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Last active July 9, 2024 23:41
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Java Backend Software Engineer Take-Home Assessment

Java Backend Software Engineer Take-Home Assessment

This assessment is an opportunity for the candidate to provide examples of their knowledge and skills using technologies and practices they may see working for Intrepid Networks. It is also an opportunity for the Intrepid Networks software development team to evaluate the candidate's use of these skills and technologies. This assessment will be used as points of discussion during any additional interviews.

Your challenge

MVP Project

This project is the only part of this challenge we consider required. Create a project that can be tested with Postman (No frontend component required for this project) so that we are able to complete CRUD operations via the REST API. The user summary, technical summary, and user stories for this project are listed below in the document. Please also read the constraints section as they apply to the project as well. If something is not covered in the constraints or starter application, the decision of implementation is left up to you.

Stretch Goal Project

As the name suggests, this part of the assessment is a stretch goal and is NOT required. We want to extend our MVP project. Again, it will be tested with Postman (No frontend component required for this project) so that we are able to complete CRUD operations via the REST API. The user summary, technical summary, and user stories for this project are listed below in the document. Please also read the constraints section as they apply to the project as well. If something is not covered in the constraints or starter application, the decision of implementation is left up to you.

Top Tips: While we are of course looking to use this for discussion about code in our final interview, we are also giving you an insight as to how we work on our projects from a requirements perspective. This means we will be looking at code decisions, documentation, and communication (including sensible comments both in-app and in GitHub commits), etc.

Constraint Detail
3 Business Days We ask that you complete the assessment and provide us a link to the public repo within 3 full business days after receiving the link to this Gist.
~5 Hours We structure this assessment so that the minimum ask is able to be completed in around 5 hours. However, we also provide additional items in the requirements documentation in case you able to complete more than the required within that ~ 5 hour window.
Project Tech Stack
  • Required
    • Java
  • Optional
    • Grails
    • Groovy
User Stories The user stories below have a priority based on what we would like included in the MVP of our Blog product and then another set of user stories for the stretch goal project. Meaning, at a minimum we believe that creating the project and completing all of the “high” story items in the MVP project should be within reason to complete in around 5 hours.

  1. HIGH - We would hope to see these completed within the ~5 hour window. Consider HIGH essential for the MVP
  2. MED (Stretch Goal) - Not required, but a very strong “would like to have” for MVP
  3. LOW (Stretch Goal) - Expected for post MVP work, but listed in case the developer can include them in MVP

Project Questions

If you have any questions with the project, please email Demian Seiler (

How to submit your solution

Create a publicly accessible repo on GitHub and email the link to it to Demian Seiler (

MVP User Summary for Fictitious Company, Inc

We want to create our own blog software to use for Fictitious Company, Inc because WordPress and all of the other CMS systems are just too cumbersome to set up and use. As with any other blog, our users will need to be able to create, read, update, and delete blog posts. Assume all users have the same role and permission levels.

Technical Summary

  • All communication with the backend should be via REST API endpoints with JSON payloads in the response
  • User/blog data will need to be persisted to fulfill the requirement (Up to the developer to decide: in-memory or RDBMS)
  • Code should be appropriately documented
  • At least a basic set of tests for the happy path scenarios
  • If using RDBMS, it would be nice to have a script to generate additional test data

User Stories

Title User Story Importance Notes
Create Blog Post A user should be able to create a new blog post High
Edit Blog Post A user should be able to edit an existing blog post High This is the minimum for MVP, but preference would be to further extend this to inlcude “Edit Blog Post author” story in this list.
Delete Blog Post A user should be able to delete an existing blog post High
Read Blog Posts List A user should be able to pull all blog posts High

User Summary for Fictitious Company, Inc (Stretch Goal)

We want to enhance our blog software for Fictitious Company, Inc. Create/Edit/Delete capable users should be valid users in the system. Users that read the data don’t have to be registered with the system. Assume all users have the same role and permission levels (with the noted author exception below). Each blog post should be associated with an author that is a valid user of our blog system. We want only the original author being able to edit their own blog posts.

Technical Summary

  • All communication with the backend should be via REST API endpoints with JSON payloads in the response
  • Read endpoint should be open to all (No Auth required)
  • Code should be appropriately documented
  • At least a basic set of tests for the happy path scenarios
  • If using RDBMS, it would be nice to have a script to generate additional test data

Stretch Goals

These are additional requirements that are on the road map for our blog AFTER we have had a successful proof of concept of the above MVP requirements. You are in no way required to implement these items to complete the expectations for this assessment.

User Stories

Title User Story Importance Notes
Create Blog Post Author Each blog post should be associated with an author Med Stretch goal
Edit Blog Post author Only the original author of the blog post should be able to edit it Med Stretch goal
Delete Blog Post author Only the original author of the blog post should be able to delete it Med Stretch Goal
Login A user should be able to login so they can be authenticated as a valid user Low Big stretch goal: (AuthN) - Developers choice although we are considering OAuth2 with passport.js
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