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Created August 13, 2024 13:22
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Save ImaginaryDevelopment/175b8b528c0b4f4c3b5a8ed3f23868b4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// dump the directory structure that exists from cwd and down. ignoring most files
open System
let indentAmount = 2
let dirIndent = "-"
let fileIndent = "+"
let interestingFiles = [ ".xml"; ".nupkg" ]
let blacklist = [ "bin"; "obj"; "packages"; "runtimes" ]
module Helpers =
let (|ValueString|_|) x =
if String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace x then
Some x
let isValueString =
| ValueString _ -> true
| _ -> false
let afterOpt (delim: string) (x: string) =
if not <| isValueString delim then
failwith "Delimiter must not be null or empty"
match x.IndexOf delim with
| i when i < 0 -> None
| i -> Some x.[i + delim.Length ..]
let afterOrSelf delim x =
afterOpt delim x |> Option.defaultValue x
let getFileCount d =
IO.Directory.GetFiles d
|> Seq.filter (fun f -> IO.File.Exists f)
|> Seq.length
open Helpers
module Option =
// swallow the error, make an option
let ofOk =
| Ok x -> Some x
| _ -> None
let tryResult f x =
f x |> Ok
| ex -> Error ex
let tryResult' f = tryResult f ()
let enumerateFilesByExtension (extensions: string seq) (dir: string) : string seq =
System.IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(dir, "*.*")
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> extensions |> Seq.exists x.EndsWith)
// assume something ending in .zip or .nupkg
let searchForPackage (dir: string) =
// System.IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(dir, "*.xml|*.nupkg", System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories)
enumerateFilesByExtension interestingFiles dir
let containsBlacklistItem (path: string) =
|> Seq.exists (fun bl -> path.Contains bl) // not accounting for case insensitivity
let trimEnclosing (enclosure: string) (path: string) = path |> afterOrSelf enclosure
type PathResult = Directory of string * (string list) * Result<int, exn>
// initial call will not catch if it fails, child calls however will be
let rec walkDirectories depth (path: string) =
[ for d in System.IO.Directory.EnumerateDirectories path do
let goForWalkies () = walkDirectories (depth + 1) d
// simple blacklisting does not account for hybrid words or path segmenting to properly respect the blacklist
if containsBlacklistItem d |> not then
let files: string list =
searchForPackage d
|> Seq.filter (containsBlacklistItem >> not)
|> (trimEnclosing d)
|> List.ofSeq
| ex ->
eprintfn "Could not enumerate packages in '%s'" d
yield (depth, PathResult.Directory(d, files, d |> tryResult getFileCount))
match tryResult' goForWalkies with
| Ok items -> yield! items
| Error ex -> printfn $"Failed to descend into '%s{d}': '%s{ex.Message}'" ]
printfn "Starting in '%s'" Environment.CurrentDirectory
if IO.Directory.Exists Environment.CurrentDirectory
|> not then
eprintfn "Current directory doesn't exist"
let banner = "-------------------------"
let printBanner () = printfn "%s" banner
printBanner ()
walkDirectories 0 Environment.CurrentDirectory
|> Seq.iter (fun (depth, pr) ->
let writeInfo indent p extra = printfn $"%s{indent}%s{p}%s{extra}"
match pr with
| PathResult.Directory (dir, files, countOpt) ->
let rep = String.replicate ((depth + 1) * indentAmount)
let indent = rep dirIndent
let c =
|> Option.ofOk
|> string
|> Option.defaultValue "?"
|> sprintf "(%s)"
writeInfo indent (sprintf "%s%c" dir IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) c
// writeInfo indent (sprintf "%s%c" dir '&') c
|> Seq.iter (fun f ->
let indent = rep fileIndent
let f =
if f.StartsWith IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar then
else f
writeInfo indent f null)
if depth = 0 then // for each root-level directory lets footer it
printBanner ()
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