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Created December 15, 2021 05:02
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Bounding Frustum implementation in C# for Unity.
namespace StagPoint.Math
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using Mono.Simd;
public class BoundingFrustum
#region Public fields
/// <summary>
/// The number of planes in the frustum.
/// </summary>
public const int PlaneCount = 6;
/// <summary>
/// The number of corner points in the frustum.
/// </summary>
public const int CornerCount = 8;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the current position of the frustum
/// </summary>
public Vector3 Position { get; private set; }
#region Private variables
/// <summary>
/// Ordering: [0] = Far Bottom Left, [1] = Far Top Left, [2] = Far Top Right, [3] = Far Bottom Right,
/// [4] = Near Bottom Left, [5] = Near Top Left, [6] = Near Top Right, [7] = Near Bottom Right
/// </summary>
private Vector3[] _corners = new Vector3[ CornerCount ];
/// <summary>
/// Defines the set of planes that bound the camera's frustum. All plane normals point to the inside of the
/// frustum.
/// Ordering: [0] = Left, [1] = Right, [2] = Down, [3] = Up, [4] = Near, [5] = Far
/// </summary>
private Plane[] _planes = new Plane[ PlaneCount ];
/// <summary>
/// Caches the absolute values of plane normals for re-use during frustum culling of multiple AABB instances
/// </summary>
private Vector3[] _absNormals = new Vector3[ PlaneCount ];
/// <summary>
/// Caching the plane normals allows the culling code to avoid calling property getters on the Plane instances
/// </summary>
private Vector3[] _planeNormal = new Vector3[ PlaneCount ];
/// <summary>
/// Caching the plane distances allows the culling code to avoid calling property getters on the Plane instances
/// </summary>
private float[] _planeDistance = new float[ PlaneCount ];
#region Public functions
/// <summary>
/// Extracts the frustum corners. The destination array must contain space for no less than CornerCount elements.
/// Ordering: [0] = Far Bottom Left, [1] = Far Top Left, [2] = Far Top Right, [3] = Far Bottom Right, [4] = Camera Position
/// </summary>
public void GetCorners( Vector3[] outCorners )
if( outCorners == null || outCorners.Length < CornerCount )
throw new InvalidOperationException( "Destination array is null or too small" );
Array.Copy( _corners, outCorners, CornerCount );
/// <summary>
/// Extracts the frustum planes. The destination array must contain space for no less than PlaneCount elements.
/// Ordering: [0] = Left, [1] = Right, [2] = Down, [3] = Up, [4] = Near, [5] = Far
/// </summary>
public void GetPlanes( Plane[] outPlanes )
if( outPlanes == null || outPlanes.Length < PlaneCount )
throw new InvalidOperationException( "Destination array is null or too small" );
Array.Copy( _planes, outPlanes, PlaneCount );
/// <summary>
/// Update the bounding frustum from the current camera settings
/// </summary>
public void Update( Camera camera )
Update( camera, camera.farClipPlane );
/// <summary>
/// Update the bounding frustum from the current camera settings
/// </summary>
public void Update( Camera camera, float farClipPlane )
var camTransform = camera.transform;
var position = camTransform.position;
var orientation = camTransform.rotation;
this.Position = position;
var forward = orientation * Vector3.forward;
if( camera.orthographic )
calculateFrustumCornersOrthographic( camera );
ref position,
ref orientation,
// [0] = Far Bottom Left, [1] = Far Top Left, [2] = Far Top Right, [3] = Far Bottom Right,
// [4] = Near Bottom Left, [5] = Near Top Left, [6] = Near Top Right, [7] = Near Bottom Right
// Ordering: [0] = Left, [1] = Right, [2] = Down, [3] = Up, [4] = Near, [5] = Far
_planes[ 0 ] = new Plane( _corners[ 4 ], _corners[ 1 ], _corners[ 0 ] );
_planes[ 1 ] = new Plane( _corners[ 6 ], _corners[ 3 ], _corners[ 2 ] );
_planes[ 2 ] = new Plane( _corners[ 7 ], _corners[ 0 ], _corners[ 3 ] );
