74 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/40 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:39.950 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 75 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/40 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:40.953 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 69 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/38 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:40.953 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 76 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/41 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:40.953 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 70 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/38 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:40.953 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 71 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/38 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:41.955 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 77 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/42 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:41.955 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 72 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/39 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:41.955 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 78 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/42 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:41.956 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 79 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/42 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:42.957 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 73 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/40 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:42.957 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 80 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/43 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:42.958 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 74 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/40 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:42.959 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 75 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/40 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:43.960 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 76 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/41 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:43.961 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 81 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/44 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:43.962 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 82 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/44 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:43.963 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 83 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/44 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:44.964 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 77 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/42 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:44.964 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 84 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/45 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:44.965 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 78 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/42 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:44.966 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 79 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/42 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:45.969 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 80 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/43 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:45.969 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 85 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/46 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:45.970 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 81 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/43 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:45.971 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 82 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/43 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:46.972 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 86 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/47 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:46.973 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 83 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/44 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:46.973 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 87 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/47 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:46.974 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 88 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/47 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:47.978 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 84 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/45 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:47.978 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 89 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/48 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:47.979 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 85 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/45 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:47.979 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 86 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/45 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:48.980 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 90 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/49 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:48.980 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 87 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/46 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:48.981 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 91 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/49 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:48.982 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 92 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/49 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:49.984 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 93 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/50 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:49.984 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 88 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/47 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:49.985 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 89 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/47 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:49.985 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 90 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/47 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:50.986 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 91 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/48 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:50.987 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 92 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/49 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:50.988 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 93 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/49 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:50.989 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 94 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/49 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:51.989 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 95 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/50 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:51.991 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 96 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/51 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:51.991 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 97 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/51 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:51.992 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 98 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/51 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:52.991 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 99 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/52 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:52.993 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 100 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/53 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:52.993 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 101 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/53 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:52.994 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 102 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/53 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:53.993 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 103 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/54 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:53.995 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 104 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/55 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:53.996 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 105 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/55 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:53.996 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 106 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/55 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:54.997 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 107 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/56 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:54.997 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 94 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/51 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:54.997 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 95 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/51 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:54.998 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 96 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/51 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:55.998 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 97 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/52 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:55.999 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 98 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/53 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:56.000 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 99 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/53 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:56.000 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 100 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/53 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:57.000 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 101 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/54 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:57.000 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 108 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/57 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:57.001 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 102 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/54 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:57.001 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 103 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/54 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:58.003 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 104 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/55 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:58.003 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 109 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/58 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:58.003 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 105 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/55 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:58.004 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 106 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/55 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
2020-09-03 14:53:59.006 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 107 BEGIN 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/56 0 LOG 00000 execute 3: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ READ WRITE
2020-09-03 14:53:59.007 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82265 5f513b92.14159 110 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 10/59 0 LOG 00000 execute <unnamed>: update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing' where id in ( select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log where status = 'created' for update skip locked limit 10 ) returning id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
2020-09-03 14:53:59.007 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 108 UPDATE 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/56 0 LOG 00000 execute 4: UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = 't' WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f' and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now()) and l.archived = 'f' ORDER BY created_at LIMIT $1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at parameters: $1 = '100'
2020-09-03 14:53:59.008 EDT jessicalaughlin jessicalaughlin 82264 5f513b92.14158 109 COMMIT 2020-09-03 14:53:06 EDT 9/56 0 LOG 00000 execute 2: COMMIT
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