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mdgrs-mei / TerminalCats.ps1
Last active April 22, 2024 11:12
Cats on the terminal titles
#Requires -Modules DynamicTitle
$promptJob = Start-DTJobPromptCallback {
if ($null -eq $script:terminalCatPromptFrame) {
$script:terminalCatPromptFrame = 0
$isInError = $false
if ($Error[0]) {
adimancv / css_dark_mode_gist_embed_code.css
Last active August 13, 2024 19:25
CSS Dark Mode Gist Embed Code
* Gist DarkCode ver 0.2.1
* Update 03/12/2021
.gist{font-size: 18px}.gist-meta, .gist-file, .octotree_toggle, ul.comparison-list > li.title,button.button, a.button, span.button, button.minibutton, a.minibutton,span.minibutton, .clone-url-button > .clone-url-link{background: linear-gradient(#202020, #181818) !important;border-color: #383838 !important;border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px !important;text-shadow: none !important;color: #b5b5b5 !important}.markdown-format pre, .markdown-body pre, .markdown-format .highlight pre,.markdown-body .highlight pre, pre, #facebox pre, .blob-expanded,.terminal, .copyable-terminal, #notebook .input_area, .blob-code-context,.markdown-format code, pre > code, .api pre, .api code,.CodeMirror,.highlight{background-color: #1D1F21!important;color: #C5C8C6!important}.gist .blob-code{padding: 1px 10px !important;text-align: left;background: #000;border: 0}::selection{background: #24890d;color: #fff;text-shadow: none}::-moz-selection{background:
0xbadfca11 /
Last active July 23, 2024 05:27
Windows ReFS versions