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Created May 17, 2019 17:29
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Restore environment var name after filename completion
" Vim plugin - restore environment var name after filename completion
" General: "{{{
" File: cxf_mod.vim
" Created: 2008 Jul 06
" Last Change: 2017 Oct 14
" Version: 0.6
" Author: Andy Wokula <>
" License: Vim license
" Description:
" Modifies i_Ctrl-X_Ctrl-F (file name completion):
" When i_Ctrl-X_Ctrl-F expands an environment variable, the expansion will
" be made undone when Insert mode is left. You can keep the path expanded
" by leaving Insert mode with CTRL-C.
" This makes sense unless there is a way to surpress the expansion at all.
" Notes:
" - uses mark 's
" - adjusts cursor position
" - will only restore one env var per Insert mode, exception: several vars
" in sequence, for example $HOMEDRIVE$HOMEPATH
" - will not restore an env var name that is typed in after the first
" Ctrl-X_Ctrl-F
" - check env var name pattern and env var name chars to escape for
" subst-repl
" - no adjust if cursor at or before env var position
" - save/restore mark s
" - cursor adjustment with multi-byte file names? Ok, but to be tested.
" + check Ctrl-C
" + BF: no longer tries to restore a partial env var name
" History:
" 2017 Oct 14 restoring fails if C-x C-f exceeds textwidth boundary,
" moving the filename to another line on InsertLeave
" 2016 Oct 30 moved from more\plugin to autoload, no default key
" 2015 Apr 10 ff=unix
" 2011 Mar 16 added a way to keep the path expanded
" Init Folklore: "{{{1
" if exists("loaded_cxf_mod")
" finish
" endif
if &cp
echomsg "cxf_mod: 'nocompatible' required"
elseif &cpo =~# '[<C]'
echomsg "cxf_mod: these cpo flags are evil: cpo-< cpo-C"
" maybe some more
" Mappings: {{{1
imap <Plug>(nwo-cxf-mod) <SID>CxfMod
" Internal Mappings: {{{1
inoremap <script> <SID>CxfMod <SID>SetupAu<SID>GetEnvName<C-X><C-F>
inoremap <expr> <SID>SetupAu <sid>SetupAutocmd()
inoremap <expr> <SID>GetEnvName <sid>MatchEnvVarName()
" Autocommands: {{{1
augroup cxf_mod
" InsertLeave
augroup End
" Functions: {{{1
func! nwo#mappings#cxf_mod#Plug()
return "\<Plug>(nwo-cxf-mod)"
func! <sid>SetupAutocmd()
au! cxf_mod InsertLeave * call s:CxfRestoreEnvVarName()
" recover after Ctrl-C:
au! cxf_mod InsertEnter * call s:CxfReset()
return ""
func! <sid>MatchEnvVarName()
mark s
let s:envvarname = matchstr(getline("'s"), '\%(\$\w\+\)\+')
" include special case $HOMEDRIVE$HOMEPATH
if s:envvarname != "" && exists(s:envvarname)
inoremap <SID>CxfMod <C-X><C-F>
return ""
func! s:CxfReset()
let s:envvarname = ""
inoremap <script> <SID>CxfMod <SID>SetupAu<SID>GetEnvName<C-X><C-F>
au! cxf_mod
func! s:CxfRestoreEnvVarName()
" assumptions: cursor is right from the env var position (if not on
" another line); there is only one occurence of s:envvarname in the line
if s:envvarname != ""
let envvalue = expand(s:envvarname)
let pat_envvalue = escape(envvalue, '\.*$^~[')
let repl_varname = s:envvarname
let oldline = getline("'s")
if oldline !~# pat_envvalue && getline('.') =~# pat_envvalue
" auto-formatting moved the filename to another line (only check
" if the current line is the "other" line)
let oldline = getline('.')
mark s
let oldlen = strlen(substitute(oldline,".","x","g"))
let newline = substitute(oldline, pat_envvalue, repl_varname, '')
let newlen = strlen(substitute(newline,".","x","g"))
let newcol = col(".") + newlen - oldlen
call setline("'s", newline)
if line(".") == line("'s")
call cursor(".", newcol)
" negative newcol doesn't move the cursor, just what we want
call s:CxfReset()
" Success And Modeline: {{{1
let loaded_cxf_mod = 1
" vim:set ts=8 noet fdm=marker:
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