_planes[ 3 ] = new Plane( _corners[ 5 ], _corners[ 2 ], _corners[ 1 ] );
_planes[ 4 ] = new Plane( forward, position + forward * camera.nearClipPlane );
_planes[ 5 ] = new Plane( -forward, position + forward * farClipPlane );
for( int i = 0; i < PlaneCount; i++ )
var plane = _planes[ i ];
var normal = plane.normal;
_absNormals[ i ] = new Vector3( Math.Abs( normal.x ), Math.Abs( normal.y ), Math.Abs( normal.z ) );
_planeNormal[ i ] = normal;
_planeDistance[ i ] = plane.distance;
/// <summary>
/// Update the bounding frustum
/// </summary>
public void Update( Vector3 position, Quaternion orientation, float fov, float nearClipPlane, float farClipPlane, float aspect )
this.Position = position;
calculateFrustumCornersPerspective( ref position, ref orientation, fov, nearClipPlane, farClipPlane, aspect );
var forward = orientation * Vector3.forward;
// [0] = Far Bottom Left, [1] = Far Top Left, [2] = Far Top Right, [3] = Far Bottom Right,
// [4] = Near Bottom Left, [5] = Near Top Left, [6] = Near Top Right, [7] = Near Bottom Right
// Ordering: [0] = Left, [1] = Right, [2] = Down, [3] = Up, [4] = Near, [5] = Far
_planes[ 0 ] = new Plane( _corners[ 4 ], _corners[ 1 ], _corners[ 0 ] );
_planes[ 1 ] = new Plane( _corners[ 6 ], _corners[ 3 ], _corners[ 2 ] );
_planes[ 2 ] = new Plane( _corners[ 7 ], _corners[ 0 ], _corners[ 3 ] );
_planes[ 3 ] = new Plane( _corners[ 5 ], _corners[ 2 ], _corners[ 1 ] );
_planes[ 4 ] = new Plane( forward, position + forward * nearClipPlane );
_planes[ 5 ] = new Plane( -forward, position + forward * farClipPlane );
for( int i = 0; i < PlaneCount; i++ )
var plane = _planes[ i ];
var normal = plane.normal;
_absNormals[ i ] = new Vector3( Math.Abs( normal.x ), Math.Abs( normal.y ), Math.Abs( normal.z ) );
_planeNormal[ i ] = normal;
_planeDistance[ i ] = plane.distance;
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if the frustum contains the specified point
/// </summary>
public bool Contains( ref Vector3 point )
for( int i = 0; i < PlaneCount; i++ )
var normal = _planeNormal[ i ];
var distance = _planeDistance[ i ];
float dist = normal.x * point.x + normal.y * point.y + normal.z * point.z + distance;
if( dist < 0f )
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the type of intersection (if any) between the frustum and the sphere
/// </summary>
/// <param name="center">The world position of the sphere</param>
/// <param name="radius">The radius of the sphere</param>
public IntersectionType GetSphereIntersection( ref Vector3 center, float radius, float frustumPadding = 0 )
var intersecting = false;
for( int i = 0; i < PlaneCount; i++ )
var normal = _planeNormal[ i ];
var distance = _planeDistance[ i ];
float dist = normal.x * center.x + normal.y * center.y + normal.z * center.z + distance;
if( dist < -radius - frustumPadding )
return IntersectionType.Disjoint;
intersecting |= ( dist <= radius );
return intersecting ? IntersectionType.Intersects : IntersectionType.Contains;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the type of intersection (if any) between the frustum and the sphere
/// </summary>
public IntersectionType GetSphereIntersection( ref BoundingSphere sphere, float frustumPadding = 0 )
var intersecting = false;
var center = sphere.position;
var radius = sphere.radius;
for( int i = 0; i < PlaneCount; i++ )
var normal = _planeNormal[ i ];
var distance = _planeDistance[ i ];
float dist = normal.x * center.x + normal.y * center.y + normal.z * center.z + distance;
if( dist < -radius - frustumPadding )
return IntersectionType.Disjoint;
intersecting |= ( dist <= radius );
return intersecting ? IntersectionType.Intersects : IntersectionType.Contains;
/// <summary>
/// Iterates through each sphere in the array and sets the Result field to the result of the sphere/frustum intersection test
/// This function is intended primarily for use with static geometry (or quadtrees, etc) where the bounding volumes will not
/// be updated frequently, but the frustum will.
