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Last active December 2, 2021 06:32
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Minimal API — Azure Cosmos DB repository-pattern .NET SDK
// GitHub: 👨🏽‍💻
// Twitter: 🤓
// SDK: 🛠️
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using Microsoft.Azure.CosmosRepository;
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
var app = builder.Build();
if (app.Environment.IsDevelopment())
app.MapGet("/", () => "Hello World!");
app.MapGet("/hello", () => new { Hello = "World" });
app.MapGet("/todos", (IRepository<Todo> repo) => repo.GetByQueryAsync("SELECT * FROM Todos"));
app.MapGet("/todos/complete", (IRepository<Todo> repo) => repo.GetAsync(todo => todo.IsComplete));
app.MapGet("/todos/incomplete", (IRepository<Todo> repo) => repo.GetAsync(todo => !todo.IsComplete));
app.MapGet("/todos/{id}", async (string id, IRepository<Todo> repo) =>
var todo = await repo.GetAsync(id);
return todo is not null ? Results.Ok(todo) : Results.NotFound();
app.MapPost("/todos", async (Todo todo, IRepository<Todo> repo) =>
if (!MinimalValidation.TryValidate(todo, out var errors))
return Results.ValidationProblem(errors);
var newTodo = await repo.CreateAsync(todo);
return Results.Created($"/todos/{newTodo.Id}", newTodo);
app.MapPut("/todos/{id}", async (string id, Todo todo, IRepository<Todo> repo) =>
todo.Id = id;
if (!MinimalValidation.TryValidate(todo, out var errors))
return Results.ValidationProblem(errors);
todo = await repo.UpdateAsync(todo);
return Results.NoContent();
app.MapPut("/todos/{id}/mark-complete", async (string id, IRepository<Todo> repo) =>
var todo = await repo.GetAsync(id);
if (todo is null) return Results.NotFound();
todo.IsComplete = true;
_ = await repo.UpdateAsync(todo);
return Results.NoContent();
app.MapPut("/todos/{id}/mark-incomplete", async (string id, IRepository<Todo> repo) =>
var todo = await repo.GetAsync(id);
if (todo is null) return Results.NotFound();
todo.IsComplete = false;
_ = await repo.UpdateAsync(todo);
return Results.NoContent();
app.MapDelete("/todos/{id}", (string id, IRepository<Todo> repo) => repo.DeleteAsync(id));
await app.RunAsync();
class Todo : Item
public string? Title { get; set; }
public bool IsComplete { get; set; }
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