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Forked from brentp/gist:819611
Created February 14, 2017 17:16
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install annovar and use it to annotate a vcf with hg19
tar xzvf annovar.tar.gz
cd annovar
# download databases (goes to UCSC)
./ -buildver hg19 -downdb 1000g2010nov humandb
./ -buildver hg19 -downdb avsift humandb
./ -buildver hg19 -downdb refGene humandb
./ -buildver hg19 -downdb mce46way humandb/
./ -buildver hg19 -downdb snp131 humandb/
./ -buildver hg19 -downdb segdup humandb/
# more extensive gene db. see:
# (Switching to UCSC Known Gene annotation or Ensembl Gene annotation)
./ --buildver hg19 --downdb knowngene humandb
./ --buildver hg19 --downdb ensgene humandb
# known variation
./ --buildver hg19 --downdb dgv humandb/
./ --buildver hg19 --downdb gwascatalog humandb/
# not available yet:
# perl ./ -buildver hg19 -downdb tfbs humandb/
./ -format vcf4 $IN > ${IN}.annovar
# see:
./ --filter --buildver hg19 --dbtype 1000g2010nov_all ${IN}.annovar humandb/
# iterative filtering the suffix hg19_ALL.sites... gets added. _filtered are the ones
# that were not in the 1000genomes snps.
./ --filter --buildver hg19 --dbtype snp131 ${IN}.annovar.hg19_ALL.sites.2010_11_filtered humandb/
# now ${IN}.annovar.hg19_ALL.sites.2010_11_filtered.hg19_snp131_filtered
# contains the stuff not in dbsnp131 or in 1000 genomes.
# maybe can use this:
# for dbsnp 132
# IUPAC calls are excluded as bad input. convert these first
# annotate remaining snps by proximity to gene.
./ --buildver hg19 --geneanno $FILTERED humandb/
# now ${FILTERED}.exonic_variant_function lists snps in genes
# and ${FILTERED}.variant_function annotates up/down stream genes and distances and if in UTR/intron
# generate a big spreadsheet of the annotations.
./ --buildver hg19 --ver1000g 1000g2010nov --verdbsnp 131 --genetype knowngene --outfile lung_auto LTRC_274462_lung_unique.annovar humandb
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