/// </summary>
public void CullSpheres( CullingSphere[] spheres, int sphereCount )
Vector3 planeNormal =;
var planeNormal0 = _planeNormal[ 0 ];
var planeNormal1 = _planeNormal[ 1 ];
var planeNormal2 = _planeNormal[ 2 ];
var planeNormal3 = _planeNormal[ 3 ];
var planeNormal4 = _planeNormal[ 4 ];
var planeNormal5 = _planeNormal[ 5 ];
var planeDistance0 = _planeDistance[ 0 ];
var planeDistance1 = _planeDistance[ 1 ];
var planeDistance2 = _planeDistance[ 2 ];
var planeDistance3 = _planeDistance[ 3 ];
var planeDistance4 = _planeDistance[ 4 ];
var planeDistance5 = _planeDistance[ 5 ];
for( int si = 0; si < sphereCount; si++ )
var sphere = spheres[ si ];
var center = sphere.SphereCenter;
var radius = sphere.SphereRadius;
bool outOfFrustum = false;
outOfFrustum = outOfFrustum || ( planeNormal0.x * center.x + planeNormal0.y * center.y + planeNormal0.z * center.z + planeDistance0 ) < -radius;
outOfFrustum = outOfFrustum || ( planeNormal1.x * center.x + planeNormal1.y * center.y + planeNormal1.z * center.z + planeDistance1 ) < -radius;
outOfFrustum = outOfFrustum || ( planeNormal2.x * center.x + planeNormal2.y * center.y + planeNormal2.z * center.z + planeDistance2 ) < -radius;
outOfFrustum = outOfFrustum || ( planeNormal3.x * center.x + planeNormal3.y * center.y + planeNormal3.z * center.z + planeDistance3 ) < -radius;
outOfFrustum = outOfFrustum || ( planeNormal4.x * center.x + planeNormal4.y * center.y + planeNormal4.z * center.z + planeDistance4 ) < -radius;
outOfFrustum = outOfFrustum || ( planeNormal5.x * center.x + planeNormal5.y * center.y + planeNormal5.z * center.z + planeDistance5 ) < -radius;
spheres[ si ].IsInFrustum = !outOfFrustum;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the type of intersection (if any) between the frustum and the sphere
/// </summary>
/// <param name="center">The world position of the sphere</param>
/// <param name="radius">The radius of the sphere</param>
public bool IntersectsSphere( ref Vector3 center, float radius, float frustumPadding = 0 )
for( int i = 0; i < PlaneCount; i++ )
var normal = _planeNormal[ i ];
var distance = _planeDistance[ i ];
float dist = normal.x * center.x + normal.y * center.y + normal.z * center.z + distance;
if( dist < -radius - frustumPadding )
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the type of intersection (if any) between the frustum and the sphere
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sphere">The sphere to check</param>
public bool IntersectsSphere( ref BoundingSphere sphere, float frustumPadding = 0 )
var center = sphere.position;
for( int i = 0; i < PlaneCount; i++ )
var normal = _planeNormal[ i ];
var distance = _planeDistance[ i ];
float dist = normal.x * center.x + normal.y * center.y + normal.z * center.z + distance;
if( dist < -sphere.radius - frustumPadding )
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Returns TRUE if the box and frustum intersect
/// </summary>
public bool IntersectsBox( ref Bounds box, float frustumPadding = 0 )
// Exit early if the box contains the frustum origin
if( box.Contains( _corners[ CornerCount - 1 ] ) )
return true;
var center =;
var extents = box.extents;
for( int i = 0; i < PlaneCount; i++ )
var abs = _absNormals[ i ];
var planeNormal = _planeNormal[ i ];
var planeDistance = _planeDistance[ i ];
float r = extents.x * abs.x + extents.y * abs.y + extents.z * abs.z;
float s = planeNormal.x * center.x + planeNormal.y * center.y + planeNormal.z * center.z;
if( s + r < -planeDistance - frustumPadding )
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the type of intersection (if any) between the bounding box and the frustum
/// </summary>
public IntersectionType GetBoxIntersection( ref Bounds box, float frustumPadding = 0 )
var center =;
var extents = box.extents;
var intersecting = false;
for( int i = 0; i < PlaneCount; i++ )
var abs = _absNormals[ i ];
var planeNormal = _planeNormal[ i ];
var planeDistance = _planeDistance[ i ];
float r = extents.x * abs.x + extents.y * abs.y + extents.z * abs.z;
float s = planeNormal.x * center.x + planeNormal.y * center.y + planeNormal.z * center.z;
if( s + r < -planeDistance - frustumPadding )
return IntersectionType.Disjoint;
intersecting |= ( s - r <= -planeDistance );
return intersecting ? IntersectionType.Intersects : IntersectionType.Contains;
/// <summary>
/// Iterates through each box in the boxes array and sets the Result field to the result of the box/frustum intersection test.
/// This function is intended primarily for use with static geometry (or quadtrees, etc) where the bounding volumes will not
/// be updated frequently, but the frustum will.
