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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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Simple python3k function annotation enforcer
Pure-Python 3 function annotation enforcer.
@author Pedro Rittner
from functools import wraps
from inspect import getcallargs
def enforce_annotations(fun):
Function annotation to enforce function argument and return types.
def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
""" Check each annotated argument type for type correctness """
for arg, val in getcallargs(fun, *args, **kwargs).items():
if arg in fun.__annotations__:
templ = fun.__annotations__[arg]
msg_args = {'arg': arg, 'f': fun, 't1': type(val), 't2': templ}
msg = """Argument mismatch in call to {f}:
\'{arg}\' is of type {t1}, expected type {t2}"""
if val is not None and not issubclass(val.__class__, templ):
raise TypeError(msg.format(**msg_args))
# Call wrapped function and get return value
return_val = fun(*args, **kwargs)
if 'return' in fun.__annotations__:
templ = fun.__annotations__['return']
msg_args = {'f': fun, 't1': type(return_val), 't2': templ}
msg = """Return type mismatch in call to {f}:
Call return type {t1} does not match expected type {t2}"""
if (return_val is not None
and not issubclass(return_val.__class__, templ)):
raise TypeError(msg.format(**msg_args))
return return_val
return _wrapper
def dummy_function(a: int, b: float=0, s: str=None) -> str:
return s + str(a + b)
def main():
# This works
print(dummy_function(5, 6.0, "lol"))
# This will not
print(dummy_function(5.0, 6, 7))
if __name__ == ""__main__":
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