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Last active February 26, 2023 12:00
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  • Save INR-L/ce2e88d9e47261c535d7bc88c51368fa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save INR-L/ce2e88d9e47261c535d7bc88c51368fa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
const { inrl , tiny, config, inrlQuita, insult , getBuffer, randomStyle, styletext, send_alive, send_menu } = require('../lib/')
const Config = require("../config");
const {getVar}=require('../lib/database/variable');
const got = require('got');
pattern: ['apk'],
desc: 'no desc',
sucReact: "💯",
category: ["system", "all"],
type :'info'
async (message, client, match) => {
const {FOOTER, PREFIX} =await getVar();
let prefix =PREFIX =='false'?'':PREFIX;
if(!match) return message.reply('need name of apk');
match = match.trim();
let {body} = await got(`${match}`),listSerch =[];
body = JSON.parse(body).result;
for (let i =1;i<body.length;i++) {
title: body[i].title,
rowId: `${prefix}getapkinfo ${body[i].title}`,
description: `${FOOTER}`
const sections = [
title: "serch result for "+match,
rows: listSerch
const listMessage = {
text: "result for "+match,
footer: FOOTER,
title: '```'+`click the LIST button to viwe your result`+'```',
buttonText: "LIST",
return await client.sendMessage(message.from, listMessage, { quoted: message });
pattern: ['getapkinfo'],
desc: 'no desc',
sucReact: "💯",
category: ["system", "all"],
type :'info'
async (message, client, match) => {
const {FOOTER, PREFIX} =await getVar();
let prefix =PREFIX =='false'?'':PREFIX;
match = match.trim();
let {body} = await got(`${match}`);
body = JSON.parse(body).result;
for (let i =1;i<body.length;i++) {
return messag.reply(JSON.stringify(body[i].title.trim())+match);
if(body[i].title.trim() == match){
const buttons = [
{buttonId: `${prefix}apkdwd ${body[i].url}`, buttonText: {displayText: 'DOWNLOAD'}, type: 1},
const buttonMessage = {
image: {url: body[i].icon+'.jpeg'},
caption: `title: ${body[i].title} \n appID : ${body[i].appId}\ndeveloper : ${body[i].developer}\nurl:${body[i].url}\npaid: ${body[i].free}`,
footer: FOOTER,
buttons: buttons,
headerType: 4
return await client.sendMessage(messag.from, buttonMessage, {quoted:message});
pattern: ['apkdwd'],
desc: 'no desc',
sucReact: "💯",
category: ["system", "all"],
type :'info'
async (message, client, match) => {
try {
return await client.sendMessage(message.from, {
document: {
url: match.trim()
mimetype: 'apk',
fileName: "apk"
}, {
quoted: message
} catch(e){
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