/// </summary>
public void CullBoxes( CullingBox[] boxes, int boxCount )
var abs0 = _absNormals[ 0 ];
var abs1 = _absNormals[ 1 ];
var abs2 = _absNormals[ 2 ];
var abs3 = _absNormals[ 3 ];
var abs4 = _absNormals[ 4 ];
var abs5 = _absNormals[ 5 ];
var planeNormal0 = _planeNormal[ 0 ];
var planeNormal1 = _planeNormal[ 1 ];
var planeNormal2 = _planeNormal[ 2 ];
var planeNormal3 = _planeNormal[ 3 ];
var planeNormal4 = _planeNormal[ 4 ];
var planeNormal5 = _planeNormal[ 5 ];
var planeDistance0 = _planeDistance[ 0 ];
var planeDistance1 = _planeDistance[ 1 ];
var planeDistance2 = _planeDistance[ 2 ];
var planeDistance3 = _planeDistance[ 3 ];
var planeDistance4 = _planeDistance[ 4 ];
var planeDistance5 = _planeDistance[ 5 ];
for( int bi = 0; bi < boxCount; bi++ )
var box = boxes[ bi ];
var center = box.BoxCenter;
var extents = box.BoxExtents;
bool outOfFrustum = false;
outOfFrustum = outOfFrustum || (
( extents.x * abs0.x + extents.y * abs0.y + extents.z * abs0.z ) +
( planeNormal0.x * center.x + planeNormal0.y * center.y + planeNormal0.z * center.z ) ) < -planeDistance0;
outOfFrustum = outOfFrustum || (
( extents.x * abs1.x + extents.y * abs1.y + extents.z * abs1.z ) +
( planeNormal1.x * center.x + planeNormal1.y * center.y + planeNormal1.z * center.z ) ) < -planeDistance1;
outOfFrustum = outOfFrustum || (
( extents.x * abs2.x + extents.y * abs2.y + extents.z * abs2.z ) +
( planeNormal2.x * center.x + planeNormal2.y * center.y + planeNormal2.z * center.z ) ) < -planeDistance2;
outOfFrustum = outOfFrustum || (
( extents.x * abs3.x + extents.y * abs3.y + extents.z * abs3.z ) +
( planeNormal3.x * center.x + planeNormal3.y * center.y + planeNormal3.z * center.z ) ) < -planeDistance3;
outOfFrustum = outOfFrustum || (
( extents.x * abs4.x + extents.y * abs4.y + extents.z * abs4.z ) +
( planeNormal4.x * center.x + planeNormal4.y * center.y + planeNormal4.z * center.z ) ) < -planeDistance4;
outOfFrustum = outOfFrustum || (
( extents.x * abs5.x + extents.y * abs5.y + extents.z * abs5.z ) +
( planeNormal5.x * center.x + planeNormal5.y * center.y + planeNormal5.z * center.z ) ) < -planeDistance5;
boxes[ bi ].IsInFrustum = !outOfFrustum;
/// <summary>
/// Returns TRUE if the oriented bounding box and frustum intersect
/// </summary>
/// <param name="box">The bounding box to test. Note: is expected to be in world coordinates</param>
/// <param name="right">The horizontal local coordinate axis (equivalent to Transform.right)</param>
/// <param name="up">The vertical local coordinate axis (equivalent to Transform.up)</param>
/// <param name="forward">The forward local coordinate axis (equivalent to Transform.forward)</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool IntersectsOrientedBox( ref Bounds box, ref Vector3 right, ref Vector3 up, ref Vector3 forward, float frustumPadding = 0 )
var center =;
var extents = box.extents;
for( int i = 0; i < PlaneCount; i++ )
var planeNormal = _planeNormal[ i ];
var planeDistance = _planeDistance[ i ];
float r =
extents.x * Math.Abs( Vector3.Dot( planeNormal, right ) ) +
extents.y * Math.Abs( Vector3.Dot( planeNormal, up ) ) +
extents.z * Math.Abs( Vector3.Dot( planeNormal, forward ) );
float s = planeNormal.x * center.x + planeNormal.y * center.y + planeNormal.z * center.z;
if( s + r < -planeDistance - frustumPadding )
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the type of intersection (if any) of an oriented bounding box and the frustum.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="box">The bounding box to test. Note: is expected to be in world coordinates</param>
/// <param name="right">The horizontal local coordinate axis (equivalent to Transform.right)</param>
/// <param name="up">The vertical local coordinate axis (equivalent to Transform.up)</param>
/// <param name="forward">The forward local coordinate axis (equivalent to Transform.forward)</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public IntersectionType GetOrientedBoxIntersection( ref Bounds box, ref Vector3 right, ref Vector3 up, ref Vector3 forward, float frustumPadding = 0 )
var center =;
var extents = box.extents;
var intersecting = false;
for( int i = 0; i < PlaneCount; i++ )
var planeNormal = _planeNormal[ i ];
var planeDistance = _planeDistance[ i ];
float r =
extents.x * Math.Abs( Vector3.Dot( planeNormal, right ) ) +
extents.y * Math.Abs( Vector3.Dot( planeNormal, up ) ) +
extents.z * Math.Abs( Vector3.Dot( planeNormal, forward ) );
float s = planeNormal.x * center.x + planeNormal.y * center.y + planeNormal.z * center.z;
if( s + r < -planeDistance - frustumPadding )
return IntersectionType.Disjoint;
intersecting |= ( s - r <= -planeDistance );
return intersecting ? IntersectionType.Intersects : IntersectionType.Contains;
#region Private functions
private void calculateFrustumCornersOrthographic( Camera camera )
var camTransform = camera.transform;
var position = camTransform.position;
var orientation = camTransform.rotation;
var farClipPlane = camera.farClipPlane;
var nearClipPlane = camera.nearClipPlane;
var forward = orientation * Vector3.forward;
var right = orientation * Vector3.right * camera.orthographicSize * camera.aspect;
var up = orientation * Vector3.up * camera.orthographicSize;
// [0] = Far Bottom Left, [1] = Far Top Left, [2] = Far Top Right, [3] = Far Bottom Right,
// [4] = Near Bottom Left, [5] = Near Top Left, [6] = Near Top Right, [7] = Near Bottom Right
_corners[ 0 ] = position + forward * farClipPlane - up - right;
_corners[ 1 ] = position + forward * farClipPlane + up - right;
_corners[ 2 ] = position + forward * farClipPlane + up + right;
_corners[ 3 ] = position + forward * farClipPlane - up + right;
_corners[ 4 ] = position + forward * nearClipPlane - up - right;
_corners[ 5 ] = position + forward * nearClipPlane + up - right;
_corners[ 6 ] = position + forward * nearClipPlane + up + right;
_corners[ 7 ] = position + forward * nearClipPlane - up + right;
private void calculateFrustumCornersPerspective( ref Vector3 position, ref Quaternion orientation, float fov, float nearClipPlane, float farClipPlane, float aspect )
float fovWHalf = fov * 0.5f;
Vector3 toRight = Vector3.right * Mathf.Tan( fovWHalf * Mathf.Deg2Rad ) * aspect;
Vector3 toTop = Vector3.up * Mathf.Tan( fovWHalf * Mathf.Deg2Rad );
var forward = Vector3.forward;
Vector3 topLeft = ( forward - toRight + toTop );
float camScale = topLeft.magnitude * farClipPlane;
topLeft *= camScale;
Vector3 topRight = ( forward + toRight + toTop );
topRight *= camScale;
Vector3 bottomRight = ( forward + toRight - toTop );
bottomRight *= camScale;
Vector3 bottomLeft = ( forward - toRight - toTop );
bottomLeft *= camScale;
_corners[ 0 ] = position + orientation * bottomLeft;
_corners[ 1 ] = position + orientation * topLeft;
_corners[ 2 ] = position + orientation * topRight;
_corners[ 3 ] = position + orientation * bottomRight;
topLeft = ( forward - toRight + toTop );
camScale = topLeft.magnitude * nearClipPlane;
topLeft *= camScale;
topRight = ( forward + toRight + toTop );
topRight *= camScale;
bottomRight = ( forward + toRight - toTop );
bottomRight *= camScale;
bottomLeft = ( forward - toRight - toTop );
bottomLeft *= camScale;
_corners[ 4 ] = position + orientation * bottomLeft;
_corners[ 5 ] = position + orientation * topLeft;
_corners[ 6 ] = position + orientation * topRight;
_corners[ 7 ] = position + orientation * bottomRight;
#region Nested types
// When culling large numbers of static volumes per frame, it can be faster and more efficient to store just their
// bounding volume representations in a single indexed array, together with the culling results. This allows for
// extremely fast brute-force culling of large numbers of objects without the need to recursively traverse hierarchical
// spatial partition structures. This can in some particular cases actually be significantly faster.
// This was implemented for a specific use case in my own code and YMMV, so profile rigorously and make no assumptions.
public struct CullingBox
public Vector3 BoxCenter;
public Vector3 BoxExtents;
public bool IsInFrustum;
public struct CullingSphere
public Vector3 SphereCenter;
public float SphereRadius;
public bool IsInFrustum;
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